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Mercury Emissions Into the Atmosphere From A Chlor-alkali Complex Measured With the Lidar Technique

Data are reported on atmospheric mercury flux measured by a lidar system at a chlor-alkali plant located in central Italy. Two mercury sources were identified over the electrolytic cell rooms. A flux value of 36 g h-1 was determined during the daytime while at night the value increase to 56 g h-1. The mercury emitted into the atmosphere was found to be 4 g per 1000 kg of chlorine produced. Atmosph

Digital product catalogues : an evaluation of presentation and visualization techniques

This licentiate thesis concerns advanced digital product catalogues, with the main focus on product presentation. A computer based digital product catalogue opens new possibilities for advanced product presentation and integration into the existing compute environment. Several new possibilities for product presentation become available. By use of photorealistic rendering techniques, images showing

Upper Body Muscle Strength and Endurance in Relation to Peak Exercise Capacity During Cycling in Healthy Sedentary Male Subjects.

Segerström, AB, Holmbäck, AM, Elzyri, T, Eriksson, KF, Ringsberg, K, Groop, L, Thorsson, O, and Wollmer, P. Upper body muscle strength and endurance in relation to peak exercise capacity during cycling in healthy sedentary male subjects. J Strength Cond Res 24(x): 000-000, 2010-The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between upper body muscle strength and endurance, and exercise capa

Association of tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor (TATI) expression with molecular markers, pathologic features and clinical outcomes of urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder.

PURPOSES: To describe the differential tissue expression of tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor (TATI) in normal bladder urothelium, primary urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) and metastatic UCB and to assess the association of TATI expression with molecular markers commonly altered in UCB and clinical outcomes after radical cystectomy. METHODS: Slides from eight cystectomy patients without

Stabilins are expressed in bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells and mediate scavenging and cell adhesive functions.

Bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells have a specific function as a site of transmigration of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and mature blood cells between bone marrow and blood stream. However, the specific characteristics of bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells are still largely unclear. We here report that these cells express stabilin-1 and stabilin-2, which in liver sinusoidal

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Review of Göran Gruber, "Medeltider. Samtida moblliseringsprocesser kring det förflutnas värden" (Linköping 2010)

A true single-phase-clock dynamic CMOS circuit technique

The authors describe two dynamic circuit techniques, using only a single-phase clock which is never inverted. This class of circuits has the advantages of simple clock distribution, small area for clock lines reduced clock skew problems, and high speed. Several examples are demonstrated.

Multi-Channel Acquisition and Visualization of the Dolphin Echolocation Beam – Instrumentation Design and Bioacoustic Results

Popular Abstract in Swedish Delfiner och andra tandvalar har förmågan att ekolokalisera. Trots att dessa djur länge fascinerat människor genom historien var det först på 1950-talet som man lyckades bevisa att de faktiskt har denna förmåga. Det finns fortfarande många fundamentala frågor angående deras ekolokalisering som ännu inte besvarats, till stor del för att det har krävt alltför avancerad teToothed whales (Odontocetes) use echolocation to navigate and find food in dark or murky waters. A wide range of innovative studies has since the 1960:s been used to characterize their echolocation beam and map out their echolocation skills. In order to render high quality recordings of the sounds emitted by these animals, advanced measurement systems are required. There are still interesting env

Deposition of Airborne Particles onto the Human Eye - Wind Tunnel Studies of the Deposition Velocity onto the Eyes of a Mannequin

Abstract In the field of occupational hygiene much consideration is devoted to the uptake through the human airways, but there are also reports of irritations, complaints and hazards or potential hazards due to particle deposition onto the eyes. There is a need for data regarding the dependence of the deposition rate on particle size and environmental parameters in order to formulate sampling crit

Can complement factors 5 and 8 and transthyretin be used as biomarkers for MODY 1 (HNF4A-MODY) and MODY 3 (HNF1A-MODY)?

Aims Genetic testing is needed for the formal diagnosis of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), but this is not widely available. If any MODY biomarkers were known, these could possibly be used as an alternative. Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1alpha and HNF-4alpha regulate transcription of genes encoding complement 5 (C5), complement 8 (C8) and transthyretin (TTR), suggesting that these

Intestinal damage in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection.

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) infection leads to marked intestinal injury. Sigmoid colon obtained from two children during EHEC infection exhibited abundant TUNEL-positive cells. To define which bacterial virulence factors contribute to intestinal injury the presence of Shiga toxin-2 (Stx2), intimin and the type III secretion system were correlated with symptoms and intestinal damage.

Revealing user behaviour on the world-wide web

This paper presents the results of a qualitative study of user behaviour on the World-Wide Web. Eight participants were filmed whilst performing user-defined tasks and then asked to review the video-taped session during prompted recall. This data forms the basis for a series of descriptions of user behaviour and the postulation of a number of underlying cognitive mechanisms. Our results indicate t

Minimetern hjälper hjärnskadade att kommunicera

Specialutvecklad elektronik för rehabilitering avhjärnskadade är tidsödande och dyrbar att utveckla. Björn Breidegard från Certec, Lunds tekniska högskola, berättar här hur man i stället kan använda enbillig TV-kamera i kombination med dator och programvara. Resultaten är mycket lyckade.