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Coronary Artery Restenosis in Women by History of Preeclampsia

BACKGROUND: A history of preeclampsia is associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and experimental evidence suggests that a history of preeclampsia also increases the risk of restenosis. However, the extent to which a history of preeclampsia is associated with risk of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in women is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 6065 par

Depression was associated with younger age, female sex, obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity, in 1027 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes : a Swedish multicentre cross-sectional study

Background: Depression is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aims were to explore the prevalence of depression, anxiety, antidepressant use, obesity, Hemoglobin A1c > 64 mmol/mol, life-style factors, pre-existing CVD, in patients with newly diagnosed T2D; to explore associations with depression; and to compare with Swedish general population data. Methods

Magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging of the adolescent rabbit growth plate of the knee

Purpose: To assess the ability of MRI-DTI to evaluate growth plate morphology and activity compared with that of histomorphometry and micro-CT in rabbits. Methods: The hind limbs of female rabbits aged 16, 20, and 24 wk (n = 4 per age group) were studied using a 9.4T MRI scanner with a multi-gradient echo 3D sequence and DTI in 14 directions (b-value = 984 s/mm2). After MRI, the right and left hin

Monitoring and diagnosis of intermittent arrhythmias : evidence-based guidance and role of novel monitoring strategies

Technological advances have made diagnosis of heart rhythm disturbances much easier, with a wide variety of options, including single-lead portable devices, smartphones/watches to sophisticated implantable cardiac monitors, allowing accurate data to be collected over different time periods depending on symptoms frequency. This review provides an overview of the novel and existing heart rhythm test

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This work presents a case where a combination of electromagnetics (EM61), refraction seismic surveys and a geotechnical survey allowed a detailed mapping of the near surface at a soil depot.This work presents a case where a combination of electromagnetics (EM61), refraction seismic surveys and a geotechnical survey allowed a detailed mapping of the near surface at a soil depot. Such results together with knowledge of the glacial overburden and groundwater potential enabled accurate determination of digging depth within the area, and thereby optimizing extension of the soil depot. The

Expansion of the Inguinal Adipose Tissue Depot Correlates With Systemic Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

To accommodate surplus energy, the adipose tissue expands by increasing adipocyte size (hypertrophy) and number (hyperplasia). The presence of hypertrophic adipocytes is a key characteristic of adipose tissue dysfunction. High-fat diet (HFD) fed C57BL/6J mice are a commonly used model to study obesity and obesity-related complications. In the present study, we have characterized adipose plasticity

Transversal functional connectivity and scene-specific processing in the human entorhinal-hippocampal circuitry

Scene and object information reach the entorhinal-hippocampal circuitry in partly segregated cortical processing streams. Converging evidence suggests that such information-specific streams organize the cortical – entorhinal interaction and the circuitry’s inner communication along the transversal axis of hippocampal subiculum and CA1. Here, we leveraged ultra-high field functional imaging and adv

Linear and circular stapled gastrojejunal anastomoses in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass : stomal diameter at onset and at long-term follow-up

Background: In the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure, the gastrojejunal stoma is constructed with either a circular (CSD) or a linear stapling device (LSD). The diameter of the stoma following stapling with the 21 mm CSD is expected to be approximately 12 mm (diameter of the anvil). Measuring the stoma diameter after linear stapling is a little more complex since the remaining openin

Quantifying the Impact of Different Parameters on Optimal Operation of Multi-Microgrid Systems

The multi-objective optimal power management of multi-microgrid systems is solved in this paper. Minimizing the total cost and emission of the system are considered as the objective functions. The multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied on a multi-microgrid system that consists of four microgrids each includes diesel generators, wind turbines, photovoltaic units, battery,

Seismic refraction survey to identify faults along a planned viaduct site in Constantine, Algeria: Application and comparison of tomography and generalized reciprocal method interpretations

The design and construction of large infrastructure projects require detailed information on subsurface geology and identification of potential risks. Geophysical investigations can provide important information for design and risk assessment provided that the optimal method and interpretation approach is adopted.This work presents results from seismic refraction surveys carried out along a planneThe design and construction of large infrastructure projects require detailed information on subsurface geology and identification of potential risks. Geophysical investigations can provide important information for design and risk assessment provided that the optimal method and interpretation approach is adopted.This work presents results from seismic refraction surveys carried out along a planne

p-Basilica Groups

We consider a generalisation of the Basilica group to all odd primes: the p-Basilica groups acting on the p-adic tree. We show that the p-Basilica groups have the p-congruence subgroup property but not the congruence subgroup property nor the weak congruence subgroup property. This provides the first examples of weakly branch groups with such properties. In addition, the p-Basilica groups give the

PAM50 subtyping and ROR score add long-term prognostic information in premenopausal breast cancer patients

PAM50 intrinsic subtyping and risk of recurrence (ROR) score are approved for risk profiling in postmenopausal women. We aimed to examine their long-term prognostic value in terms of breast cancer-free interval (BCFi) and overall survival (OS) (n = 437) in premenopausal women randomised to 2 years of tamoxifen versus no systemic treatment irrespective of hormone-receptor status. Intrinsic subtypin

Wardens of Civilisation : The Political Ecology of Australian Far-Right Civilisationism

The notion of a superior “civilisation” has been a hallmark of the politics of Western institutions and fringe white supremacists alike. Known ideologically as “civilisationism”, it has occupied a prominent position in the ideology of the Australian far-right. Paying tribute to their settler-colonial origins, the far-right has consistently promoted “white civilisation”, even inspiring terrorist at

Probing porosity in metals by electrical conductivity : Nanoscale experiments and multiscale simulations

Motivated by the significant influence of the underlying microstructure on the effective electrical properties of a material system and the desire to monitor defect evolution through non-destructive electrical characterisation, this contribution is concerned with a detailed study of conductivity changes caused by the presence of sub-microscale pores. Reducing the complexity of the material system,

Phase Reassignment with Efficient Estimation of Phase Difference

The recently developed Matched Phase Reassignment (MPR) gives a time-frequency local measure of phase difference between short oscillatory transient signals. However, the resulting phase estimate is not satisfactory as it has poor resolution for high oscillatory frequencies. The MPR is also sensitive to high noise levels and is computationally cumbersome. In this paper, a novel reassignment method


This paper presents the Reassignment Vector Phase Difference Estimator (RVPDE), which gives noise robust relative phase estimates of oscillating transient signals in high noise levels. Estimation of relative phase information between signals is of interest for direction of arrival estimation, source separation and spatio-temporal decoding in neurology as well as for soundscape analysis. The RVPDE