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Your search for "*" yielded 531807 hits

Dynamics of Aggregate Political Trust in the European Union; The role of national institutions and evaluations of economic benefits

Political trust in the EU has declined substantially in recent year and the growing divide between the Eurozone and the other member countries are at the heart of the scholarly debate. As a result, there is a growing body of literature on the determinants of political trust and public opinions in the EU. Existing research propose and test several explanations for the foundations of political trust

En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers professionella erfarenheter och funktion i suicidprevention

The purpose of the study is to examine how school counselors work professionally with suicide prevention and what experience they have in helping suicidal high school students. Qualitative method were used to obtain the results. The sample has been made through a purposive sampling of school counselors in northwest Skåne. The result of the study showed that all school counselors have professional

”Mobbning är inte svart eller vitt” – En kvalitativ studie om grundskollärares perspektiv

The aim of the study was to examine how Swedish primary school teachers’reason about the definition of bullying, the phenomena of bullying and the management of bullying. We have studied primary school teachers in a specific geographical area, which have high numbers of bullying cases. The method used in this study was qualitative and we have interviewed seven different primary school teachers. Th

Towards the Pluriverse - How to connect Degrowth and Ubuntu

This thesis scrutinizes the possibilities for a connection of Degrowth and Ubuntu within a transition discourse, thereby promoting the validity of pluriversal knowledges. It presents and compares the two philosophies, brings arguments for a connection and discusses possible benefits. It draws from expert interviews, observations and informal interviews conducted in a two months research period in

Makt, motstånd och missbruk : En kvalitativ undersökning om konstruktionen av klienten i LVM-domar

The aim of the study was to examine verdicts from the Swedish Administrative court regarding the Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act, LVM. The aim was to examine how the client and the client’s need of treatment is constructed in the verdicts, by the authorities and by the client itself. Sixteen convictions were analysed through qualitative text analysis. The study found that authorities; the

Post-Disaster Recovery Through Art: A case study of Reborn-Art Festival in Ishinomaki, Japan

This thesis closely examines Reborn-Art Festival, a new arts and culture festival inaugurated during the summer of 2017 in one of the regions hardest hit by the triple disaster that devastated the northeastern coastline of Japan in 2011. In the face of an unspeakable tragedy like the Great East Japan Earthquake art may not seem like a central concern, but this thesis focuses on that subject specif

Putting the power in plants : using green infrastructure to reduce nonpoint source pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the urban center of Dublin

Coastal ecosystems are some of the most productive, and most at risk, in the world. These ecosystems are at risk due to the high levels of pollution entering the system. Most of this pollution comes from either run off or atmospheric deposition. There are a few ways in which this pollution could be tackled without a complete overhaul of societal systems, the most common solutions being grey or gre

Varför tycker vi inte bara alla lika? : En kvantitativ studie om inställningar och tillit till den svenska välfärdsstaten hos personer med utländsk bakgrund

Authors: Björn Silverbåge & Lovisa Andersson Title: Why do we not all think alike? – A quantitative study about attitudes and trust towards the Swedish welfare state among people with a foreign heritage. Supervisor: Anna Tegunimataka Assessor:Håkan Johansson The aim of this study was to investigate attitudes and trust towards the Swedish welfare state among people with a foreign heritage b

The Swedish Container Shipping Industry: An Analysis of Service Quality Perception and its Measurement

Title: The Swedish Container Shipping Industry: An Analysis of the Service Quality Perception and its Measurement Purpose of the paper: The aim of this research paper is to gain a greater understanding of the container shipping industry. This way the notion of service quality can be brought to the given industry and acknowledge the perceptions of various actors regarding the aspects of quality in

What Do The Best Strategic Thinkers Do? A Case Study of Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking Among Managers at E.ON

Strategic thinking is a popular topic in management journals, and many researchers have highlighted the importance of strategic thinking in managerial contexts. Still, there is a lack of consensus in the extant literature about what strategic thinking is, how it can be measured, and what are the cognitive elements that shape it. However, Prinsloo (2007) indicated that the Cognitive Process Profile

Good Enough eller Mission Impossible? Psykoterapeuters tankar om att bedriva psykodynamisk terapi inom ramen för vårdvalet i Region Skåne. En kvalitativ studie.

I psykodynamisk teori och traditionell praxis är en av grundteserna att tidpunkten för terapins slut ska vara en öppen fråga när terapin inleds och sedan beslutas om av terapeut och patient tillsammans. Denna tes står i konflikt med begränsningen till maximalt 25 terapisessioner för psykodynamisk psykoterapi inom Avtal för Psykoterapi i Hälsoval Skåne. Vilka konsekvenser detta får för de terapeuteOne of the basic premises in psychodynamic theory and traditional practice is that the point of closure is left open, and the therapist and patient together decide when the therapy is to end. This conflicts with the limit of 25 therapy sessions stipulated in the agreement between the health authority and psychotherapists, Avtal för Psykoterapi i Hälsoval Skåne. The consequences of this for the the

The Effects of Decentralization on Economic Growth in the Political Periphery in Indonesia

Does decentralization promote economic growth? This paper attempts to shed light upon this rather debatable topic by measuring the real effects of decentralization on economic growth in the political periphery in Indonesia. Indonesia issued decentralization laws that were implemented in 2001, which affected all districts except those in the special province of DKI Jakarta. Therefore, the effects o

"When a face has been threatened, face-work must be done"

The emergence of social media opens up more places for interaction. The interaction enables individuals to produce how they want to be perceived by an audience, which can be referred to as image. Image is essential since people will act to fit this picture. However, image can be ravaged in a moment, which causes individuals to take actions to repair the audience's perception of image, if threa

Bostadsförsörjning för nyanlända

Under de senaste 10 åren har cirka en miljon människor sökt asyl i Sverige varav hela 163 000 enbart under 2015 när den stora flyktingvågen tog fart i världen. Detta satte stor press på Sveriges hantering av flyktingar och framförallt kommunernas bostadsförsörjningsansvar. Den 1 mars 2016 införde regeringen beslutet att kommunerna är skyldiga att ta emot ett visst antal nyanlända i syfte att ge deDuring the last 10 years approximately one million people have applied for asylum in Sweden and 163 000 only during the big stream of immigrants in 2015. This put a huge pressure on the Swedish management of immigrants and the housing for this group of people. The 1st of March 2016 the Swedish Government introduced a law where the Swedish municipalities are obligated to receive a certain number of

Den berättande reklamen - när känslorna spelar huvudrollen - En kvalitativ studie om användningen av storytelling i reklamfilmer

Användandet av storytelling i syfte att marknadsföra är allt mer vanligt, trots det finns det fortfarande en brist på information som vägleder företag i hur de kan använda storytelling och vilka tekniker de kan dra nytta av. Därmed syftar denna studie till att analysera hur storytelling kan användas i ett marknadsföringssyfte utifrån två prisbelönta reklamfilmer. Vidare har studien även till syfteStorytelling is a common marketing practice, although there is still an absence within the field of research regarding how companies can use storytelling and what techniques they can draw use from. Therefore, this study aims to analyse how storytelling can be used in marketing by studying two prizewinning commercials. Accordingly, this study also aims to provide marketing practitioners with deeper

English in Europe post-Brexit: An analysis of the post-Brexit discourse surrounding English as a European lingua franca

This essay examines in what ways the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union negatively affects the status of English as a lingua franca in Europe, if at all. I theorize that English will continue to play a major part in the lives of regular Europeans in the future, but that politicians and other public figures in Europe may push for a change in language policy and language planning in order

Den genuine konvertiten - En sociologisk analys kring identitet och social ordning vid utredning av religiös övertygelse som asylskäl

Religionsfriheten är central i de mänskliga rättigheterna och inbegriper rätten att konvertera, det vill säga byta religion. Denna frihet är dock inte självklar överallt utan en person kan behöva söka internationellt skydd, asyl, om denne riskerar förföljelse, omänsklig behandling eller dödsstraff på grund av sin religiösa övertygelse i sitt ursprungsland. Vid asylutredning i Sverige där konversio

How Markets Value The Blockchain Technology: An Empirical Analysis

In this work company announcements of blockchain name changes are empirically analysed to obtain a sense of how markets value the blockchain technology. This “blockchain effect” is analysed using an event study in order to calculate cumulative abnormal returns for multiple event windows. The “blockchain effect” generates cumulative average abnormal return of 58 percent for the five days surroundin