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Numerisk behandling av Kalmans ekvationer för tidsdiskreta system
In this report are discussed different algorithms for the state estimation problem according to the Kalman theory. It is shown that the highest accuracy is obtained with av algorithm consisting of three non-negative definite parts, but that shorter algorithms may be sufficient for certain systems. The necessity of enforcing symmetry on the algorithms is discussed together with different methods fo
Identifiering av parametrar i tillståndsmodeller med rekursiv teknik, s.k. extended Kalman filter
Insulin-glukos reglering
Modeller av ekonomiska system
Självlärande klassificering
Consider a system recieving signals from a signal-source. The signals describe different input situations. The purpose of the system is to classify the current situation. This can be obtained by means of recursive algorithms. The problem of finding such algorithms can be approached in many different ways. In this report we will assume a minimum of apriori information about the signals and the clas
Undersökning av en plattvärmeväxlares dynamik: mätningar och identifiering
Bestämning av parametrar i dynamisk modell för insulinsvar på glykoslast
Quantification of parameters of a simple dynamic glucose-insulin model was performed. Measured data from seven test subjects were used. The Model was simulated by SIMNON and optimized by OPTA. The results are presented and their validity are discussed. Some problems when using OPTA are given account for.
Numerisk lösning av optimala styrproblem via generaliserade multiplikatorfunktioner
Återkopplingsreducering i reglersystem för kokarreaktor
Modeller och regulatorer för en industriell gasturbin
The goal of this work is to use basic physical laws to construct a model and a controller for an industrial gas turbine. The model shall simulate all of security and controlling interesting process variables, with resonable accurancy. The controller shall use the process up to the limits to get it as fast as possible at load changes. An unlinear model for a gas turbine STAL GT-120b has been establ
Atlas Copco Central Regulator RD100 Electronics and Systems
The aim of this report is to provide an extensive description of regulator RD100, and its subsystems, from an electrical point of view. The report is written in a step-like manner in order to suit various kinds of readers, from those who only need a basic knowledge about the regulator, to those who will be eventually redesigning the whole regulator or parts thereof, to make it meet future demands
Utbildning och arbetsmarknad: en dynamisk systemmodell
Jämförelser mellan några rekursiva identifieringsmetoder
Tillståndsestimering i elkraftsystem
Modell av en malkvarn
Samkörning av motorer
In this report studies have been done on two engines driving a common load via a mechanical gear. The engines are presumed to be linear within their working range. The aim is independently of load variations to get the engines' outgoing angular frequency to be equal to a given reference and to distribute the power between the engines in a given proportion. The report shows that certain arrange
Utmatning på plotter
The task was to write a program for plotter output on a ink jet plotter built at Inst. för Elmät, LTH. This plotter puts dots of ink on a paper fastened to a rotating drum and it must have, for every x-coordinate in its turn, the y-coordinates in rising order where it shall put a dot. 0