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Window Decoding of Braided Convolutional Codes

We consider a window decoding scheme for Braided Convolutional Codes (BCCs) based on the BCJR algorithm. We describe the principle of this decoding scheme and show that BCCs with window decoding exhibit excellent performance. The tradeoff between performance and decoding latency is examined and, to reduce decoding complexity, both uniform and nonuniform message passing schedules within the decodin

Fuel and fly: adaptations to endurance exercise in migrating birds

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många fåglar flyttar regelbundet långa sträckor mellan sina häckningsplatser och vinterkvarter. På rastningsplatser längs flyttningsvägen stannar fåglarna upp och äter, för att lagra upp de energi-lager de behöver som bränsle när de flyger. Vissa flyttfåglar lägger på sig så mycket bränsle (energi), mestadels som fett, att de dubblar sin kroppsvikt. Det lagrade bränsletBirds on migration alternate between consuming fuel stores during flights and accumulating fuel stores during stopovers. This thesis highlights some of the ways in which migrating birds have adapted to the different demands of fuelling and flight. Most of the time on migration is spent at stopover sites accumulating fuel stores. To minimise the total time spent on migration, birds should fuel up a

Propagation aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle communications - an overview

Vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV) wireless communications have many envisioned applications in traffic safety, congestion avoidance, etc., but the development of suitable communications systems and standards requires accurate models for the VTV propagation channel. This paper provides an overview of existing VTV channel measurement campaigns, describing the most important environments, and the delay spread