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Secession och dess problematik - med utgångspunkt i Kataloniens och Skottlands självständighetssträvanden

Inom Europa har vi nyligen bevittnat två folkomröstningar om regional självständighet i två separata regioner, Skottland och Katalonien. Dessa två regioners självständighetssträvanden hanterades emellertid på helt olika sätt, såväl under som efter folkomröstningarna. Med utgångspunkt från dessa två olika skeenden behandlar uppsatsen folkrättens regler och teorier kring på området för att undersökaIn Europe, we have recently witnessed two referendums on regional independence in two separate regions, Scotland and Catalonia. The independence endeavors of these two regions were handled in very different ways, both during and after the referendums. Based on these two different events, this essay deals with the rules of international law and theories on the subject to investigate whether the nat

Kvinnors högre utbildning i Rwanda - En feministisk diskursanalytisk studie

Uppsatsen analyserar Rwandas arbete för kvinnors högre utbildning och problempresentationen bakom den rådande ojämställdheten. En kritisk feministisk diskursanalys utifrån Carols Bacchis metod ”What’s the problem represented to be?” används för att analysera två statliga utbildningsdokument från Rwanda. Bacchis metod består av sex frågor för att analysera vad det riktiga ”problemet” antas vara i d

Handlingskrav trots handelskrav? - Interaktion mellan energihushållningsvillkor i verksamhetstillstånd och EU:s system för handel med utsläppsrätter

Europeiska Unionens system för handel med utsläppsrätter, EU ETS, syftar till att på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt reducera mängden växthusgaser som släpps ut av industriella verksamheter runt om i unionen. Interaktioner med andra styrmedel befaras kunna minska systemets effektivitet, därför har unionen försökt undvika sådana. Trots detta har svenska myndigheter ansett sig både berättigade och motiveThe European Union Emissions Trading System, the EU ETS, is designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by industrial activity across the union in a cost-efficient way. Interactions with other governance instruments could potentially reduce the efficiency of the system. For this reason, the union has tried to avoid these types of interactions. Despite this, Swedish authorities has co

Etableringströsklar för nyanlända kvinnor: Varför står kvinnor längre från etablering än män?

“ Etableringsuppdraget ” is a government programme that aims at stimulating and facilitating the integration of immigrants into the labour market. Studies have shown that women struggle more than men, while entering the labour market. Therefore, this study discusses statistical data on the discrepancies between women and men, while participating in etableringsuppdraget during 2016. The data is bas

Dataskyddsförordningen i ett internationellt privaträttsligt perspektiv - En analys av frågan om tillämplig nationell rätt i avsaknad av en lagvalsregel

Behandlingen av personuppgifter har i takt med den tekniska utvecklingen intensifierats. Personlig information samlas in i stor omfattning av kommersiella aktörer, inte sällan med syftet att kartlägga individers digitala beteenden. Hanteringen av personuppgifter är emellertid förenad med risken för att individens integritetsskydd åsidosätts och för att unionsmedborgarna ska tillförsäkras ett persoTechnological development has led to a substantial increase in the processing of personal data. Commercial players, usually for the purpose of identifying digital behaviour, collect personal information on a massive scale. The handling of personal data is, however, associated with the risk of privacy interference and in order to ensure EU citizens a protection of their data the EU data protection

Greater Copenhagen – ett väldigt danskt initiativ. En studie om subnationell kapacitet i det gränsöverskridande samarbetet Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee

The phenomenon where subnational governments are reaching out for collaboration with external actors in a horizontal dimension are nowadays a common subject for research in local government studies. By examining the transnational organization Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee (GCSC), this study aims to develop a further understanding of why subnational governments are joining different kind

Right-wing populism and Facebook as the political arena: A quantitative study on political engagement online

Right-wing populism has spread across the European continent during the 21th century, this paper examines if this also is the case on the social media platform Facebook. Through the use of multivariate ordinary linear regression models the thesis seeks to answer if right-wing populist parties and leaders in 12 western European countries generate more followers on their official Facebook accounts t

Barnmorskestudenters kunskap om och attityder till HBTQ - En webbaserad enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Barnmorskor står idag inför större utmaningar då nutida forskning visar att homosexuella, bisexuella, trans- och queerpersoner upplever diskriminering i vården. Bristande kunskap och därmed dåliga attityder antas kunna påverka kvalitén på vården. Syfte: Syftet med enkätstudien var att undersöka kunskap och attityder till HBTQ-personer bland barnmorskestudenter. Metod: Kvantitativ webbase

Modeling market activity using 1D non-homogeneous Hawkes Processes

This paper can be seen as a light introduction to the study of Hawkes pro- cesses and their applicability in the realms of finance. In particular, this paper is concerned on the topic of modeling market activity and elaborates on how Hawkes processes are superior to non-homogeneous Poisson processes in this re- gard. After some rudimentary theory on point processes it goes more in depth into the a

Counterparty Credit Exposures for Interest Rate Derivatives using Stochastic Grid Bundling Method and Change of Measure

The notional amounts outstanding of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives had grown exponentially for almost two decades and its rapid growth were mainly due the increase in OTC interest rate derivatives. As of december 2014, the total notional amounts outstanding in the global OTC market was 630 trillions USD and the OTC interest rate derivatives represents about 80% of the market. Trading with OTC

Development of a high flow aerosol sampling device

Small biological airborne particles (aerosols) reside in the atmosphere and can influence human health, the climate and the environment. Whereas aerosol sampling technology is well-known, there is currently no satisfactory high-volume flow impinger for health and atmospheric monitoring applications. The aim of this thesis was to design and construct a working prototype of an impinger, a sampling d

System of Violence

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of non-conventional violence on the implementation of disaster risk reduction projects in the Northern Triangle of Central America. The Northern Triangle is facing substantial disaster risk from various hazards. Hence, there is a need for disaster risk reduction in the region. However, besides the challenges in terms of disasters, this regi

'A Food Culture in Transition'. Perceptions of Healthy Eating and Reasoning in Food Choices - A Grounded Theory Study of Young Mothers in South Tarawa, Kiribati

The recent shift towards energy-dense and nutrient-poor diets has led to an increase of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular disease. Due to poverty, geographical remoteness and lack of cultivable land, Kiribati experiences a double burden of malnutrition with high levels of NCDs among adults, and undernourishment among children. Since mothers are generally responsible for choosi

Value Creation of Cloud Computing in E-businesses

Cloud computing is a new technology which has changed business and society drastically, making it possible to create products and communication aids that were previously unheard of. Without it, services such as Facebook or Google Apps would probably not exist as we know them today. This thesis explores how cloud computing affects the value propositions of e-businesses, using data collected from mu

Remedies Directive in Need of Remediation?

This thesis pertains to analyse the public procurement Remedies Directive in the light of other EU law. The areas and legal instruments that will be presented and compared with the Remedies Directive are the Public Procurement Directive, fundamental rights and domestic public law. After the introduction section, relevant parts of the Public Procurement Directive, the Charter of Fundamental Rights,

The role of the private sector in preparing for humanitarian operations - A multiple-case study including DP-DHL, MasterCard and Cisco

There are many actors included in the humanitarian system, such as NGOs, UN humanitarian agencies and governments. However, a gap in the humanitarian system can be identified where the traditional actors lack resources, which provides an opportunity for the private sector to be more involved, particularly in preparing for humanitarian operations. Therefore, in this research, a multiple-case study

Användargränssnitt för participativ interaktion med en multitouch-skärm

Stora skärmar med stöd för multitouch börjar användas i många olika sammanhang, som till exempel museum eller skolor. Participativ design är exempel på en användbar metod för att inkludera medborgare i stadsplanering. Ett gränssnitt för participativ design på touchskärmar behöver vara väldesignat och intuitivt. För att utforska hur ett sådant gränssnitt kan se ut användes en iterativ användarcentr

The influence of different drying conditions on mechanical and early service life properties of a novel hydro-plasticized latex dispersion

This study focus on influence of different drying and annealing conditions on the mechanical properties and film formation of the produced paint which is based on a novel hydroplasticized polymer dispersion. Two different coalescing agents with different polarity and a neat sample with two different thicknesses were used in order to study the influence of coalescing agent’s polarity, thickness and


The thesis explores efficient implementation strategies for the European Spallation Source (ESS) linear accelerator simulator. The target simulator needs to run at real time, requires high computation accuracy, and should be scalable for high density beam scenarios. The high data processing, communication, and storage requirements due to a large data set, along with a strict accuracy requirement,

Are sustainable fashion SMEs ready for circularity? The current state and vision of sustainable SMEs in the fashion system

The fashion industry is a significant contributor to global environmental and social issues. But as a system, it is composed of different stakeholders that can work together to make a change. One of those actors involved are small fashion labels, which according to the European Commission, account for more than 90% of the workforce and produce almost 60% of the value within the textile industry (2