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Reactions of [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)(10)(mu-OMe)] and [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)9(mu-OMe)(MeCN)] with dppm, dppe, dppp, and PPh2H: X-ray crystal structures of [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)8(mu-OMe)-(mu(2)-eta(2)-dppm)] and [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)(9)(mu-OMe)(PPh2H)]

Treatment of [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)(10)(mu-OMe)] (1) with dppm {dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane} at 110 degrees C gave the known compound [Os-3(CO)(10)(mu(2)-eta(2)-dppm)] (2) and the new compound [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)(8)(mu-OMe)(mu(2)-eta(2)-dppm)] (3). A similar reaction of 1 with dppe {dppe=bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane} afforded two products, [(mu-H)Os-3(CO)(8)(mu-OMe)(mu(1)-eta(2)-dppe)] (5) and [(mu-

Glutathione peroxidase activity, and content of total and soluble selenium in five bovine and porcine organs used in meat production

Glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity, and total and soluble selenium content were compared in five bovine and porcine organs. The highest GSHPx activity in porcine tissues was found in the liver (35.0 U/g), spleen (29.3 U/g) and kidney (27.3 U/g) with much lower values in the heart (1.8 U/g) and diaphragm (0.8 U/g). A different pattern with lower inter-organ variation in GSHPx activity was obse

Folding of S6 structures with divergent amino acid composition: Pathway flexibility within partly overlapping foldons

Studies of circular permutants have demonstrated that the folding reaction of S6 from Thermus thermophilus (S6(T)) is malleable and responds in an ordered manner to changes of the sequence separation between interacting residues: the S6(T) permutants retain a common nucleation pattern in the form of a two-strand-helix motif that can be recruited from different parts of the structure. To further te

Exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs), such aspolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) and its major metabolite 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p' -DDE) have been associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in recent epidemiological studies. We have analysed 2,2',4,4',5,5' -hexachlorobiphenyl (C

Phosphorylation and activation of phosphodiesterase type 3B (PDE3B) in adipocytes in response to serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors: deactivation of PDE3B in vitro by protein phosphatase type 2A

Phosphodiesterase type 3B (PDE3B) has been shown to be activated and phosphorylated in response to insulin and hormones that increase cAMP. In order to study serine/threonine protein phosphatases involved in the regulation of rat adipocyte PDE3B, we investigated the phosphorylation and activation of PDE3B in vivo in response to phosphatase inhibitors and the dephosphorylation and deactivation of P

Modulation of antigen-antibody complexations by immunoglobulins.

In this investigation, the modulating effects of non-immune human IgG and rheumatoid factors (RFs) on antigen-antibody complexations were studied. Non-immune human IgG, as well as RF, were found to inhibit the binding of antigen to specific antibodies of both human and rabbit origin. In addition, human immunoglobulins were also able to modify the composition of preformed antigen-antibody complexes

Thyroid autoantibodies in cord blood sera from children and adolescents with autoimmune thyroiditis.

Autoimmune thyroid disease is common among women of childbearing age. Thyroid autoantibodies are predominantly of the immunoglobulin G (IgG)-type and pass the placental barrier from mother to child. Recent studies have suggested a pathogenetic role for transplacentally transmitted autoantibodies in the development of autoimmune disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate if children a

Exploring Spirituality and Unchurched Religions in America, Sweden, and Japan

A typology of churched and unchurched religions is developed and then used to analyse the status of unchurched spirituality in the United States, Sweden, and Japan. In the United States, churched religions remain strong, while most of those who say they have no religious preference are quite religious, merely unchurched. In Sweden, the lack of participation in the state church seems to be more tha

Economic costs of care in extremely low birthweight infants during the first 2 years of life

OBJECTIVE: To assess the 2-yr costs of extremely low birthweight infants' (ELBWIs; birthweight, < 1000 g) care in relation to birthweight, outcome, and the costs of normal birthweight infants. DESIGN: Cost data were obtained from care-giving hospitals and by a parental questionnaire. Outcome data from the perinatal and neonatal periods and from the first 2 yrs for both ELBWIs and control infants h

The use of intravascular ultrasound as control procedure for the deployment of endovascular stented grafts

OBJECTIVE: To assess whether intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), used systematically in a series of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), is a feasible control procedure to ensure correct transfemoral placement of endovascular stent grafts (TPEG). DESIGN: Descriptive study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fourteen patients with infrarenal aortic aneurysms were treated by the placement of one tube gr

Study of Na-19 at SPIRAL

The excitation function for the elastic-scattering reaction p( 18Ne, p) 18Ne was measured with the first radioactive beam from the SPIRAL facility at the GANIL laboratory and with a solid cryogenic hydrogen target. Several broad resonances have been observed, corresponding to new excited states in the unbound nucleus 19Na. In addition, two-proton emission events have been identified and are discus

A Swedish translation and validation of the Disgust Scale: A measure of disgust sensitivity

The psychometric properties of a Swedish version of Haidt, McCauley and Rozin's (1994) Disgust Scale were studied. Confirmatory factor analysis of the original model with eight factors (food, animals, body products, sex, body envelope violations, death, hygiene, and magic) provided satisfactory fit to the data (N= 280), significantly better than to the alternative one-factor and five-factor models

Ariadne at HERA and at the LHC

I describe briefly the status of the ARIADNE program implementing the Dipole Cascade Model and comment both on its performance at HERA, and the uncertainties relating to the extrapolation to LHC energies.

Neural regeneration along longitudinal polyglactin sutures across short and extended defects in the rat sciatic nerve

Object. The authors have previously shown that longitudinal sutures without artificial tube support regeneration across a 7-mm gap in the rat sciatic nerve. In the present study, the authors, compared this new approach with the use of autologous nerve grafts across short defects and examined whether the approach could be used to support regeneration across extended gaps and whether the interpositi