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Fideikommiss- fördelaktigt eller förödande? En studie av rättsutvecklingen gällande fideikommiss under 1800-talet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda när och av vilken orsak som lagstiftningen gällande fideikommiss förändrades under 1800-talet. Förändringarna skedde under två perioder. Först i början av 1800-talet när 1810 års förordning innehållandes ett förbud mot instiftande av nya fideikommiss kom. Sedan i slutet av 1800-talet när de befintliga fideikommissen stod i fokus. Den senare perioden ledde doc

Agila avtal - en främmande fågel för dagens avtalsrätt?

Agila avtal är ett förhållandevis nytt fenomen och uppmärksammat begrepp. Fenomenet härstammar ursprungligen från ett agilt arbetssätt, som är särskilt utbrett inom IT-branschen. Traditionella avtal är upprättade utifrån förutsättningen att parterna redan vid avtalstillfället vet vad som ska levereras, när och hur. Det uppställs en uttömmande kravspecifikation vid projektets början. I ett agilt Agile contracts are a relatively new phenomenon that has gained increased recognition. This phenomenon originates from an agile approach, which is particularly widespread in the IT industry. Traditional contracts are based on a situation where the parties know what they need before the project starts. The requirements are set out comprehensively at the outset of the project. In an agile contract,

Financial Bootstrapping in IT companies: a study of motives for bootstrapping finance in software development firms

Sufficient access to financial resources is important in sustaining a business especially in the early phases. First years in business development are very critical since owners learn by doing mistakes in order to get a proof of concept of the business idea. Being aware of this fact, external financial institutions try to avoid taking part in highly risky endeavours. Although there are financial o

Growing through the Cracks - A multi-case study of two alternative food networks in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

As a response to limitations of the conventional food system, alternative food networks such as community supported agriculture and direct selling box schemes have emerged in Romania, involving close producer-consumer connections and an emphasis on local and organic produce. Through a multi-case study of two such networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, their contribution to the establishment of a sus

Scener ur ett narrativ: en semiologisk analys av högerpopulistisk narration av nation

Runt om i Europa växer högerpopulistiska partier stadigt. Inom vetenskapen behandlas detta fenomen flitigt. Oftast utifrån ett perspektiv där man behandlar samhälleliga förutsättningar för dessa partier att växa eller utifrån ett kognitivt/psykologiskt perspektiv där man fokuserar på hur det i individen formas ett ”vi” och ett ”dem”. I denna uppsats anlägger jag ett annat perspektiv. Jag utgår ifr

"Alltså alla tycker ju at det är bra med män i en arbetsgrupp" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om önskan om fler män i socialt arbete

The aim of this study is to discuss and analyze how recruiters in the Swedish social service look at gender in social work and how that approach can effect male and female social workers in the labor market. We also aimed to examine how the Swedish law of discrimination (Diskrimineringslag 2008:567) can affect social work. The importance of this study was to create a critical discussion about the

Kan en teoribaserad brandutbildning ändra deltagares brandkunskap och attityd med avseende på deras brandsäkerhet? – En kvalitativ studie av Sörmlandskustens räddningstjänsts brandförebyggande utbildning till kommunala aktörer.

A study of Sörmlandskustens emergency service’s preventative fire education regarding if participants of the education programs had a change in basic fire knowledge and attitude towards fire safety. Fire knowledge amongst participants had a marginal rise but their attitude remained the same as before participating in the fire education.

”En gång knarkare, alltid knarkare” Metadon: Stöd eller stigma?

The aim of this study was to show the life situation of the methadone patients’ in Sweden and what the methadone treatment may mean in the clients’ everyday lives. Our two main questions were: How do the methadone patients’ describe that they are being treated by their surrounding and the methadone program? How do the methadone patients’ describe that the methadone treatment has affected them in t

USA och den aborterade friheten

This bachelor thesis is based on two American legal cases concerning the issue of abortion. The first one is the case of Roe v. Wade, which grants the woman the constitutional right to terminate her pregnancy. The second one, Beal v. Doe gives the states the right to choose not to finance abortions. This is where I found my problem. Since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Beal can be said to stand in opposit

Internationella barnkidnappningar - Ska individen eller kollektivet skyddas?

Framställningen behandlar en normkonflikt som synliggjorts de senaste åren i avgöranden från Europadomstolen där en förälder bortfört sitt barn utom-lands. I avgörandena har föräldern, och i vissa fall barnet, ansetts ha fått sin rätt till respekt för familjelivet kränkt enligt artikel 8 EKMR. Kränkningen har skett när en nationell domstol beslutat att ett bortfört barn ska föras till-baka till he

Nordisk självbild

In this critical idea-analysis of the relation between Sweden and the Nordic Council the author sifts out two construcions of identity and tests if there is a discrepancy to be found between what the member state grows within its borders and also sign by being a part of the nordic cooperation. In this study the analysis dive into the origins of scandinavism and nordism and discover touching points

Star Wars Episod II: Om den säkerhetspolitiska utvecklingen i rymden efter kalla kriget

In this thesis I try to find out how multipolarity in space effects global security. My research question is as follows: What effects has the increasing amount of actors in space had on global security after the end of the cold war? Theories which I use to examine the effects are Kenneth Waltz perspective on the balance of power and Robert Jervis hypothesis on misperception. My hypothesis is that

Vi lever inte som människor här. Svenska kommuners hantering av oetablerade EU-migranter

The migration policy of the EU has often been described with the metaphor fortress Europe: militarized external borders to avoid safety threats, disguising the purpose to exclude poor and uneducated migrants. But what happen if the unwanted migrants the borders are supposed to prevent from reaching European territory are already European citizens? Recent years, poor EU-migrants begging for money i

Reforming the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy: Why was there a successful reform of the Common Fisheries Policy possible in 2013, after years of ineffective policy and unsuccessful attempts at reforms?

In January 2014 a reformed CFP came into force in the EU. The reformed policy tackled many of the policy field’s troubled areas and offered realistic solutions for elements of the policy which had been criticised for years by academics, stakeholders and even EU institutions. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how the reformed policy came about and in doing so it adopts a case study design wh

Europeisk identitet, ett val?

This thesis examines the possibility of a connection between perceived European identity in the member states, and turnout in the 2009 European parliament. Through identifying what constitutes a European identity and then applying this definition to a survey regarding geographical identity by the EVS and the 2009 election turnout. Due to lack of significance no correlation could be found between

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? En fallstudie om utrikespolitiska vallöften

This study examines election promises in order to analyze what determines whether politicians can fulfill their campaign promises or not. The study hence makes a contribution to the scarce literature in the area. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to bring the troops home from Iraq and shut down the Guantánamo bay. This study tries to answer why only one of these election

UN's (in)consistency on gender?

The development discourse on the international agenda is currently dominated by the MDGs and the SDGs, which is why it is important to analyze them. In this thesis my main purpose was to understand whether there were any changes within the discourses of the criticism on the different development goals, when using a postcolonial feminist theory. I chose to study this criticism in order to understan

Mot en mer effektiv koncentrationskontroll inom EU - strukturella förbindelser

För att kommissionen ska vara behörig att granska ett förvärv krävs det att kontroll har förvärvats i enlighet med koncentrationsförordningen. Således är kommissionen oförmögen att agera vid problematiska icke kontrollerande minoritetsförvärv (så kallade strukturella förbindelser). Det är dock inte bara förvärv av kontroll som kan orsaka betydande konkurrensskada. Liknande skada kan förekomma vid For the Commission to be competent to examine an acquisition, must concern an acquisition of control within the meaning of the Merger Regulation. Therefore the Commission is unable to act upon problematical non-controlling minority shareholdings (also known as structural links). Anticompetitive effects, however, may arise in situations where control has not been acquired. Established economic theo

Turkey: Sly as a Fox? Explaining the successive development of Turkey’s multilateral cooperation efforts

Since the European Union membership application in 1987, twenty-six years have passed and the status of Turkey has only progressed from a “potential candidate” to an “official candidate”. At the same time, a successive expansion is traceable in Turkey’s efforts for multilateral cooperation with other parts of the world. While being seemingly random at the first sight, it is possible to observe dis