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Scalable Gaussian Process Assisted Positioning Using Cell Fingerprinting

Alla har vi någon gång behövt använda oss av GPS för att hitta vägen eller se var vi är. Då har man antagligen också upptäckt att GPS inte alltid fungerar som den ska. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi ett alternativ till GPS som använder mobilnätet för att positionera med hjälp av maskininlärning. GPS-positionering kan ha en precision på mindre än 5 meter i öppna miljöer, men som tidigare nämnGNSS is currently the most prominent method for outdoor positioning, providing an accuracy of approximately 5 metres in good conditions. However, for environments such as dense city areas or indoors, a GNSS signal reception might not be possible. An alternative method of positioning is the fingerprint-based method, which has been widely adopted for indoor positioning by sampling the signal strengt

User Accounts: How technological concepts permeate public law through the AI Act

This article argues that through the EU’s technology regulation, technological concepts permeate legal language. Such concepts may function as transplants, even irritants, causing tensions and uncertainties. As technology regulation is increasingly horizontal, i.e. obligating private and public actors alike, these newfound legal concepts remain disconnected from established public law vocabulary a

Special section: Religion in the Public Square. Revisiting 9/11

The contributions to this special section suggest that 9/11 is not necessarily the watershed between a pre- and a post-9/11 order that politicians and pundits continue to write about. Instead, the attacks have served as a catalyst for trends and trajectories in the global governance of religion that continue to have a significant impact today. Returning to 9/11, then, the contributions take stock

The “Sigh of the Oppressed Creature” in-between Theology and Anthropology

Combinations of theology and anthropology have been criticized for losing track of what theology ought to be about. Yet this loss might be precisely what enables scholars to understand political practices which point towards that which escapes both the theological and the anthropological grasp—a pointer which could be crucial to fashion solidarities that connect faiths in the pursuit of justice.

Arrangemang och transkription i gitarrpedagogik - En kvalitativ studie om hur arrangering och transkription fungerar som arbetsmetoder i gitarrundervisningen på gymnasiet.

Denna studie undersöker hur arrangering och transkription fungerar som arbetsmetoder för gitarrlärare på gymnasiet samt hur gitarrelever upplever metoderna i gitarrundervisning. Undersökningen jämför hur arrangering och transkription använts av musiker historiskt, hur genrer påverkar arbetssättet och hur det presenteras i pedagogiska sammanhang. Studien har använt sig av forskningsmetoden aktionsfThis study examines how arranging and transcribing performs as teaching methods for guitar teachers in upper secondary studies and how guitar students experience the methods during guitar lessons. The survey compares how arranging and transcribing have been used by musicians historically, how different genres affect work processes and how it is presented in educational contexts. This study is base

Ett års erfarenheter av mobilt team närsjukvård Landskrona -fortsatt positiva tongångar

Föreliggande rapport kan ses som en fortsättning på uppföljningen av nära vård och mobila team som redovisas i KEFU rapporten; Samordnad och personcentrerad vård i hemmet - En fallstudie av Mobilt team Närsjukvård Landskrona” (KEFU rapport 2023:1). Uppföljningen av pilotprojektets första fem månader i Landskrona visade på många positiva effekter. Föreliggande rapports uppföljning efter ett års erf

A practical guide to microfabrication and patterning of hydrogels for biomimetic cell culture scaffolds

This review article describes microfabrication techniques to define chemical, mechanical and structural patterns in hydrogels and how these can be used to prepare in vivo like, i.e. biomimetic, cell culture scaffolds. Hydrogels are attractive materials for 3D cell cultures as they provide ideal culture conditions and they are becoming more prominently used. Single material gels without any modific

Israel Unleashed? : A Brazen Campaign Against Iranian Targets Could Backfire

On April 1, Israel launched its latest attack on Iran in the two countries’ ongoing shadow war, with an airstrike that flattened a section of Iran’s embassy complex in Damascus and reportedly killed at least 12 people. Among the dead was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who headed Iran’s military operations in Syria and Lebanon, where he worked for decades and became a close interlocutor with Hezbollah and i


NABÔKÔ is a sculptural audiovisual instrument of 24 organic shapes, each representing a musical note, assisted by a new technology that reproduces the sound of the sculpture.This new prototype, is a sculptural audiovisual instrument made of 24 organic shapes each representing a musical note. This music-sculptural prototype, allows to create new and unique shapes and sounds, to explore and develop

Evaluating a go-to-market strategy for a business-to-business software-as-a-service insurtech startup

Every company on the verge of market entry faces a myriad of tough choices. Few are as fateful as which go-to-market strategy a company chooses to establish a foothold, entailing crossroads such as whether to prioritise growth or profitability and how to structure sales. This is the position that the white label insurtech Alpha Insurance find themselves in, with a go-to-market strategy in place bu

Crash Courses in Belonging : The Emergence and Progression of a National Orientation in Instructional Materials for Adult Immigrant Language Instruction in Sweden and Denmark ca. 1960-2005

This dissertation explores representations of Sweden and Denmark and how immigrants’ place in Sweden and Denmark are represented in instructional materials for adult learners in the period ca. 19602005. Denmark and Sweden are often pitted as opposites in terms of immigrant incorporation, Denmark representing a more assimilatory stance and Sweden that of a sanctioned multiculturalism. Instead of lo

Using AquaCrop for Irrigation and water productivity assessment of Table grapes in arid region of Mexico

The aim of this work is to use the AquaCrop model for irrigation and water productivity assessment of Table grapes in arid region of Mexico during 2005 and 2006 cropping seasons. The irrigation efficiency was investigated by comparing the irrigation scheduling design used by the farmer to the AquaCrop model recommendations. Data analysis showed that the farmer irrigates almost every day, which res

Music from Second Sound: How Advanced Physics Inspired Der Rufer for percussion quartet

This report will discuss how principles from the advanced physics of cryogenics influenced my composition Der Rufer for percussion quartet. In this paper I explain how I translated information and concepts from superfluid helium (He II) to music composition. Achieved using different methods ranging from purely intuitive to quasi-quantitative, I transferred the following eight principles from ultra