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För frihet och sanning? - Motiv och föreställningar bakom covidprotesterna.

Det här är ett arbete som undersöker den kritiska rörelse som växte fram och trotsade myndigheters och expertisens råd och restriktioner. En rörelse som mitt under en pågående pandemi tog till gatorna och proklamerade att våra friheter och rättigheter var hotade. Som en följd målades rörelsen också upp som ett hot mot demokratin, men vad ville de egentligen, hur lydde deras problemformulering och

Nature and Origin of Magnetic Lineations Within Valdivia Bank : Ocean Plateau Formation by Complex Seafloor Spreading

Valdivia Bank (VB) is a Late Cretaceous oceanic plateau formed by volcanism from the Tristan-Gough hotspot at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). To better understand its origin and evolution, magnetic data were used to generate a magnetic anomaly grid, which was inverted to determine crustal magnetization. The magnetization model reveals quasi-linear polarity zones crossing the plateau and following ex

Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes : A Retrospective, Observational Study of Economic and Clinical Burden in Sweden

Introduction: Individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are at high risk of experiencing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), which is associated with morbidity, mortality and healthcare resource utilisation. Clinical guidelines recommend the use of glucose-lowering medications with cardiovascular benefits in individuals with T2D and cardiovascular disease, but there is evidence that this

Amino Acid Synthesis Deficiencies

In recent years the list of disorders affecting amino acid synthesis has grown rapidly. Not only the number of defects has increased, but also the associated clinical phenotypes have expanded spectacular, the latter mainly due to the advances of next-generation sequencing diagnostics. An important reason for the contribution of NGS in the diagnosis of amino acid synthesis disorders is the fact tha

Water, Sanitation, and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Mali: A Study of Early Neonatal Mortality and Low Birth Weight

This thesis investigates the link between the water and sanitation environment mothers are exposed to during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Mali, specifically early neonatal mortality and low birth weight. The motivation and contribution for this analysis is that little research has been done on this topic, specifically in the Sub-Saharan African region and with the combination of tho

Predicting dust storm susceptibility: exploring control strategies with XGBoost models

Dust storms are meteorological phenomena that occur in arid and semi-arid regions, causing harm to the environment and human health. The frequency and intensity of dust storms have increased in recent years due to climate change and human activities. In response, various dust storm mitigation strategies were introduced, including land use management, afforestation, and mulching. The existing resea

Vanadium oxide and a sharp onset of cold-trapping on a giant exoplanet

The abundance of refractory elements in giant planets can provide key insights into their formation histories1. Owing to the low temperatures of the Solar System giants, refractory elements condense below the cloud deck, limiting sensing capabilities to only highly volatile elements2. Recently, ultra-hot giant exoplanets have allowed for some refractory elements to be measured, showing abundances

Very Early Life Risk Factors for Developing Dementia : Evidence from full population registers

OBJECTIVES: Very early-life conditions are recognized as critical for healthy brain development. This study assesses early-life risk factors for developing dementia. In the absence of historical medical birth records, we leverage an alternative full population approach using demographic characteristics obtained from administrative data to derive proxy indicators for birth complications and unfavor

Electronic structure and transport in exotic nanostructures

This thesis explores the physics of nanostructures involving nanowires, quantum dots, superconductors, and topological insulators. These systems serve as excellent platforms for fundamental physics studies and quantum technology applications.The introduction contains information on the band structures of crystalline materials and transport phenomena in quantum dots. It is followed by discussions o

Unmasking the Green Consumer: Deciphering the Cognitive Landscape of Conscious Consumption through Carbon Food Labels and the Strive for Sustainable Progress

This thesis explores the behavioural effect of carbon labels on conscious food consumption. A constantly increasing awareness of sustainable challenges, transparency for stakeholders and constant development of regulatory guidelines for food labelling communication raise a need for further consumer understanding. By assessing previous observational and quantitative findings on food products'

Developing a High-Voltage Mechanical Disconnector: Meeting Safety Standards

This master thesis is conducted in collaboration with Opticept Technologies, a company operating in the Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) treatment industry. PEF treatment necessitates the use of high-voltage machines, and this thesis focuses on exploring a mechanical disconnector that serves as an essential safety feature for such high-voltage systems. The thesis examines relevant standards and del

The Rubber Hand Illusion evaluated using different stimulation modalities

Tactile feedback plays a vital role in inducing ownership and improving motor control of prosthetic hands. However, commercially available prosthetic hands typically do not provide tactile feedback and because of that the prosthetic user must rely on visual input to adjust the grip. The classical rubber hand illusion (RHI) where a brush is stroking the rubber hand, and the user's hidden hand synch

To Sin or Not to Sin? A Study of Traditional and New Sin Stocks on the American Stock Market

This study aims to investigate the difference in stock return between traditional sin stocks, new sin stocks, and their respective peer stocks. The purpose was to expand the scarcely researched area of new sin stocks by being the first one to focus on new sin stocks on the American stock market (United States NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stock exchanges), as this area has only been researched in Europe

Adapting to the New Normal: Establishing and Maintaining Trust in B2B Relationships in a Post-Pandemic World

Purpose: To understand how B2B companies may establish and maintain trust in their relationships with customers during and in the post-COVID digital business landscape. Methodology: The study carries a qualitative approach conducted with an exploratory nature. To establish a comprehensive perspective, broad analysis was conducted by holding seven semi-structured interviews with highly knowledgeab

AI and Strategic Decision Making Processes - An empirical study on how Large Language Models can be utilized in Strategic Decision Making Processes

The purpose of this study is to contribute with an understanding of what role AI has, and might have, in strategic decision making processes. The literature review of the study builds upon research within Resource Based Theory, Strategic Decision Making Theory and is supported by technical reports on Large Language Models. It is a qualitative single case study with empirical data collected from si

Dyspareunia and pelvic pain: comparison of mid-urethral sling methods 10 years after insertion

Introduction and hypothesisThe mid-urethral sling (MUS) has been used for more than 30 years to cure stress urinary incontinence. The objective of this study was to assess whether surgical technique affects the outcome after more than ten years, regarding dyspareunia and pelvic pain.MethodsIn this longitudinal cohort study we used the Swedish National Quality Register of Gynecological Surgery to i