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Got no milk? Exploring consumer involvement and brand identity of the non-dairy brands Oatly and Alpro

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine consumer involvement with brands in the non-dairy product category and to identify the notable facets of the brands identity in this low-involvement product category. Methodology: Literature review, two case studies (Oatly and Alpro), four semi-structured interviews. Findings: This research paper identified different aspects of involvement and the

A place to meet - informal education in rural Guatemala

The education system in Guatemala is facing a lot of difficulties with low educational standards, a lack of teachers and facilities and a curriculum not equal or adjusted to the needs of all students. The largest problem occurs outside the system - children who don’t get access to education due to poverty. The largest group out of school is represented by Guatemala’s indigenous population in rura

Fysikhistoriens plats i svensk utbildning

Integrering av historia i fysikundervisningen har undersökts länge och i stor omfattning internationellt. Det finns ett brett stöd för att det kan ha många önskvärda effekter på elevers lärande och motivation. Denna positiva bild verkar inte delas helt av fysiklärare och det framkommer att det finns många utmaningar med att integrera fysikhistoria i undervisningen. Syftet med denna uppsats var attIntegration of history of physics (HOP) in the teaching of physics has been studied for a long time and to a great extent. There is a widespread support of the fact that history of physics can have many desirable effects on students learning and motivation. This positive picture is seemingly not shared completely among physic teachers and to implement history to the physics classroom has been show

In Search Of The Missing Place

My research thesis is a search for a place to be, a place that would make the city an easier place to live and experience, when we are either constantly surrounded by a tumultuous public or isolated at home. My search has led me to define a place that could provide simultaneously Space and Time to bridge what is missing in both the public and the private. What is there left, not linked to commerc

Worst Credible Process Fire: Experiences from the Norwegian Petroleum Industry

The term Worst Credible Process Fire (WCPF) was introduced to the Norwegian Petroleum Industry as a complement to the probabilistic approach to define design loads for offshore facilities. Currently there are mainly two documents about the WCPF being the SINTEF report (2017) and the definition in NORSOK S-001 (2018). The WCPF concept have only been used within the industry for a few years and comb

Regionala målbilder för hållbara transporter

Målbilder och berättelsers betydelse för integreringen av målbilder för hållbara transporter Sveriges klimatmål inom transportsektorn innebär att mängden koldioxidutsläpp inom transporter ska minska drastiskt de kommande åren. Utsläppen från inrikes transporter, exklusive inrikes flyg, ska minska med minst 70% senast år 2030 jämfört med 2010 (Naturvårdsverket, 2018). Som klimatstrategiskt verktyAs a climate tool, investments in pedestrian, bicycle and public transport can be important for reducing climate emissions while investments in these sustainable modes of transport can have more effects to achieve other sustainability goals such as public health, reduced noise, greener outdoor environments, reduced particle emissions and space for creative urban planning. How does a selection of S

Structural and Functional Analysis of Ice – Nucleation Proteins (INP) from the strain Pseudomonas syringae R10.79

Ice Nucleation Proteins (INP) are integral membrane proteins that aid in forming ice crystals. As the name suggests INP help form ice crystals by forming the nucleus around which water molecules align themselves. Under favourable conditions, these water molecules freeze when associated with the protein. INP are present in numerous organisms, the focus of this project, however, was INP from the bac

"Building" or "stumbling" blocks Analysis of the trade creation and trade diversion effect. The case of ASEAN-Korea free trade agreement (AKFTA)

Using trade data from the UNCTAD for 31 countries from 2000 to 2016, this study examines the success of the ASEAN-Korea FTA (AKFTA) by measuring the effect on import performance among member countries. A modified gravity model has been used to address both the issues of unobserved multilateral resistance terms and endogeneity biases to obtain consistent and efficient estimation results. The eviden

Transgressing the Law: Rethinking the Brazilian LGBT Movement and its Relationship with the Law

The Brazilian LGBT movement has established in the last decades a strategy of action based on the achievement of social transformations through law. The struggle for human rights has become the focal point of the LGBT agenda in the country. For this reason, the linkages between the Brazilian LGBT movement and the law have multiplied. Having the objective of reflecting on the articulations arising

Exploring Needs and Designing an Interactive Service to Empower Home Dialysis Patients in their Everyday Life

Medellivslängden för människor runt om i världen är högre än någonsin. Äldre personer löper högre risk för att drabbas av kroniska sjukdomar, inklusive kronisk njursjukdom. Patienter med dysfunktionella njurar behöver dialys. Njurarnas huvudfunktion är att rena blodet från restprodukter och överflödigt vatten. År 2018 hade Sverige 4101 dialyspatienter av vilka 1026 hade hemdialys. En dialyspatientThe average life expectancy for people around the world is higher than ever before. Older people are at higher risk of suffering from chronic diseases, including chronic kidney disease. Patients with dysfunctional kidneys need dialysis. The main function of the kidneys is to clean the blood from waste products and excess water. In 2018, Sweden had 4101 dialysis patients of which 1026 had home dial

Förtätning genom påbyggnad - Utredning med hänsyn till bärförmågeaspekter

Det råder en utbredd bostadsbrist i Sverige, 243 av 288 svenska kommuner uppgav 2018 att de har ett stort behov av bostäder. För att lindra detta underskott krävs det att nya bostäder uppförs både med traditionella metoder men även att nya kreativa lösningar implementeras. En sådan kreativ lösning är förtätning i stadskärnor genom påbyggnad på befintliga hus. Denna förtätningslösning är idag dock

Machine Bias: Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination

The past decade has seen the rapid development of artificial intelligence. It has resulted in extensive usage and reliance within many diverse fields that influences our daily lives as well as human rights, and especially the prohibition of discrimination. The thesis examines artificial intelligence discrimination and asks why and how it occurs, who is (more likely to be) affected by it, and how p

Controlled by algorithms - A study about the external bureaucratization of employer branding efforts caused by social media

Employer branding, social media, public sector, algorithms bureaucracy, technology, control The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding on employer branding via social media in the public sector. The aim is to investigate how employees within a municipality make sense and meaning of employer branding via social media and how this creates and potentially consumes positive aspects e.g.

Investigating the Price and Volume Effect following Changes on OMX Nordic Indices

In the last decade, there has been a substantial shift from actively managed funds to funds with passive investment strategies. This shift was also observed by Shleifer (1986), who identified that passive investment funds began to significantly increase their ownership of the S&P 500 in the period between 1975 and 1983. As the ownership of the stock market increased as the number of index fund

Collective behaviour in suspensions of pushers and pullers

Bakterier som lever i vatten brukar ta sig fram med hjälp av långa trådliknande utskott,så kallade flageller. Denna simteknik är väldigt annourlunda jämfört med det vi oftast ser i vår omvärld, att simma med fenor eller åror är nämligen inte särskilt effektivt för bakterier. Detta har att göra med vattnets radikalt annourlunda hydrodynamiska egenskaper på mikroskalan. Man brukar tala om det så kalMicroswimmer is a term that denotes small selfpropelling agents, such as bacteria, algea or artificial robots. Depending on the flow field they set up they can be categorized into two classes: pushers (e.g. E. coli ) and pullers (e.g C. reinhardtii ). The occurrence of jets, eddies and flocking have been observed in systems of dens pusher suspension. This phenomenon is called active turbulence. Th

The Role of Cities in Global Climate Governance – The Case of Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich

This thesis investigates the role of cities in climate governance. Its starting point is the popular narrative according to which cities are leading national governments in the fight against climate change, challenging their authority and disrupting the political order. This narrative is named the strong cities in climate governance argument. Cities in the US currently behave according to the narr

Nurse-led geriatric clinics –The older persons perspective

Objective: The Aim of this study was to investigate older persons experience of nurse-led geriatric clinics. Design: The study was based on a qualitative method. Sample: 12 older persons (75+) were interviewed about their experience of nurse-led geriatric clinics. All participants were Swedish-speaking, varied in age and were patients from five different geriatric clinics within primary healthcare

The function of ferredoxin in chlorophyll biosynthesis studied with barley

Klorofyllsyntes i korn Växter skapar sin energi genom fotosyntesen där vatten och koldioxid omvandlas till kolhydrater och syre med hjälp av ljusenergi. För en fungerande fotosyntes behöver växter pigmentet klorofyll som fångar in ljusenergin. Det är även det pigmentet som ger växter dess gröna färg. Klorofyll produceras genom flera steg varav de flesta är väl kända men några frågor kvarstår. Jag

Produktionstekniska aspekter på återbruk av betongelement

EU har antagit mål att till år 2030 minska koldioxidutsläppen med 40%, Sverige har gått steget längre och beslutat att år 2045 ska nettoutsläppen av koldioxid i landet vara noll. Av världens totala utsläpp står betongtillverkningen för 7% vilket innebär att det är ett område med stor potential till förbättring. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att bidra med kunskapsutveckling kring återanvändThe EU has established a binding target to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030, Sweden has taken one step further and has decided to be carbon neutral by 2045. 7 % of the world´s total CO2 emissions comes from concrete production which makes it a field with great potential to improvement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the requirements for reusing concrete elements in practice in the c