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Popular Abstract in German n/a[abstract missing]
Popular Abstract in German n/a[abstract missing]
Call the Dependence Thesis the popular view that values are dependent on emotions. This paper argues that the Dependence Thesis is amenable to different readings and critiques one particular reading. According to the Definitional Dependence Thesis, definitions of evaluative concepts necessarily have to appeal to emotions. By contrast, according to the Epistemic Dependence Thesis, which is the targ
Patch antennas on inhomogeneous substrates are analyzed with the stable FEM-FDTD hybrid method [T. Rylander and A. Bondeson, “Stable FEMFDTD hybrid method for Maxwell’s equations,” Comput. Phys. Comm. 125, 75 (2000)] and an analytic propagator technique. For inhomogeneous substrates with a fixed homogenized value of the permittivity, our results conjecture that a decrease of the permittivity in the
Det talas även i forskningen om exempelvis “maladaptivt” eller “problematiskt” användande av exempelvis datorspel eller internet. Men de studier som gjorts är rätt ense om att det inte är nätet som är problemet. Datar man så mycket att man inte längre sover, äter eller tar hand om sig själv är det förstås ett bekymmer. Men internet är då en del av symptomen på något annat.
This paper describes one approach to verification of governor response during normal operation. It is based on field tests carried out in four hydro power plants in the Sweden. The experiments were carried out in September 1976 but have not been published internationally until now. Additional analysis and simulations were carried out during the preparation of this paper in July 2002.