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Your search for "*" yielded 533226 hits

Managing water, sustaining life. The institutionalization of water resource management policy.

This bachelor thesis investigates how the implementation of water resource management promote an institutional design that can create lasting change. It is a case study of the Mara River Basin Initiative in Kenya and Tanzania, where great efforts have been taken to combat water related problems. The national governments have delegated the operational responsibilities to local water users’ groups,

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Cirkus i Stockholm

The purpose of this report is to perform an evaluation of life safety in case of fire at Cirkus in Stockholm. Cirkus is a heritage listed building that offers a lot of different events, such as concerts and conferences. This report is limited to only cover the public areas of the building. No account is taken to either economic losses or environmental impacts in case of fire. The method employed i

Protecting the Girl Child or Upholding Patriarchy? A Case Study of Child Marriage in the Cultural and Legal Context of Tanzania

This is a case study of child marriage in Tanzania aiming to explore how failures to implement laws prohibiting child marriage can be understood in the Tanzanian context. The study is of a qualitative nature and primarily based on interviews with development actors, working on community and national level with the issue of gender based violence and child marriage. A theoretical framework combining

The Right to Justice: Providing Legal Aid Services in Zimbabwe. A qualitative analysis of the legal frameworks that treat the provision of legal aid services & the realities of their implementation

This aim of this research was to investigate possible reasons for the large gap between legal frameworks and policies in comparison to the practical implementation of Legal Aid Services in Zimbabwe. The responsibility of the state to provide legal aid, protection and civil legal aid necessary to ensure this provision for those who cannot afford such is affirmed by international legal instruments,

Changing the appropriate?

The treaty of Lisbon introduced several significant institutional changes to the EU. The main research question of this thesis is therefore the following: How has the institutional changes in the treaty of Lisbon affected how the EU debates norms and what norms the EU refers to? In order to approach the research problem this thesis uses a comparative case study design which looks at how the EU deb

Hur förstår Sverigedemokraternas principprogram religionsfriheten i samband med islam?

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Sweden democrat’s principle policy program. The focus will be on how the politicians express the freedom of religion and how they present the religion islam and the muslim believers by analyzing their official website, articles from Sweden Democrats newspaper, SD-Kuriren and by statements they have done in mass media through a textual analysis. The theor

Så blev det bara : sex unga kvinnors livsberättelser inifrån ett särskilt ungdomshem

It just turned out this way - the life stories of six young women confined to a secure juvenile correctional facility The purpose of this paper is to identify risk conditions and protective conditions for a group of girls under secure confinement, based on their retrospective testimonies, and also to examine how these conditions manifest themselves in their statements. The empirical basis for th

"...att ansöka om en adoption till sitt eget barn." - en kvalitativ studie om samkönat föräldraskap och närståendeadoption

Authors: Emelie Dahlstedt & Nadja Bjärenstam Title: ”…to apply for an adoption for your own child.” - a qualitative study of same-sex parenting and second parent adoption. Supervisor: Frans Oddner Assessor: Tove Harnett The aim of the study was to examine how same-sex parents perceive and construct their parenting in a second parent adoption. The empirical material consisted of six semi-s

"Jag tänkte att jag skulle bli som Zlatan" - En studie om ensamkommande ungdomars upplevelser av att delta i idrottsföreningar i Sverige

The aim of this study was to explore and get an insight in unaccompanied youth experiences of being a part of sport teams in Sweden. I wanted to investigate how the youths described their experiences. Also I wanted to investigate the significance the participation had for their situation here in Sweden. I conducted three semi-structured interviews with unaccompanied youths that were active in some

L1-inlärare i L2-klassrummet - En intervjustudie med gymnasielärare i moderna språk

Syftet med detta examensarbete som anlägger ett lärarperspektiv är att belysa och öka förståelsen om ett inom pedagogisk forskning i Sverige hittills föga uppmärksammat fenomen, som antas ställa gymnasielärare i moderna språk inför en rad didaktiska utmaningar: modersmålselever som deltar i andraspråksundervisningen, här benämnt L1/L2-fenomenet. Till grund för detta arbete ligger ett antal forskni

I närvarons och frånvarons text. En narratologisk analys av en skriven historia.

En hypotetiskt och teoretiskt utformad analys av historieskrivning i relation till läsarens samt textens villkor. Det empiriska materialet är begränsat till Peter Englunds debutroman "Poltava", och det teoretiska ramverket, i syftet eklektiskt, influerat av hermeneutik, dekonstruktion, post-klassisk narratologi, kognitionsvetenskap mm.

Professionellas uppfattningar om våldsutsatta män i heterosexuella relationer

The purpose of this study was to explore the professional and subjective thoughts and attitudes of professionals who are assigned to meet both men and women who suffer intimate partner violence (IPV) in a heterosexual relationship. The study focuses on men who are victims of IPV, and the professions that are interviewed range from police, social service, victims support and staff nurse. The study

Föräldraskap, utvecklingsstörning och professionalitet, Den professionellas arbete med utvecklingsstörda som väntar barn.

The aim of this study was to investigate the professional’s point of view in their work with people who have mental retardation and are expecting a child. To perform this study we used a qualitative method. The study was performed by interviewing six professionals from three different organizations. We made an interview guide, in which the questions were about their previous experience, parent abi

Kvinnors upplevelser av missfall

Missfall beskrivs medicinskt som en spontan abort fram till och med graviditetsvecka 22+6. Tidigare studier visar att uppemot 50% av alla kvinnor drabbas av ett missfall. För att beskriva kvinnans förändring in i moderskapet används ordet transition i denna litteraturstudie. Transition betecknas som en förändringsprocess i hälsa, relationer, förväntningar eller färdigheter. Syftet med denna litter

Rätten till asyl på grund av sexuell läggning

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om det vid ansökan om asyl, då sexuell läggning åberopas som skyddsskäl, ställs ett för högt beviskrav på den asylsökande samt om Migrationsverkets och migrationsdomstolarnas tillämpning av reglerna är enhetlig, och om så inte är fallet, vilka skillnader som finns i tillämpningen. Jag har granskat tretton beslut och domar från Migrationsverket samt landets migratThe purpose of this essay is to examine whether the evidence requirements are to high for the asylum seeker in cases when sexual orientation is invoked as the reason for need of protection. Also, whether the application of the legislation by the first and second instances in Sweden is uniform, and if not, what differences there are. To attain the purpose, I have examined thirteen decisions of the

Unlikely Advocates of the Liberal Creed: Strategies of Framing in the Acehnese Diaspora in Sweden

Since the end of the Cold War, several stateless diasporas residing in Western countries have been involved in separatist conflicts in their homelands. The aim of this thesis is to explore whether these diasporas tend to utilize a universalistic creed of liberalism for particularistic purposes. To fulfill this purpose, I will test the applicability of Maria Koinova’s theory on how diasporas tend t

Spårvagnssällskapet: En studie av nätverket bakom spårvagnsprojektet i Lund

This thesis examines the relationship between experts and democracy in a specific case, the project of establishing a tramcar route from the central station in Lund to the northeast part of the city. The theoretical approach stems from the concept of networks and potential clashes in the relation between experts and democratic values. An examination has been done of 25 documents concerning the inv