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Aspects of sepsis/SIRS - An experimental study on fluid therapy, vitamin C and plasma volume in increased permeability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodcirkulationens uppgift är att förse kroppens vävnader med näringsämnen, vätska och syre, samt att transportera bort slaggprodukter från energiomsättningen. Hörnstenen i detta utbyte mellan vävnader och cirkulation är kapillärerna, kroppens minsta och tunnaste blodkärl, som består av ett enda lager sammanhängande celler. Mellanrummen mellan cellerna är mer eller mindIn sepsis, after major surgery or severe trauma, the human body may suffer from various degrees of generalized inflammation, a syndrome called Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). One feature of SIRS is increased capillary permeability, caused by disruption of the capillary endothelium due to e.g. bacterial toxins, cytokines, pro-inflammatory hormones and free oxygen radicals. This will

Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Favors a Protumorigenic State in Breast Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the Adaptive Immune Response

Using transgenic mouse models of breast cancer that ablate Src homology and collagen A ( ShcA) expression or oncogene-coupled ShcA signaling, we previously showed that this adaptor is critical for mammary tumor onset and progression. We now provide the first evidence that ShcA regulates mammary tumorigenesis, in part, through its ability to regulate the adaptive immune response. Inactivation of Sh

Verktyg för optimering av byggtorkning

För att bättre kunna kostnadsoptimera byggtorkningar har ett optimeringsverktyg innefattande ett antal olika beräknings och bedömningsparametrar tagits fram. Byggtorkning innefattar stora kostnader för energi, provisorier och kontroller. Vid misslyckade byggtorkningar adderas det ytterligare kostnader via fuktskador samt ökade omkostnader på grund av byggtorkningar som drar ut på tiden. Alternativ

Presynaptic mechanisms in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

This study has investigated the impact of presynaptic factors on the development of dyskinesia during chronic L-DOPA treatment in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The mechanisms causing dyskinesia are not completely understood but have been proposed to involve changes in gene and protein expression in striatal neurons, which are the main target of dopamine (DA) projections from the substan

Universal Burdens : Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore

Popular Abstract in English Universal Burdens There are Zen students who are in chains when they go to a teacher, and the teacher adds another chain. The students are delighted, unable to discern one thing from another. This is called 'a guest looking at a guest.' -Linji What do Zen master Linji, Muslim scholar ‘Abbād ibn Sulaymān, and Comanche thinker Parra-Wa-Samen have in common? Among manyZen Buddhists have long given the following advice to attain liberation: “Eat when you’re hungry. Sleep when you’re tired.” In other words: “Freedom” is the “knowledge of necessity” (Hegel, Marx, and Engels). Early Islamic communities dealt with the challenge of internal warfare and tyranny and concluded that, “sixty years of tyranny is better than one day’s anarchy.” In other words, the worst-cas

Performance-based contracting in service supply chains: a service provider risk perspective

Purpose – The performance of service supply chains in terms of service levels and cost efficiency depends not only on the effort of service providers but also on the inputs of sub-contractors and the customer. In this sense, performance-based contracting (PBC) entails increased financial risk for providers. Allocating and managing risk through contractual relationships along the service supply cha

Competitive Semantic Memory Retrieval: Temporal Dynamics Revealed by Event-Related Potentials

Memories compete for retrieval when they are related to a common retrieval cue. Previous research has shown that retrieval of a target memory may lead to subsequent retrievalinduced forgetting (RIF) of currently irrelevant competing memories. In the present study, we investigated the time course of competitive semantic retrieval and examined the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying RIF. We contras

Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System

LICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is studying the physics of strongly interacting matter, and in particular the properties of the Quark–Gluon Plasma (QGP), using proton–proton, proton–nucleus and nucleus–nucleus collisions at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The ALICE Collaboration is preparing a major upgrade of the experimental apparatus, planned for installation in the second long LHC

Efficient Algorithms for Graph-Theoretic and Geometric Problems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen studerar flera olika algoritmiska problem inom grafteori och geometri, applikationerna sträcker sig från kretskortsdesign till matrismultiplikation. Vi börjar med att studera en grafteoretisk modell för det så kallade "firefigher problem". Målet med detta problemet är att rädda så mycket som möjligt av en given area genom att placera ut brandmän på relevaThis thesis studies several different algorithmic problems in graph theory and in geometry. The applications of the problems studied range from circuit design optimization to fast matrix multiplication. First, we study a graph-theoretical model of the so called ''firefighter problem''. The objective is to save as much as possible of an area by appropriately placing firefighters. We provide both n

Observer variation for radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging of occult hip fractures

Background: Conventional radiography is insufficient for diagnosis in a small but not unimportant number of hip fractures, and secondary imaging with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is warranted. There are no convincing observer variation studies performed for conventional radiography or CT in occult fractures, and no large materials for MRI. Purpose: To assess observe

Constructing a common holistic description of what is valuable and important to protect: A possible requisite for disaster risk management

Effective disaster risk management is a requisite for sustainable development and it is paramount to include a wide range of stakeholders to manage risk in this context. Recent research indicates the significance of making ideas of what is valuable and important to protect explicit in any disaster risk management initiative that involves several stake- holders. The purpose of this article is thus

Empowerment Intervention in Outpatient Care of Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease Pre-Dialysis

Empowering interventions can improve person-centered care. A pre- and post-evaluation using interactive research involving two years of empowering interventions was designed to improve quality of care in outpatients with chronic kidney disease who were pre-dialysis. The results showed significantly increased empowerment in the intervention group. Interactive research facilitated the implementation

Refugee species: which historic baseline should inform conservation planning?

Understanding species’ historical ranges can provide important information for conservation planning in the face of environmental change. Cromsigt et al. (this issue) comment on our recent European bison (Bison bonasus) range reconstruction, suggesting that bison were already 8000 years ago a refugee species (i.e. restricted to marginal habitat due to past human pressure) and that species distribu

Expressional Changes in Cerebrovascular Receptors after Experimental Transient Forebrain Ischemia

Background: Global ischemic stroke is one of the most prominent consequences of cardiac arrest, since the diminished blood flow to the brain results in cell damage and sometimes permanently impaired neurological function. The post-arrest period is often characterised by cerebral hypoperfusion due to subacute hemodynamic disturbances, the pathophysiology of which are poorly understood. In two other

General Relationships between Abiotic Soil Properties and Soil Biota across Spatial Scales and Different Land-Use Types.

Very few principles have been unraveled that explain the relationship between soil properties and soil biota across large spatial scales and different land-use types. Here, we seek these general relationships using data from 52 differently managed grassland and forest soils in three study regions spanning a latitudinal gradient in Germany. We hypothesize that, after extraction of variation that is

The Nordic Housing Enabler: Inter-rater reliability in cross-Nordic occupational therapy practice

This study addresses development of a content-valid cross-Nordic version of the Housing Enabler and investigation of its inter-rater reliability when used in occupational therapy rating situations, involving occupational therapists, clients, and their home environments. The instrument was translated from the original Swedish version of the Housing Enabler, and adapted according to accessibility no

Effect of anaerobic digestion at 35, 55 and 60°C on pharmaceuticals and organic contaminants

The application of treated sewage sludge on farmland is a suggested method for recycling nutrients and reducing demand for commercial fertilizer. However sludge needs to be safe from possible contaminants which can cause acute and long-term health and environmental problems. Residual pharmaceuticals and organic contaminants are mentioned as emerging threats since wastewater treatment plants are no

Cellulose-Water Interactions: Effect of electronic polarizability

Understanding cellulose-water interactions is important for advancing current technology, not the least in developing effective dissolution methods for wooden fibers. Here we study the effect of electronic polarization on cellulose-water interactions by all-atom computer simulations. We show that induced dipoles on both interfacial water and cellulose hydroxyl groups are significant and may influe