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Plotterrutiner för PDP-15
Reglering av tidsvariabla system med Kalman-teori
Fartygsstyrning vid sjögång
This paper deals with automatic steering of ships under the influence of disturbances from waves. The disturbance has been of two different types, a sinusoidal wave and a disturbance in the yaw rate. We have used both conventional state feedback regulators and adaptive regulators based on least square estimation and minimum variance control. In particular, we have investigated the behaviour of the
Modellering och simulering av synkrongeneratordynamik
Adaptiva regulatorer
Decentraliserad reglering av stora system med självinställande regulatorer
Analys av reglersystemet till en cigarettmaskin
Konstruktion av en enkel flygplanssimulator
A simple flight simulator has been built up, using an analog computer to simulate the aircraft dynamics. The dynamics model used, does not represent any particular aircraft. It is nevertheless representative of a large group of conventional aircraft. Simulations clearly show an increased ease in handling the flight simulator, if the pilot has flying experience. This indicates a similarity between
Extremalsökande algoritmer för mikrodator
Approximation av en oändligt dimensionell regulator för ett linjär kvadratiskt problem
TSX-tidsdelat operativsystem för PDP-15
Dead-beat styrning av en värme-diffusionsprocess
Identifiering av återkopplade system
The achievable accuracy of models derived by identification depends on a number of factors, e.g. the conditions during the experiments. The accuracy is studied by simulation for a number of different experiments: open loop experiments with different types of input signals and closed loop experiments with different types of regulators. For this purpose a special simulation program has been written
Dynamiska modeller för reningsverk
The purpose of this report is to study dynamic models of processes used in waste water treatment. The report consists of a literature study and identification of two different unit processes. The literature study consists of a thorough search of some relevant periodicals, and the result is presented as a collection of abstracts of articles, treating dynamic aspects of waste water treatment techno
Analog simulering av en enkel pappersmaskinmodell
Revidering av CSMP
Program för maximun-likelihood-identifiering på PDP-15
In this report a program for identification by the Maximum-Likelihood method is presented. The program is written in FORTRAN for a process computer, PDP-15. The application is limited to linear, single output, time-invariant dynamic systems with normal disturbances having rational spectra.