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Social practices in education in Sweden regarding collaboration between bilingual mother tongue teachers and other teachers in school

In recent years, newly arrived students have been in focus in Swedish education, for example, because of the large number of asylum seekers to Sweden which has become a challenge for the Swedish school system (Swedish Schools Inspectorate, 2015). But also because of recent changes in the Education act whereby time spent in reception classes was to be reduced for newly arrived students and they sha

Estimating risk of endometrial malignancy and other intracavitary uterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding using IETA-1 multinomial regression model : validation study

Objectives: To assess the ability of the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA)-1 polynomial regression model to estimate the risk of endometrial cancer (EC) and other intracavitary uterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods: This was a retrospective study, in which we validated the IETA-1 model on the IETA-3 study cohort (n = 1745). The IETA-3 study is a prospe

Opening the Church to the Other : Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Reception of Ernst Troeltsch

Many ecclesiologists assume that pluralisation is a problem for churches. By drawing on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s reception of Ernst Troeltsch, however, the author argues that pluralisation is instead a promise. Portraits which paint Bonhoeffer as ‘alternative’ to Troeltsch (and Troeltsch as ‘alternative’ to Bonhoeffer) have been proposed persistently. But in the ecclesiological explorations which Bon

Bismuth-oxide nanoparticles: study in a beam and as deposited

Bi2O3 is a promising material for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) due to the high ionic conductivity of some phases. The largest value is reached for its δ-phase, but it is normally stable at temperatures too high for SOFC operation, while nanostructured oxide is believed to have more suitable stabilization temperature. However, to manufacture such a material with a controlled chemical composition i

'There's far too much arty-farty, namby-pamby, hoity-toity, wishy-washy, lardy-dardy, sun-dried tomato eating, decaffeinated fannying about!' : Reduplicative compounds and other iterative sequences in English

The aim of the paper is to (re-)evaluate the treatment of reduplicative expressions as compound words in nearly all previous work on English. Examples of reduplicative expressions are listed, out of context, and they are labelled as compound words, without providing proper motivations as to why it makes sense to treat them as compounds, in the sense of lexical items that are formed of other lexicaThe aim of the paper is to (re-)evaluate the treatment of reduplicative expressions as compound words in nearly all previous work on English. Examples of reduplicative expressions are listed, out of context, and they are labelled as compound words, without providing proper motivations as to why it makes sense to treat them as compounds, in the sense of lexical items that are formed of other lexica

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Bei Migration geht es um die Ein- und Auswanderung von Menschen. Sie ist ein Dauerphänomen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Gegenwärtig wird Migration aber als Krise gedeutet. Die Migrationsethik steht im Spannungsfeld kommunitaristischer und kosmopolitischer Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen. Die Frage nach der Geltung von Rechten, die unter Bezug auf vielfältige Fluchtursachen ausgehandelt wird, ist für die

Polarization dependent resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy of D 2O and H 2O water : Assignment of the local molecular orbital symmetry

The polarization dependence of the split two peaks in the lone-pair region in the x-ray emission spectra has been determined at several different excitation energies for both D 2O and H 2O water. In contrast to predictions based on a narrow range of local water structures where the two peaks would be of different molecular orbital symmetry and arise from, respectively, intact and dissociated molec

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Abstract in GermanSecularization: An Analysis at Three Levels lässt sich als Synthese von Karel Dobbelaeres Arbeiten lesen. Er definiert Säkularisierung darin als einen Prozess, durch den Religion in Gesellschaften der Moderne mehr und mehr an Bedeutung verliert. Der Grundgedanke Dobbelaeres lautet dabei, dass Säkularisierung nach makro-, meso- und mikrosoziologischer Ebene zu differenzieren ist.

Ansvarsfördelning i kommunala förvaltningsmyndigheter

Utvecklingen inom den kommunala sektorn har under de senaste sextio åren gått från lekmannaförvaltningar till stora förvaltningsorganisationer. Antalet primärkommuner har minskat från 2500 till 290 och antalet förtroendevalda med kommunala uppdrag har minskat till en femtedel under samma period. Förändringarna har inneburit en ökad byråkrati och professionalisering av de kommunala förvaltningsmyndThe development within the municipal sector over the past sixty years has shifted from layman organizations to large administrative organizations. The number of primary municipalities has decreased from 2500 to 290, and the number of elected representatives with municipal trust assignment has decreased to one fifth during the same period. These changes have led to increased bureaucracy and profess

Plant trait variation along pollinator availability gradients in Scanian grasslands

Flowering plants depend on pollinators for reproduction, and this entails selection on plant traits linked to phenology, attractiveness and pollination efficiency. Current environmental changes are however acting upon both parties, which in turn affects the interactions between them. In order to better understand how these changes manifest, this study looked at five plant species in semi-natural g

Performative Practice : Ernst Troeltsch's Concept(s) of Christianity

What is Christianity? Ernst Troeltsch combines theological and sociological accounts of Christianity’s history in order to identify Christianity. But his interdisciplinary conceptualization(s) of Christianity continue to cause frustration and fascination alike, because he draws no clear-cut distinction between what is Christian and what is non-Christian. Countering the assumption that such a disti

Lidar as a Potential Tool for Monitoring Migratory Insects : A Field Case Study in Sweden

The seasonal migrations of insects involve a substantial displacement of biomass with significant ecological and economic consequences for regions of departure and arrival. Remote sensors have played a pivotal role in revealing the magnitude and general direction of bioflows above 150 m. Nevertheless, the take-off and descent activity of insects below this height is poorly understood. Our lidar ob