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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Equilibria and Systemic Risk in Saturated Networks

We undertake a fundamental study of network equilibria modeled as solutions of fixed-point equations for monotone linear functions with saturation nonlinearities. The considered model extends one originally proposed to study systemic risk in networks of financial institutions interconnected by mutual obligations. It is one of the simplest continuous models accounting for shock propagation phenomen

Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks’ (SAON) Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (ROADS)

Arctic observing and data systems have been widely recognized as critical infrastructures to support decision making and understanding across sectors in the Arctic and globally. Yet due to broad and persistent issues related to coordination, deployment infrastructure and technology gaps, the Arctic remains among the most poorly observed regions on the planet from the standpoint of conventional obs

Visual adaptations in predatory and scavenging diurnal raptors

Ecological diversity among diurnal birds of prey, or raptors, is highlighted regarding their sensory abilities. While raptors are believed to forage primarily using sight, the sensory demands of scavengers and predators differ, as reflected in their visual systems. Here, I have reviewed the visual specialisations of predatory and scavenging diurnal raptors, focusing on (1) the anatomy of the eye a

Resonant nanodiffraction x-ray imaging reveals role of magnetic domains in complex oxide spin caloritronics

Spin electronic devices based on crystalline oxide layers with nanoscale thicknesses involve complex structural and magnetic phenomena, including magnetic domains and the coupling of the magnetism to elastic and plastic crystallographic distortion. The magnetism of buried nanoscale layers has a substantial impact on spincaloritronic devices incorporating garnets and other oxides exhibiting the spi

Communicating genetic information to family members : analysis of consent forms for diagnostic genomic sequencing

Communicating results from genomic sequencing to family members can play an essential role allowing access to surveillance, prevention, treatment or prophylactic measures. Yet, many patients struggle with communication of these results and it is unclear to what extent this is discussed during the consent process. We conducted an online systematic search and used content analysis to explore how con

Emergency department and hospital admissions among people with dementia living at home or in nursing homes : results of the European RightTimePlaceCare project on their frequency, associated factors and costs

Background: Evidence is lacking on the differences between hospitalisation of people with dementia living in nursing homes and those living in the community. The objectives of this study were: 1) to describe the frequency of hospital admission among people with dementia in eight European countries living in nursing homes or in the community, 2) to examine the factors associated with hospitalisatio

The Transition From Stochastic to Deterministic Bacterial Community Assembly During Permafrost Thaw Succession

The Northern high latitudes are warming twice as fast as the global average, and permafrost has become vulnerable to thaw. Changes to the environment during thaw leads to shifts in microbial communities and their associated functions, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the ecological processes that structure the identity and abundance (i.e., assembly) of pre- and post-thaw communitiesThe Northern high latitudes are warming twice as fast as the global average, and permafrost has become vulnerable to thaw. Changes to the environment during thaw leads to shifts in microbial communities and their associated functions, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the ecological processes that structure the identity and abundance (i.e., assembly) of pre- and post-thaw communities

The regional European atmospheric transport inversion comparison, EUROCOM : First results on European-wide terrestrial carbon fluxes for the period 2006-2015

Atmospheric inversions have been used for the past two decades to derive large-scale constraints on the sources and sinks of CO2 into the atmosphere. The development of dense in situ surface observation networks, such as ICOS in Europe, enables in theory inversions at a resolution close to the country scale in Europe. This has led to the development of many regional inversion systems capable of as

Plasma neurofilament light protein correlates with diffusion tensor imaging metrics in frontotemporal dementia

Neurofilaments are structural components of neurons and are particularly abundant in highly myelinated axons. The levels of neurofilament light chain (NfL) in both cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma have been related to degeneration in several neurodegenerative conditions including frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and NfL is currently considered as the most promising diagnostic and prognostic fluid

Postoperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and oncological outcomes of rectal cancer

BACKGROUND: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to suppress the inflammatory response after surgery and are often used for pain control. This study aimed to investigate NSAID use after radical surgical resection for rectal cancer and long-term oncological outcomes. METHODS: A cohort of patients who underwent anterior resection for rectal cancer between 2007 and 2013 in 15 hosp

Visible-light-driven hydrogen evolution using nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dot-implanted polymer dots as metal-free photocatalysts

Given the photocatalytic properties of semiconducting polymers and carbon quantum dots (CQDs), we report a new structure for a metal-free photocatalytic system with a promising efficiency for hydrogen production through the combination of an organic semiconducting polymer (PFTBTA) and N-doped carbon quantum dots (NCQDs) covered by PS-PEGCOOH to produce heterostructured photocatalysts in the form o

Towards homogenization of total body irradiation practices in pediatric patients across SIOPE affiliated centers. A survey by the SIOPE radiation oncology working group

Background and purpose: To reduce relapse risk, Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is part of conditioning regimens for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in pediatric acute leukemia. The study purpose was to evaluate clinical practices regarding TBI, such as fractionation, organ shielding and delivery techniques, among SIOPE affiliated radiotherapy centers. Methods: An electronic survey was

Land-för-land­rapportering av skatter – en ur hållbarhets­vinkel missad möjlighet

I den här artikeln redogör Axel Hilling, Niklas Sandell, Amanda Sonnerfeldt och Anders Vilhelmsson för utvecklingen av offentlig land-förlandrapportering av skatter inom EU. Författarna analyserar hur den aktuella regleringen förhåller sig till EU:s nya direktiv för hållbarhetsrapportering, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD.

Volcanic temperature changes modulated volatile release and climate fluctuations at the end-Triassic mass extinction

Emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is thought to have triggered global environmental changes and the end-Triassic mass extinction (ETE). However, the mechanisms linking volcanism and environmental change are unclear. Here we provide new insight into these linkages by measuring the abundance of both sedimentary five- to six-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and

Cold-induced anesthesia impairs path integration memory in dung beetles

Path integration is a general mechanism used by many animals to maintain an updated record of their position in relation to a set reference point.1–11 To do this, they continually integrate direction and distance information into a memorized home vector. What remains unclear is how this vector is stored, maintained, and utilized for successful navigation. A recent computational model based on the

Stability and phase transitions of dynamical flow networks with finite capacities

We study deterministic continuous-time lossy dynamical flow networks with constant exogenous demands, fixed routing, and finite flow and buffer capacities. In the considered model, when the total net flow in a cell —consisting of the difference between the total flow directed towards it minus the outflow from it— exceeds a certain capacity constraint, then the exceeding part of it leaks out of the

Marketization in Crisis : The Political Economy of COVID-19 and the Unmaking of Public Transport in Stockholm

While measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disturbed both global and local markets, some commentators also argued that the pandemic could be seen as the beginning of the end of neoliberalism. Although neoliberal reforms have come under pressure, little is known about the implications of COVID-19 in or across specific sectors. Scaling down the rich theoretical–historical debates about neolibe

Cystatin C Plays a Sex-Dependent Detrimental Role in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

The cysteine protease inhibitor Cystatin C (CST3) is highly expressed in the brains of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and C57BL/6J mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE; a model of MS), but its roles in the diseases are unknown. Here, we show that CST3 plays a detrimental function in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 (MOG35-55)-induced EAE but only in female animals. F

Optical Characterization of Methanol Sprays and Mixture Formation in a Compression-Ignition Heavy-Duty Engine

Methanol is not a fuel typically used in compression ignition engines due to the high resistance to auto-ignition. However, conventional diesel combustion and PPC offer high engine efficiency along with low HC and CO emissions, albeit with the trade-off of increased NOx and PM emissions. This trade-off balance is mitigated in the case of methanol and other alcohol fuels, as they bring oxygen in th