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Lenalidomide induces ubiquitination and degradation of CK1α in del(5q) MDS

Lenalidomide is a highly effective treatment for myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with deletion of chromosome 5q (del(5q)). Here, we demonstrate that lenalidomide induces the ubiquitination of casein kinase 1A1 (CK1α) by the E3 ubiquitin ligase CUL4-RBX1-DDB1-CRBN (known as CRL4CRBN), resulting in CK1α degradation. CK1α is encoded by a gene within the common deleted region for del(5q) MDS and haploi

Sub-cycle ionization dynamics revealed by trajectory resolved, elliptically-driven high-order harmonic generation

The sub-cycle dynamics of electrons driven by strong laser fields is central to the emerging field of attosecond science. We demonstrate how the dynamics can be probed through high-order harmonic generation, where different trajectories leading to the same harmonic order are initiated at different times, thereby probing different field strengths. We find large differences between the trajectories

Greater Copenhagen och mindre Öresund?

Öresundsregionen har under decennier utvecklats till ett viktigt samarbetsprojektkring arbetsmarknad, bostadsmarknad, näringsliv, konsumtion, turism och kulturlängs den svensk-danska gränsen. Men under senare år har det skett en nedgång ibland annat pendling mellan den danska och den svenska sidan. I detta kapitel kanvi med hjälp av de sydsvenska SOM-undersökningarna visa att skåningarna tycks bry

Den statliga revisionen i Norden : Forskning, praktik och politik

Medborgarnas ögon på makten och en grundpelare i vårt demokratiska styrelseskick. Så beskrivs ibland den statliga revision som bedrivs vid riksrevisioner runt om i världen. Här genomförs oberoende granskningar som ska säkerställa att medborgare och deras företrädare i parlamenten får kunskap om hur statligt finansierade verksamheter använder sina medel.Idag står den statliga revisionen inför en ra

What does “nothing over and above its parts” actually mean?

Some philosophers say that a whole is “nothing over and above” its parts. Most also take general extensional mereology to be treating wholes as “nothing over and above” their parts. It is not always clear, however, what exactly is meant by the phrase “nothing over and above.” Nor is it obvious why the phrase is associated with mereology, and what purpose it serves there. In the words of Peter Van

Iliac crest histomorphometry and skeletal heterogeneity in men

Purpose The cortical characteristics of the iliac crest in male have rarely been investigated with quantitative histomorphometry. Also it is still unknown how cortical microarchitecture may vary between the iliac crest and fractures related sites at the proximal femur. We studied the microarchitecture of both external and internal cortices within the iliac crest, and compared the results with femo

Spatial summation improves bird color vision in low light intensities

Color guides many important behaviors in birds. Previously we have shown that the intensity threshold for color discrimination in the chicken depends on the color contrast between stimuli and their brightness. The birds could discriminate larger color contrasts and brighter colors in lower light intensities. We suggested that chickens use spatial summation of cone signals to maintain color vision

Runge-Kutta Restarters for Multistep Methods in Presence of Frequent Discontinuities

Differential equations with discontinuities or differential equations coupled to discrete systems require frequent re-initializations of the numerical solution process. The classical starting process of multistep methods, based on increasing the order in the initialization phase, is computationally expensive when frequent discontinuities occur. Instead we propose to use the stage values or weight

Judging those closest from afar: The effect of psychological distance and abstraction on value-judgment correspondence in responses to ingroup moral transgressions

The purpose of the present research was to examine the effect of psychological distance and abstraction on judgment of ingroup moral transgressions. Based on Construal Level Theory (Trope & Liberman, 2010), we hypothesized that psychological distance and high level construal increases the degree to which moral value preference determines judgment (value-judgment correspondence) in response to

A multi-purpose imaging endstation for high-resolution micrometer-scaled sub-second tomography

Time-resolved imaging of dynamic processes, ranging from biological in vivo studies to materials under in situ and in operando conditions, requires a flexible endstation capable of controlling complex components that interact in different configurations and at high speeds. At the X02DA TOMCAT beamline we have recently achieved in situ tomographic measurements at a rate of 20 Hz. Independently, we

Isolation and cultivation of anaerobes

Anaerobic microorganisms play important roles in different biotechnological processes. Their complex metabolism and special cultivation requirements have led to less isolated representatives in comparison to their aerobic counterparts. In view of that, the isolation and cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms is still a promising venture, and conventional methodologies as well as considerations an

Prognostic impact of epigenetic classification in chronic lymphocytic leukemia : The case of subset #2

ABSTRACT: Based on the methylation status of 5 single CpG sites, a novel epigenetic classification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was recently proposed, classifying CLL patients into 3 clinico-biological subgroups with different outcome, termed memory like CLL (m-CLL), naïve like CLL (n-CLL), and a third intermediate CLL subgroup (i-CLL). While m-CLL and n-CLL patients at large corresponded

A simple method to calculate first-passage time densities with arbitrary initial conditions

Numerous applications all the way from biology and physics to economics depend on the density of first crossings over a boundary. Motivated by the lack of general purpose analytical tools for computing first-passage time densities (FPTDs) for complex problems, we propose a new simple method based on the independent interval approximation (IIA). We generalise previous formulations of the IIA to inc

The polysemy of ‘fallacy’—or ‘bias’, for that matter

Starting with a brief overview of current usages (Sect. 2), this paper offers some constituents of a use-based analysis of ‘fallacy’, listing 16 conditions that have, for the most part implicitly, been discussed in the literature (Sect. 3). Our thesis is that at least three related conceptions of ‘fallacy’ can be identified. The 16 conditions thus serve to “carve out” a semantic core and to distin

Wake analysis of drag components in gliding flight of a jackdaw (Corvus monedula) during moult

To maintain the quality of the feathers, birds regularly undergo moult. It is widely accepted that moult affects flight performance, but the specific aerodynamic consequences have received relatively little attention. Here we measured the components of aerodynamic drag from the wake behind a gliding jackdaw (Corvus monedula) at different stages of its natural wing moult. We found that span efficie