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The filler EH in Swedish
Findings from a pilot study on the distribution, function and phonetic realization of the filler EH in interviews from SweDia2000 interviews are presented. The results show that EH occurs almost exclusively after function words at the beginning of constituents. The phonetic realization of EH was seen to be of three basic forms: a middle-high vowel (e.g. [e], [ɛ], [ə]), a vowel+nasal (e.g. [ɛm], [ə
Historiskt perspektiv på katastrofer
Brottslighetens kostnader
Låt cheferna rita bilderna själva!
Alternative cell sources for transplantation in experimental Parkinson’s disease.
Folding intermediates of wild-type and mutants of barnase. I. use of @f-value analysis and m-values to probe the cooperative nature of the folding pre-equilibrium
It is difficult to determine whether transient folding intermediates have a cooperative (or first-order) folding transition without measuring their rates of formation directly. An intermediate I could be formed by a second-order transition from a denatured state D that is progressively changed into I as conditions are changed. We have not been able to monitor the rate of formation of the folding i
Design och konst : texter om gränser och överskridanden. Del 2: Texter efter 1960
A pTalpha-negative subpopulation of CD25+ TN thymocytes revealed by a transgenic marker.
We have recently generated 5'lambda5-huTAC mice, which express the human CD25 (huTAC) gene under the control of the 5'-flanking region of the mouse lambda5-gene. The huTAC-transgene was expressed in pre-B cells but neither in mature B cells nor in T cells of these mice. In this report we demonstrate that the transgene is also transiently expressed by adult CD25+ CD3-CD4-CD8- (triple negative, TN)
A Monte Carlo study of the energy dependence of Al2O3 : C crystals for real-time in vivo dosimetry in mammography
In a previous experimental study, a novel method for in vivo dosimetry has been investigated, based on radioluminescence (RL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). However, because of (fie large difference in atomic composition between the detector material and the breast tissue, relatively large energy dependence in low-energy X-ray beams can be expected. In the present work, the energy de
Tiling-resolution array-CGH reveals the pattern of DNA copy number alterations in acute lymphoblastic leukemia with 21q amplification: the result of telomere dysfunction and breakage/fusion/breakage cycles?
Tvinga verkligheten till innebörd : studier i Kjell Espmarks lyrik fram till och med Sent i Sverige
Popular Abstract in Swedish Framställningen är kronologiskt upplagd och uppdelad i två steg. Första delen av studien behandlar perioden från 1948-1961 och synar Kjell Espmarks envetna strävan efter en självständig poetik från gymnasieskriverierna fram till och med de tre första diktsamlingarna, Mordet på Benjamin (1956), Världen genom kameraögat (1958) och Mikrokosmos (1961). Därefter kartläggs deSince his1956 début Kjell Espmark (b. 1930) has played a seminal part in Swedish post-War literature as both a poet and a novelist, and as an academic. To this date Espmark has written a dozen books of poetry, several novels, and has published highly influential works on Modernist poetry. Espmark's poetry is generically heterogeneous, and although Espmark's first collections of poetry were publish
Monitoring of cadmium in the chain from soil via crops and feed to pig blood and kidney
The relationships between cadmium (Cd) levels in soil, feed crops, feed concentrate, pig feed mixture, water, pig blood, and kidney from 49 farms were investigated and the possibility to use pig kidney as a bioindicator of available Cd in the agricultural environment was evaluated. There were correlations between Cd levels in soil and wheat, between wheat and barley, and between feed and kidney. T
Suicide in severe depression related to treatment Depressive characteristics and rate of antidepressant overdose.
Association testing of the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B gene (PTPN1) with type 2 diabetes in 7,883 people
Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-1B, encoded by the PTPN1 gene, inactivates the insulin signal transduction cascade by dephosphorylating phosphotyrosine residues in insulin signaling molecules. Due to its chromosomal location under a chromosome 20 linkage peak and the metabolic effects of its absence in knockout mice, it is a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have associated com
Zinc potentiates the antibacterial effects of histidine-rich peptides against Enterococcus faecalis.
Blandning av cyklister och fotgängare i centrumområden.
Arthrodesis by percutaneous fixation: patellofemoral arthrodesis in rabbits without debridement of the joint.
Arthrodesis is usually performed with joint resection or at least with removal of cartilage. Our recent experience with successful fusion in all 11 rheumatoid ankles treated only with percutaneous fixation questions the necessity of debridement of the joint before arthrodesis. In this rabbit study we tested the hypothesis that joints fuse because of rigid fixation. 9 skeletally mature loop-ear dwa
Yrast states of the proton drip line nucleus Sb-106
Yrast states of Sb-106 have been investigated in the Fe-54(Ni-58, alpha pn) reaction using in-beam gamma-spectroscopic methods and in the Cr-50(Ni-58,pn) reaction performing delayed gamma and conversion electron studies. A new isomeric state was found at 103 keV with t(1/2) = 232(21) ns. The number of start's and transitions in the proposed level scheme have been doubled. The experimental results
Can less be more? Heritage in the age of terrorism.
Western civilization has no particular good track record of saving cultural heritage from destruction, but in recent centuries it has surrounded itself with a rather firm ideology of conservation and preservation. This paper is meant as a caution against a fundamentalist ideology of heritage-preservationism. I am discussing some inherent contradictions of how heritage is treated in the modern worl