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Kristen manlighet. Ideal och verklighet 1840-1940

I denna antologi diskuteras med fokus på nordiska förhållanden sambandet mellan kristen religion och konstruktionen av manlighet under perioden 1840 till 1940. En central fråga är hur kristna ideal som exempelvis ödmjukhet, mildhet och självförsakelse, vilka i den borgerliga genusdiskursen kommit att knytas till kvinnokönet, inverkade på konstruktionen av kristen manlighet och vilka uttryck detta

Efficient operation of a gas turbine on methanol using chemical recuperation

Environmental and political concerns, together with new legislations, are pushing for a fuel shift in the power industry and more generally for many thermal applications. Adding to the coming decrease of oil and natural availability (or price increase), it opens avenues for new fuels. Among those, alcohols are strong candidates. In fact, short alcohols are easily produced and stored and require on

Vein feature extraction using DT-CNNs

Biometric identification is an important security application that requires non-intrusive capture and real-time processing. Security systems based on fingerprints and retina patterns have been widely developed, but can be easily falsified. Recently, identification by vein patterns has been suggested as a promising alternative. In this paper an existing feature extraction algorithm, that has been d

Verb form switch as a marker of discourse hierarchy in Semitic: a case study on Syrian Arabic

Surveying Syrian Arabic narrative text, this article explores the use of a switch of verb forms to indicate larger digressions from the main line of a story. The study follows similar analyses of other varieties of Arabic as well as Biblical Hebrew. Isaksson (2007, 2009a) identified specific marking for comments of circumstantial character not only on phrase and clause level but also on text level

Spheres and Bubbles : Emanuel Swedenborg’s Theory of Matter and the Metaphors of the Mind

What is matter? One of the major themes in Emanuel Swedenborg’s thinking is the relation between the material and the immaterial, body and soul. During all his life, as a scientist and a visionary, Swedenborg (1688–1772) pondered on these questions. How can we get knowledge about the invisible? The world beyond the scope of our senses? The issue here is to explain the cognitive foundation of his m

Glasmåleri, modernitet och modernism : studier i glasmåleriets (konst)historia 1851-1955

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med föreliggande arbete har varit att undersöka statusen på nygjort glasmåleri från 1851-1955. Utgångspunkten har varit att detta glasmåleri oftast inte förekommer i konstens allmänna historia, trots att välkända konstnärer faktiskt gjort glasmåleri. Ett viktigt metodiskt grepp har varit att undersöka statusfrågan utifrån uppfattningar om glasmåleriets mediespeciThe aim of this thesis is to analyse the status of new stained glass from 1851-1955. The point of departure is that, despite stained glass having been part of the ?uvre of many well-known artists, it is often not included in the general history of art. One primary methodological approach is to examine the issue of status emerging from notions of the media-specific qualities of stained glass. The

"Det var en plågsam stund, en stund af indre smärta" : En psykobiografi över Lina Sandells sorgebearbetning mellan åren 1858-1861

Bereavement and sorrow are complex phenomena and processes of the human psyche. Central to this doctoral thesis is Lina Sandell (1832–1903,one of Sweden’s most productive and prominent authors of evangelicalism during the 19th century. Her hymn texts ”Day by day” and ”Children of the Heavenly Father” are well known outside Scandinavia. The main purpose of this psychobiographical study was to inves

Consumers’ value creating processes in distribution services for online shopping

Extended abstract Recent studies point at significant and ongoing technology induced changes in the retail landscape, creating new and interesting research avenues, new managerial challenges and a need to rethink existing business models (e.g., Burt and Sparks 2003; Kollmann et al., 2012; Sorescu et al., 2011). This paper aims at contributing to the literature concerning the managerial aspects th

Computational Analysis of Gas Flow and Heat Transport Phenomena in Monolithic Structures for High Temperature Processes

High-temperature catalytic processes such as partial oxidation of Methane (POX) and steam Methane reforming (SMR) may benefit from use of reactor systems using monolithic honeycomb structures. Hereby, process performance is enhanced through more efficient heat transfer and considerable smaller reactor foot-prints than for conventional reactor concepts. Compact ceramic heat exchange structures may

CFD Investigation on Injection Strategy and Gasoline Quality Impact on In-Cylinder Temperature Distribution and Heat Transfer in PPC

Recently, internal combustion engine design has been moving towards downsized, more efficient engines. One key in designing a more efficient engine is the control of heat losses, i.e., improvements of the thermodynamic cycle. Therefore, there is increasing interest in examining and documenting the heat transfer process of an internal combustion engine. A heavy-duty diesel engine was modeled with a

Measuring sustainability of transport in the city - development of an indicator-set

The HASTA indicator framework, covering the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e. Economic, Environmental and Social, to monitor sustainability of transport in Swedish cities was elaborated. Under the three sustainability dimensions, there are 6 sustainability aspects (indicator groups), 2-3 per dimension; these are Efficiency, Accessibility (Economic dimension), Accessibility, Safety, Liveabil