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The South African Families Database

Very little is known about what family life looked like for settlers in colonial South Africa during the 18th or 19th century, nor how events over these centuries might have affected demographic change. The primary reason for this lacuna is a shortage of adequate data. Historians and genealogists have, over the last century, worked to combine the rich administrative records that are available in t

On a Centrality Maximization Game

The Bonacich centrality is a well-known measure of the relative importance of nodes in a network. This notion is, for example, at the core of Google’s Page Rank algorithm. In this paper we study a network formation game where each player corresponds to a node in the network to be formed. The action of a player consists in the assignment of m out-links and his utility is his own Bonacich centrality

On games with coordinating and anti-coordinating agents

This work studies Nash equilibria for games where a mixture of coordinating and anti-coordinating agents, with possibly heterogeneous thresholds, coexist and interact through an all-to-all network. Whilst games with only coordinating or only anti-coordinating agents are potential, also in the presence of heterogeneities, this does not hold when both type of agents are simultaneously present. This

Optimal Targeting in Super-Modular Games

We study an optimal targeting problem for super-modular games with binary actions and finitely many players. The considered problem consists in the selection of a subset of players of minimum size such that, when the actions of these players are forced to a controlled value while the others are left to repeatedly play a best response action, the system will converge to the greatest Nash equilibriu

Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Thermoresponsive Vesicles Using a Zwitterionic and an Anionic Surfactant

Spontaneous formation of vesicles from the self-assembly of two specific surfactants, one zwitterionic (oleyl amidopropyl betaine, OAPB) and the other anionic (Aerosol-OT, AOT), is explored in water using small-angle scattering techniques. Two factors were found to be critical in the formation of vesicles: surfactant ratio, as AOT concentrations less than equimolar with OAPB result in cylindrical

Analysis of spatial co-occurrence between cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality and its spatial variation among the Swedish elderly (2010–2015)

CVD and cancer are the two leading causes of death worldwide. Improvement in cancer early detection and treatment has resulted in an increased number of cancer survivors. However, many of the survivors tend to develop CVD often leading to their demise. Conversely, people with pre-existing CVD conditions, especially the elderly, have increased chances of developing cancer and dying from the same. T

Exploring Traumatic Brain Injuries and Aggressive Antisocial Behaviors in Young Male Violent Offenders

Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disabilities and mortality worldwide, with higher prevalence in offender populations than in the general population. Previous research has strongly advocated increased awareness of TBI in offender populations. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence and characteristics of TBI, and to investigate associations and interactions

Structural and functional analysis of the inhibition of equine glutathione transferase A3-3 by organotin endocrine disrupting pollutants

Organotin compounds are highly toxic environmental pollutants with neurotoxic and endocrine-disrupting effects. They are potent inhibitors of glutathione transferases (GSTs), thus impeding their detoxication and antioxidant functions. Several GSTs, including equine GST A3-3 (EcaGST A3-3), exhibit steroid double-bond isomerase activity and are involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone and proges

Den existentiella psykoterapin som ontologisk hermeneutisk praktik

Hermeneutik, vetenskapen om tolkning, förknippar vi kanske vanligen med textstudier, men begreppet har kommit att få en vidare betydelse inom fenomenologin genom filosoferna Heidegger och Gadamer på ett sätt som är relevant för det psykoterapeutiska arbetet. Syftet med denna essä är att fördjupa diskussionen om dialektiken mellan det tolkande jaget och den andre, och spegla den mot en psykoterapeu

Breaking silos to guarantee control stability with communication over ethernet TSN

The cross-layer approach presented in this article involves co-designing a feedback controller’s parameters together with the schedule of an Ethernet network used for communicating state information and control signals. The temporal properties of an Ethernet network depend significantly on the schedules and routes of the data flows along switches. Researchers have studied various design-space expl

Platonic Perfectionism in John Williams’ Stoner

I argue that given a plausible reading of John Williams’s Stoner (2012 [1965]) the novel throws light on the demands and costs of pursuing a strategy for self-realisation along Platonic lines which seeks unification through the adoption of a single exclusive end in a manner that emulates the Socratic maieutic teacher. The novel does not explicitly argue either for or against such a strategy but ra

On the discovery of new elements (IUPAC/IUPAP Report) : Report of the 2017 Joint Working Group of IUPAC and IUPAP

Almost thirty years ago the criteria that are currently used to verify claims for the discovery of a new element were set down by the comprehensive work of a Transfermium Working Group, TWG, jointly established by IUPAC and IUPAP. The recent completion of the naming of the 118 elements in the first seven periods of the Periodic Table of the Elements was considered as an opportunity for a review of

Low levels of soluble TWEAK, indicating on-going inflammation, were associated with depression in type 1 diabetes : a cross-sectional study

Background: Low levels of the soluble tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) and depression are linked to cardiovascular disease. Galectin-3, inadequate glycemic control and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels were previously linked to depression in these patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The main aim was to explore whether sTWEAK was associat

Mandibulotomy access to tumour sites : fewer complications for postoperative compared with preoperative radiotherapy

The purpose of this study was to compare complication rates at the mandibulotomy site between patients receiving preoperative radiotherapy (RT) and those receiving postoperative RT during treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer where the surgical procedure required a mandibular osteotomy to gain access to the tumour. Sixty-four consecutive patients treated during the period 2000–2015 were avai

On SIR epidemic models with feedback-controlled interactions and network effects

We study extensions of the classical SIR model of epidemic spread. First, we consider a single population modified SIR epidemics model in which the contact rate is allowed to be an arbitrary function of the fraction of susceptible and infected individuals. This allows one to model either the reaction of individuals to the information about the spread of the disease or the result of government rest