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Your search for "*" yielded 532700 hits

Virtual Environment for Development of Visual Servoing Control Algorithms

Our problem considered was whether a virtual environment could be used for development of visual servoing control algorithms. We have used a virtual environment for the comparison of several kinds of controllers. The virtual environment is done in Java, and it consists of two industrial robots, IRB 2000 and IRB 6, a camera stereo system with two cameras mounted on the end-effector of the IRB 6, an

Rapid prototyping with Matlab/Simulink-- A case study.

In order to minimise development time it is important to be able to implement and test control functions at an early stage in a project, even before the electronic hardware of the new product is available. For this purpose, a PC based rapid prototyping system including a graphical modelling/simulation tool and automatic C code generation for real-time simulations with hardware in the loop may be u

Individen och organisationen - En kvalitativ studie om en äldreorganisation och dess personal

The aim of this study was to investigate the health and job satisfaction in Swedish elderly care. The data was collected by doing semi-structured interviews with employees at an elderly care facility in an average sized Swedish city. Participants were chosen randomly, but it was made sure that the balance between formally educated and non-formally educated personnel was nearly equal. The Human Res

Water Well Investigations in the Nampula Province, Mozambique - A Minor Field Study

Access to clean water for drinking and sanitation is a human right. Today water scarcity is a large problem and inequality in access to safe water is a striking truth. In Mozambique, the US foreign aid agency Millennium Challenge Corporation introduced the Rural Water Point Installation Program to increase access to safe water and sanitation – a step towards reducing poverty. 600 water points – in

Identication, analysis and prediction of frequent hitters from high-throughput screening

High-throughput screening is one of the most extensively used methods for the identification of molecules of interest during early stages of drug development projects. It is however subject to many artifacts due to various mechanisms. Aggregation and redox cycling are examples of mechanisms of unspecific inhibition that make a large number of compounds appear as active in several high throughput s

Den dyslektiske musiklärarens värld - en undersökning av hinder och möjligheter

Studien undersöker hur musiklärare med diagnosen dyslexi hanterar sin arbetssituation i skolan. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att utforska några av de överväganden och konkreta metoder som används i den praktiska lärargärningen. Studien undersöker även hur dessa musiklärare själva upplever sin situation och hur de förhåller sig till hinder och tillgångar. För att främja bästa möjliga lärsitu

Search for Jet Quenching in Pb-Pb collisions at s_NN = 2.76 TeV

Inom fysikens värld finns det väldigt många olika grenar som fördjupar sig inom väldigt specifika aspekter av fysiken. Tillsammans med alla dessa grenar så kan en helhetsförståelse av naturens lagar bildas; från den allra minsta molekylen, till sjärnor ljusår ifrån. Partikelfysik är den gren inom fysiken som undersöker vad som händer på den minsta skalan av materia. Ämnet beskriver hur fundamentalThe purpose of this thesis is to further investigate the state of matter known as Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) that is produced in heavy ion collisions. This is done by analyzing jets and jet quenching in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt[]{s_\textrm{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV from ALICE. The events are discriminated by setting a 8 GeV/$c$ $p_\textrm{T}$ threshold on the trigger particle. This ensures that there is ha

HCCI Engine Modeling and Control using Conservation Principles

The aim of the thesis is to model engine physics and dynamics and to design controllers based on the physical model. By implementing equations and solving them it's possible to describe the major phenomena in a four stroke engine running in HCCI mode. To describe the cycle-tocycle connection in the model a wall temperature model was introduced. This wall model is used to simulate the engine dy

Vehicle Dynamics Control for Rollover Mitigation

Characterized by a high ratio between the height of center of gravity and the track-width, commercial vehicle dynamics differ from passenger car dynamics. The roll stability limit, measured in terms of lateral acceleration, is much lower, while longitudinal and lateral load transfer during braking and cornering reduce the yaw stability, resulting in roll motion. Rollovers are dangerous and possibl

Modelling of Crankcase Gas Behaviour in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine

The origin of many environmental and health hazardous emissions from diesel engines are the crankcase gases. Since no regulations of the emission levels from the crankcase have existed in the past, no attention has been paid to cleaning crankcase gases. New regulations are coming up and they will all demand lower emissions from the engine. This has lead to the introduction of the Alfdex separator.

Reglering av siktesplattform med asynkronmotor

The task of this masters thesis is to investigate the properties of Natural Field Orientation, NFO, a new patented method for controlling the asynchronous motor. The intention is to see whether NFO would make it possible to, in the future, replace the expensive hydraulic motors that are being used in CelsiusTech Electronics' radar directors today with inexpensive hydraulic motors that are bein

Tidsoptimering av en lödprocess

This report investigates time optimization of a process where brazed heat exchangers are soldered in a vacuum furnace. This process consists of three phases, heating soldering and cooling. Physical models have been obtained by using stationary conditions. These are not sufficient to describe the actual very complex behavior. Instead, nonphysical models have been identified. Simulations of the heat