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Besöksräknarteknologi: Mot datadrivet beslutsfattande inom fysisk handel

Denna studie undersöker möjligheterna att öka användningen av data inom fysisk handel och syftar till att förstå hur beslutsfattare kan generera värde från besöksräknarteknologi. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsansats undersöker studien potentialen hos moderna teknologier inom handelssektorn och introducerar Data Acceptance Model (DAM) som en teoretisk modell för att förstå acceptansen av data. Res

Toward a Hybrid Theory of How to Allocate Health-related Resources

How should scarce health-related resources be allocated? This paper argues that values that apply to these decisions fail to always fully determine what we should do. Health maximization and allocation-according-to-need are suggested as two values that should be part of a general theory of how to allocate health-related resources. The "small improvement argument"is used to argue that it is implaus

Business Model Innovation to Commercialize Plant-Based Portion Pack Beverages

Due to rising concerns about climate change, launching plant-based portion pack beverages is one opportunity to address this issue. Embracing this opportunity of value creation, requires a business model innovation. The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of how companies in the food industry develop a new customer value proposition with business model innovation, and how this ca

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in PSMA PET/CT for Prostate Cancer Imaging

Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has emerged as an important imaging technique for prostate cancer. The use of PSMA PET/CT is rapidly increasing, while the number of nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists to interpret these scans is limited. Additionally, there is variability in interpretation among readers. Artificial intell


Artikel i Nationalencyklopedin

The Role of Mitochondria, Oxidative Stress, and the Radical-binding Protein A1M in Cultured Porcine Retina.

PURPOSE:The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between oxidative stress, antioxidant defense, mitochondrial structure, and biomechanical tissue support in the isolated porcine retina.METHODS:Full-thickness retinal sheets were isolated from adult porcine eyes. Retinas were cultured for 2 or 48 h using (1) a previously established low-support explant protocol with photoreceptors pPurpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between oxidative stress, antioxidant defense, mitochondrial structure, and biomechanical tissue support in the isolated porcine retina.Methods: Full-thickness retinal sheets were isolated from adult porcine eyes. Retinas were cultured for 2 or 48 h using (1) a previously established low-support explant protocol with photoreceptors

Uncovering the spatial relationships between Covid-19 vaccine coverage and local politics in Sweden

Tveksamhet mot vaccin har tidigare undersökts både globalt och inom nationer, genom såväl demografiska och socioekonomiska faktorer som politisk och ideologisk orientering hos de personer som har erbjudits vaccin. Skillnader i vaccinationstäckning har föreslagits vara geografiskt strukturerat, kopplat till Covid-19 såväl som andra vaccin, och det finns flera exempel på sådan forskning där rumsligaGlobal as well as national vaccine hesitancy have previously been investigated using demographic and socioeconomic factors, as well as political or ideological orientations of the persons offered vaccinations. Variation in vaccine uptakes has been suggested to be geographically structured, in both Covid-19 and other vaccine contexts, and there are several examples of such research applying spatial

Solvent-dependent thermodynamics of Iron(II), tris(2,2'-bipyridine) in saline solutions

Introduction: The presented work evaluates intermolecular interactions and the solvation free energy between a ground and excited state of an iron complex in saline solution using MD simulations. Background: MD simulations are utilized for estimating the solvation free energy in various systems and concentrations of salt. Any changes in the intermolecular interactions that might influence this are

Effect of Internet-Delivered Emotion Regulation Individual Therapy for Adolescents with Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Disorder : A Randomized Clinical Trial

Importance: Nonsuicidal self-injury is prevalent in adolescence and associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Effective interventions that are brief, transportable, and scalable are lacking. Objective: To test the hypotheses that an internet-delivered emotion regulation individual therapy for adolescents delivered adjunctive to treatment as usual is superior to treatment as usual only in reducing

Mobilanvändning och allmänt mående bland gymnasieelever

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka sambandet mellan hög mobiltelefonanvändning och allmänt mående bland gymnasieelever. Med stöd från två välgrundade teorier: självregleringsteorin och sociala inlärningsteorin, har studien presenterat intressanta korrelationer och samband kring mobilanvändning och allmänt mående. Studien är uppdelad i två olika studier, en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ. KvantiThis study aims to investigate the relationship between high mobile phone use and general well being among high school students. With support from two well-founded theories: the self-regulation theory and the social learning theory, the study has presented interesting correlations and connections around mobile phone use and general ill-health. The study is divided into two studies, one quantitativ

Does hybrid-cosmetics equal hybrid differentiation?

Differentiation is something that can easily be seen in today’s world, almost everywhere in companies, brands, people, products. It is simply ubiquitous. Cosmetics is an industry in particular where product differentiation in particular now plays an increasingly salient role in allowing firms to stand out from competition; a competition that will never cease to exist. This study explores the very

Vägavsmalningars konsekvens på vägens livslängd och samhällskostnader

In the last 10 years, sustainability has been in focus and cities are being designed to prioritize sustainable alternatives. Today, narrowing the carriageway is used as an alternative to make way for sustainable alternatives in the existing street space. The purpose of this study is to investigate the consequences narrowing the lane can have on the lifespan of the road structure and what damage it

Anteciperat avtalsbrott - Stoppningsrättens utövande

Anteciperat avtalsbrott, även så kallat befarat avtalsbrott regleras i bestämmelserna 61-63 §§ KöpL. För att kunna hålla inne sin prestation krävs det att starka skäl ska föreligger följt av ett flertal rekvisit, till exempel att det ska röra sig om en viss väsentlighet. Det ska med andra ord finnas starka misstankar om att motparten inte kommer att uppfylla en väsentlig del av sina prestationer. Anticipated breach of contract, also known as feared breach of contract, is regulated in provisions 61-63 §§ KöpL. In order to be able to withhold performance, it is required that there must be strong reasons followed by a number of prerequisites, for example, it must be of a certain materiality. In other words, there must be strong suspicions that the counterparty will not fulfill a substantial p

Discovering Optimal Triplets for Assessing the Uncertainties of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Products

Information relating to errors in evapotranspiration (ET) products, including satellite-derived ET products, is critical to their application but often challenging to obtain, with a limited number of flux towers available for the sufficient validation of measurements. Triple collocation (TC) methods can assess the inherent uncertainties of the above ET products using just three independent variabl

Can robotic-assisted surgery support enhanced recovery programs?

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols comprise a multimodal approach to optimize patient outcome and recovery. ERAS guidelines recommend minimally invasive surgery (MIS) when possible. Key components in MIS include preoperative patient education and optimization; multimodal and narcotic-sparing analgesia; prophylactic measures regarding nausea, infection, and venous thrombosis; maintena

Integration of a Frost Mortality Scheme Into the Demographic Vegetation Model FATES

Frost is damaging to plants when air temperature drops below their tolerance threshold. The set of mechanisms used by cold-tolerant plants to withstand freezing is called “hardening” and typically take place in autumn to protect against winter damage. The recent incorporation of a hardening scheme in the demographic vegetation model FATES opens up the possibility to investigate frost mortality to

CSR in Times of Crisis – A multiple case study on the effect of COVID-19 on companies’ approach to CSR initiatives

Title: CSR in Times of Crisis – A multiple case study on the effect of COVID-19 on companies’ approach to CSR initiatives Seminar Date: June 1, 2023 Authors: Danira Numanspahic and Johan Welin Supervisor: Merle Jacob Course: BUSN09 - Degree Project in Strategic Management Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore potential changes in two different Nordic industries’ approaches to CSR-relat