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A quick test of cognitive speed can predict development of dementia in Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients frequently develop cognitive impairment. There is a need for brief clinical assessments identifying PD patients at high risk of progressing to dementia. In this study, we look into predicting dementia in PD and underlying structural and functional correlates to cognitive decline in PD. We included 175 patients with PD, 30 with PD dementia, 51 neurologically health

In Pursuit of a Stable Stabilization Policy in Sweden. From the Gold Standard to Inflation Targeting and Beyond

In a historical perspective, the stabilization policy regime in Sweden is in a state of constant change, affected by economic crises, international impulses, domestic politics, and developments in macroeconomic theory. Economists have been deeply involved in this process. The current framework for monetary and fiscal policy, with an independent central bank focusing on inflation targeting, and a r

Suppression-induced forgetting diminishes following a delay of either sleep or wake

We investigated the duration of suppression-induced forgetting (SIF), and the extent to which retrieval suppression differs between negative and neutral memories. We further examined if SIF was differently affected by sleep versus wake during the delay interval between retrieval suppression and re-test. Fifty participants first learned to associate neutral words with either neutral or negative ima

Is Innovation out of Control? An Explorative Study in Management Control Systems and the Business Model of Innovation

The aim of this explorative study is to examine the theoretical and empirical notions in the business model of innovation that are influenced by use of management control systems (MCS). By means of a systematic literature review, the theoretical constructs are highlighted and related to the diagnostic and interactive uses of part of the MCS, namely the performance measurement systems (PMS), and thThe aim of this explorative study is to examine the theoretical and empirical notions in the business model of innovation that are influenced by use of management control systems (MCS). By means of a systematic literature review, the theoretical constructs are highlighted and related to the diagnostic and interactive uses of part of the MCS, namely the performance measurement systems (PMS), and th

Metagenomics of the faecal virome indicate a cumulative effect of enterovirus and gluten amount on the risk of coeliac disease autoimmunity in genetically at risk children : The TEDDY study

Objective: Higher gluten intake, frequent gastrointestinal infections and adenovirus, enterovirus, rotavirus and reovirus have been proposed as environmental triggers for coeliac disease. However, it is not known whether an interaction exists between the ingested gluten amount and viral exposures in the development of coeliac disease. This study investigated whether distinct viral exposures alone

Detection and clinical manifestation of placental malaria in southern Ghana

BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum can be detected by microscopy, histidine-rich-protein-2 (HRP2) capture test or PCR but the respective clinical relevance of the thereby diagnosed infections in pregnant women is not well established.METHODS: In a cross-sectional, year-round study among 839 delivering women in Agogo, Ghana, P. falciparum was screened for in both, peripheral and placental blood samp

Effects of dextran-linked chloromercuribenzoic acid on insulin release from microdissected pancreatic islets

Insulin release in response to dextran-linked p-chloromercuribenzoic acid was studied in microdissected pancreatic islets of non-inbred ob/ob-mice. No contamination of the dextran-linked mercurial with free chloromercuribenzoic acid was detected before or after the incubation with islets. In comparison with free mercurial, of the same thiol-blocking activity, the dextran-linked compound had a weak

Mobilizing Pity: Iranian Women on the Long Road to Azadi Stadium

This article examines the politics of pity deployed by Iranian activists against the football stadium ban imposed on Iranian women and its impact on individual and collective histories of suffering and struggle of Iran's women in the pursuit of attaining citizenship

Population centroids of the world administrative units from nighttime lights 1992-2013

Knowledge about the past, current and future distribution of the human population is fundamental for tackling many global challenges. Censuses are used to collect information about population within a specified spatial unit. The spatial units are usually arbitrarily defined and their numbers, size and shape tend to change over time. These issues make comparisons between areas and countries difficu

One-dimensional charged kaon femtoscopy in p-Pb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV

The correlations of identical charged kaons were measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The femtoscopic invariant radii and correlation strengths were extracted from one-dimensional kaon correlation functions and were compared with those obtained in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at s=7 TeV and sNN=2.76 TeV, respectively. The presented results also complement the

Mechanisms and regulations of priming effects in soil

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a significant role in the global carbon (C) and nutrients cycles, not only since SOM is a major storage reservoir of C and plant nutrients, but also since microbial decomposition of SOM releases large quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere. The accelerated or reduced turnover rate of SOM after the input of labile C compounds is a phenomenon known as the priming effect

Improving the reporting quality of intervention trials addressing the inter-individual variability in response to the consumption of plant bioactives : quality index and recommendations

Purpose: The quality of the study design and data reporting in human trials dealing with the inter-individual variability in response to the consumption of plant bioactives is, in general, low. There is a lack of recommendations supporting the scientific community on this topic. This study aimed at developing a quality index to assist the assessment of the reporting quality of intervention trials

Mechanisms of soft tissue and protein preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex

The idea that original soft tissue structures and the native structural proteins comprising them can persist across geological time is controversial, in part because rigorous and testable mechanisms that can occur under natural conditions, resulting in such preservation, have not been well defined. Here, we evaluate two non-enzymatic structural protein crosslinking mechanisms, Fenton chemistry and

The robustness of midlatitude weather pattern changes due to arctic sea ice loss

The significance and robustness of the link between Arctic sea ice loss and changes in midlatitude weather patterns is investigated through a series of model simulations from the Community Atmosphere Model, version 5.3, with systematically perturbed sea ice cover in the Arctic. Using a large ensemble of 10 sea ice scenarios and 550 simulations, it is found that prescribed Arctic sea ice anomalies