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Your search for "*" yielded 533629 hits

Influence of geometry and ventilation boundaries on simulation of the flow outside a room set-up in laboratory environment

In this study, the results from simulations of two sets of a 1/2 scale ISO room (ISO 9705) experiments are presented. In the experiments, heptane in a tray was burned in the middle of the room. Five models with various levels of complexity and geometric detail are used. The comparisons between simulations and experiments show that the fourth model provides the most accurate results with deviation

Tiga eller tala? En studie om socialsekreterare; yttrande- och meddelarfrihet för offentligt anställda samt tystnaden i svensk förvaltning

Author: Terese Jannert Title: ”Remain silent or speak up? Freedom of information, codes of silence, and the case of social workers in Sweden’s public management”. (translated title) Supervisor: Katarina Jacobsson Assessor: Sune Sunesson ___________________________________________________________________________ The objectives of this thesis are twofold. First, this study examines how social worker

Vertikal integration - en källa till värdeskapande för företag?

Abstract Title: Vertical integration, a source of value adding for companies? Seminar date: 2012-06-01 Course: FEKH95, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-cr Authors: Nilsson, Per: Wendel, Emelie: Persson, Sara Advisor/s: Claes Svensson Key words: Vertical integration, Farmshops, Value Creation, Perceived Cust

Internationella företagsförvärv och systematisk risk - Ett svenskt perspektiv

EXAMENSARBETETS TITEL: Internationella företagsförvärv och systematisk risk: Ett svenskt perspektiv SEMINARIEDATUM: Fredag den 1:a juni 2012 ÄMNE/KURS: FEKH95 Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng FÖRFATTARE: Öznur Ayar, Carl Mellerby, Per Wallengren HANDLEDARE: Göran Andersson NYCKELORD: Internationella företagsförvärv, systematisk risk, marknadsmodellen, eventstudie, marknadskorrelat

The effects of soil erosion on nutrient content in smallholding tea lands in Matara district, Sri Lanka

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Jorderosion är ett stort problem som breder ut sig i samband med att den naturliga vegetationen avverkas. Erosion bidrar till en försämring i markkvalitet och sänker därmed markens produktionskapacitet. Sri Lanka är en världsledande exportör av te där småböndernas produktion är en viktig komponent. Teodlingen på Sri Lanka präglas av landets klimat och branta topoSoil erosion is a major problem which is expanding as the natural vegetation is replaced by cultivations. This results in land degradation which decreases the quality and fertility of the soil. Sri Lanka is world leading on the market of tea, with smallholders contributing to an important amount of the production. Tea cultivation in Sri Lanka is highly influenced by the climate and varying topogra

Räcker en trovärdig berättelse? En granskning av förhållandet mellan målsägandens trovärdighet och den övriga bevisningen i våldtäktsmål

I våldtäktsmål utgör ofta målsägandens berättelse en stor del av bevisningen eftersom bevisning i den här typen av mål kan vara svår att få fram. Därmed blir målsägandens trovärdighet av stor betydelse för utgången i målet. Redan i NJA 1980 s. 225 slog Högsta domstolen (HD) fast att det för än fällande dom inte räcker att målsäganden är mer trovärdig än den tilltalade. Efter detta mål har praxis uIn rape cases, the victim’s story often represents a crucial part of the evidence, since it can be difficult to produce other types of evidence in such cases. Therefore, the victim’s credibility is of great significance for the outcome of a case. Already in NJA 1980 p. 225, the Supreme Court (HD) stated that in order to accomplish a conviction it is not sufficient for a victim to be more credible

Experience the Swedish Buffet: Lessons from a Holistic Leader Development Program

Abstract Title: Experience the Swedish Buffet: Lessons from a Holistic Leader Development Program Seminar Date: May 29th- 30th, 2012 Course: BUSN49 Degree Project Master Level in Managing People, Knowledge & Change Authors: Liga Lagzdina & Kalliopi Christopoulou Advisor: Sverre Spoelstra Department of Business Administration School of Economics and Management Lund University, Sweden

What about a Human Rights Based Approach? - a case study of the legal situation of victims of child trafficking in Nepal

This paper aims to establish to what extent a human rights-based approach could contribute to an improvement of the enforcement of the rights of children who are victims of trafficking in Nepal. A Minor Field Study based on interviews was conducted in Nepal in order to gather data about the structure of the current legal treatment of children who are victims of trafficking and to what extent poten

Fully developed fires in “low-energy” and “energy-efficient” buildings

Buildings use approximately 40% of the total amount of the consumed energy in EU and USA. New design approaches and materials are used to reduce the energy consumption for space heating, ventilation, lightning and other domestic necessities. There is a need to investigate effect of these design features on the fire safety. Increased compartment size can contribute to the fire duration and non-unif

Fire safety education for staff members - case study

Changing people's attitude towards fire safety is the most important goal in this research. Looking closely how the fire safety education effects the peoples response in unannounced evacuation drill was the aim of the study. Constant changes in the process of the training made the improvements possible and weaknesses were identified. The staffs' attitude towards fire safety changed to the

Population aging and enrollment ratios in tertiary education: does population aging elevate the enrollment ratio in OECD countries?

This study examines possibility of positive contribution of population aging to enrolment ratios in tertiary education of 32 OECD countries from 1970 onward. It estimates an equation with fertility, life expectancy, GDP per capita, schooling age population for tertiary education and expenditures to education. In the equation, the variables reflect demand, supply and constraints on education identi

Hälsorond och psykosocial arbetsmiljökartläggning( PAK)

I samhället har ohälsan och sjukskrivningarna bland de anställda under de senaste åren ökat markant. Det man idag vet är att det finns en mängd olika faktorer som påverkar människan i arbetslivet. Några av dessa faktorer kan vara arbetsmängden, påverkansmöjligheter, arbetsinnehåll och den fysiska arbetsmiljön. Syftet med denna studie har varit att se om Hälsoronden och PAK enkäten visar på samma e

En studie av hur vår tjänst Hälsospiral upplevs och bedöms av deltagande arbetsgrupp

Syftet med denna studie var att med en enkätundersökning undersöka hur deltagare vid en arbetsmiljökartläggning och hälsoundersökning enligt Hälsospiralen, genomförd av företagshälsovården Hälsoborgen, upplever och uppfattar denna. En arbetsgrupp med 16 undersköterskor inom kommunens vård- och omsorgsförvaltning erbjöds ett år efter genomförd Hälsospiral att medverka i undersökningen. Vid studien

Tolkningsutrymmet inom IFRS - Konjunkturens påverkan

Since IFRS is a principle-based system of norms, there is room for interpretation. This can lead to smoothing of the company’s net profit, based on the management's subjective choice. A correlation can exist, that the scope for interpretation may lead to the manipulation of the net profit. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether listed Swedish firms use earnings management in the f

Organic Brand Heritage through Multiple Authors

This thesis studies the subject of brand heritage by examining the two sports umbrellas of equestrianism and martial arts, seeking to build an introductory understanding of whether brand heritage can organically develop through unencumbered and independent handling and rewriting of history and myth, and through the voices of multiple authors. An analysis of documents produced throughout various d

Simulation of Finished Goods Inventory - Next Step Towards Factory Simulation

Purpose: This Master Thesis has the purpose of creating a simulation model of a finished goods inventory at one of the Company’s factories. In addition, an improved layout should be proposed. Design/Approach: A simulation study using discrete-event simulation has been performed in the recommended steps by various literatures. A thorough study was made to identify the stakeholders and the relevant

Exploration of Creativity in HCI - An interplay between freedom and structure

Creativity has become a modern concept. In several job advertisement, organisation state that they are looking for an employee of ‘creative’ nature. There is however several perspectives on what creativity is and is achieved. The purpose for this thesis was to explore the perception of creativity in Human computer interaction (HCI), and how HCI-professionals working in organisations relate to and

Allt mitt kött ska bli till ord. Om jaget och texten i Martina Lowdens Allt

Uppsatsen behandlar Martina Lowdens debutbok Allt och syftar till att skapa en helhetsförståelse av verket genom att belysa det som självskrivande med relation till dagboken och dagboksromanen. Samtidigt problematiseras ett sådant jag-fokuserat perspektiv genom en diskussion av bokens arbete med sampling, listor och konkretism.

Bostadspriserna och läget - tillämpning av den monocentriska stadsmodellen

Forecasts and analysis on real estate values and house prices are an ever-present problem for several different players. Often there is debate about the values of housing prices or housing bubbles in the Swedish cities. The difficulty with the valuation of housing, compared with other products, is their unique location. No housing is another comparable, and because of this there is no certain mark