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Refined distribution of frit. Method and design tool for improved thermal comfort in glazed spaces.

Thermal comfort in highly glazed buildings has long proven to be a troublesome matter due to unwanted passive solar heat gains. Excessive solar gains are commonly counteracted with energy-intensive cooling systems and/or comprehensive shading devices. Shading devices are used to adjust solar heat transmission through glazing. Conventional devices may be protruding such as lamellas and overhangs o

Interspecific competition affects spore germination and gametophyte development of mosses

Even though protonemal development of bryophytes has been well studied, it remains unknown whether interspecific competition among mosses species affects their early growth and development. This study evaluated the effects of interspecific competition on in vitro germination and gametophyte development between each pair-wise combination from six common moss species: Atrichum undulatum, Bryum argen

Additive Manufacturing in Production - for the Automotive Industry

Additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing and abbreviated AM) opens up for numerous opportunities in increasing business profit while perhaps also improving sustainability. There are some knowledge gaps though in how and when AM could be implemented successfully for production purposes, and as AM is quite information intensive it is also problematic to keep track of advances in technology

Svenskhet som politisk mobilisering

Social identity is a well established concept in social psychology, and nationality as social identity has been theorised to function as a powerful tool for political mobilisation in democratic elections. With this in mind, the purpose of this text is to analyse how the Swedish far-right political party the Sweden Democrats constructs the social identity Swede. To this end, a discourse analysis of

Underlättande och hindrande faktorer vid implementering av nya arbetssätt i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. En studie av ett pilotprojekt.

Studiens syfte var att kartlägga underlättande, respektive hindrande faktorer i en implementeringsprocess. Detta gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av chefer och behandlare från de BUP-kliniker som ingick i implementeringsprojektet ”Deplyftet” (EBP-DL). Forskningsfrågorna för studien var: 1) Hur uppfattar behandlare och chefer implementeringsprocessen och EBP-DL:s olika delar? 2) Vad uppfaThe purpose of the present study was to study an implementation process of evidence based practice guidelines for assessing and treating youth depression within the project “Deplyftet” (EBP-DL). The method used was semi-structured interviews with participating managers and practitioners from the four BUP-clinics in EBP-DL, and research questions were 1) How do participants experience the implement

Optimal Control and Path Following for Industrial Robots

When using industrial robots in production lines both speed and accuracy is of great importance. This thesis investigates how off-line optimization can be used to create references to a control structure with the aim of traversing a given path in as little time as possible, under given input constraints, without deviating from the path. In this thesis Modelica and Optimica is used to formulate and

Batch-produktion av biologiska ämnen: Teminologi, metoder och verktyg för förbättrad batch-strategi vid Novozymes Biopharma AB

In every kind of industry there is a wish to use the resources available in the best way possible. If this can be achieved, both time and money can be saved and profit will be maximized. The problem is to know in which way this can be done. When is a resource used in an optimal way? This question was in focus when Novozymes Biopharma AB was about to expand their batch production. In order to contr

New Web based HMI portal för Tetra Pak equipment

The topic of this master thesis is the development of a new Web based HMI portal for Tetra Aptiva Aseptic. The aim is an open source code project where the basic idea is examined and partly implemented during this master thesis. Through a new technique, developed by Tetra Pak, clients can subscribe on topics of interest, which can be viewed on any trusted and connected computer within the Tetra Pa

Arbiter and Simulation for Team Caltech in DARPA Grand Challenge

Abstract I would like to thank my mentor Richard Murray at the Control and Dynamical Systems Department of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for giving me the opportunity of conducting my master's thesis at Caltech and for his support during the project. I would also like to thank my other mentor Anders Rantzer at the Department of Automatic Control of Lund Institute of Technology u

Underwater Locomotion of Swimming Cylinders

The object of this thesis is to explore of a planar, almost circular amoeba, can move efficiently in an inviscid fluid. We investigate a homogenous amoeba and a heterogeneous amoeba and find that motion is possible for both using the physical fact that more work is needed when moving a bulky body in a fluid than when moving a small body of the same mass. For our calculations to be valid only small

State of Charge Observer for Hybrid Vehicles

As a part of a research project, AB Volvo Technological Development is investigating the properties of traction batteries of different types. The aim is to find a suitable energy storage for electric/hybrid vehicles. This master thesis examines the possibility of using a non-linear model of a traction battery to construct a device that accurately estimates the battery State of Charge (SoC) under

Introduction of Adaptive Active Filters in HVDC Systems

When converting electric power from AC to DC, a 12-pulse converter is often used. Unfortunately, the converter creates harmonics superimposed on the DC voltage. These are removed by filters. A passive filter is normally used, but active filters may be added for improved performance. However, the drift in component values due to fluctuations in temperature and the change in load, makes it difficult

Implementering av en fuzzyregulator

The report refers to a master thesis project which has been done at SattControl AB and the Institute of Technology in Lund. The purpose of the project was to implement a fuzzy controller in SattLine, a new system of SattControl.