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Students making sense of motion in a vertical roller coaster loop

Describing the motion in a vertical roller coaster loop requires a good understanding of Newton's laws, vectors and energy transformation. This paper describes how first-year students try to make sense of force and acceleration in this example of non-uniform circular motion, which was part of a written exam. In addition to an analysis of the exam solutions by about 60 students, a group interview w

Improving dialogue among researchers, local and indigenous peoples and decision-makers to address issues of climate change in the North

The Circumpolar North has been changing rapidly within the last decades, and the socioeconomic systems of the Eurasian Arctic and Siberia in particular have displayed the most dramatic changes. Here, anthropogenic drivers of environmental change such as migration and industrialization are added to climate-induced changes in the natural environment such as permafrost thawing and increased frequency

PERson-centredness in hypertension management using information technology (PERHIT) : a protocol for a randomised controlled trial in primary health care

Purpose: For primary health care (PHC), hypertension is the number one diagnosis for planned health care visits. The treatment of high blood pressure (BP) and its consequences constitutes a substantial economic burden. In spite of efficient antihypertensive medications, a low percentage of patients reach a well-controlled BP. The PERson-centredness in Hypertension management using Information Tech

Properties and fungal decomposition of iron oxide-associated organic matter

Soil organic matter (SOM) stores the largest quantity of C in terrestrial ecosystems. Most SOM can be decomposed by microorganisms and released as CO2 into the atmosphere. The remaining fraction of SOM can be resistant against microbial decomposition over centuries to millennia. Changes in the magnitude of this stable SOM pool can have a substantial effect on the atmospheric CO2 concentration and

The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching

Some of the most pressing concerns of our time, such as crises connected to migration, the welfare state, international law and terrorism, are part of the Swedish upper secondary school subject Social Science. This means that Social Science teaching easily generates intense emotions, sparks of which are lit in the encounter between the students, the teacher, and the specific content of the school

Evaluation of Regional CO2 Mole Fractions in the ECMWF CAMS Real-Time Atmospheric Analysis and NOAA CarbonTracker Near-Real-Time Reanalysis With Airborne Observations From ACT-America Field Campaigns

This study systematically examines the regional uncertainties and biases in carbon dioxide (CO2) mole fractions from two of the state-of-the-art global CO2 analysis products, namely, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) real-time atmospheric analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the CarbonTracker Near-Real-Time (CT-NRT) reanalysis from the

Dynamic modelling and controlling strategy of polymer electrolyte fuel cells

A comprehensive dynamic control oriented model of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is developed, considering the mixed effects of temperature, gas flow and capacitance. The fractional relationship between the dynamic output voltage and the capacitance, which escaped the attention in most previous studies is also addressed. Moreover, based on the developed PEFC model, a proportional integral

Characterization of olfactory sensory neurons in the red clover seed weevil, Protapion trifolii (Coleoptera : Brentidae) and comparison to the closely related species P. fulvipes

Protapion trifolii and P. fulvipes (Coleoptera: Brentidae) are major pests in European clover seed production. Previous studies have reported a high host plant fidelity of these weevils for red and white clover species, respectively, driven by host plant olfactory cues. Given the specific host preferences observed in these weevils, we aimed to elucidate to which extent such selectivity is reflecte

Performance experimental data of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell considering the variation of the relative humidity of reactants gases

The data collected in this article is based on a performance test of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). The behavior the different parameters of a PEFC is analyzed considering different aspects relative to the inlet gases temperatures. The fuel cell was evaluated by means of a current sweep at different percentages of relative humidity between the feed gas and the cell. The relative humidity

Ingemar Ståhl 1938-2014. A Portrait of a Political Economist in the Swedish Welfare State

For many decades, Ingemar Ståhl was a well-known economist in Sweden. He introduced new perspectives into research, teaching and public debate. He made his presence felt in areas as diverse as housing policy, defense economics, energy policy, financial economics, industrial policy, higher education, union controlled wage earner funds, law and economics, health-care economics and taxation. He advoc

Transoral robotic surgery in the management of head and neck squamous cell cancer with unknown primary

Background: Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) assisted base of the tongue (BOT) resection has been suggested as part of the work-up for head and neck squamous cell cancer with unknown primary (HNSCC-CUP). Success rates vary with regard to identification of primary BOT lesions, and cases with likely such lesions appear to be included in previous reports. Objectives: To analyse the possible benefits

Phenotypic antibody discovery and mining of complex antibody libraries

Therapeutic antibodies are the fastest growing class of drugs but suffer from a crowded target-space where many antibodies, against a few targets, are developed in parallel. The aim of this thesis is to find methods to enable discovery of novel antibody-target combinations and thereby increase the target-space. A strategy to achieve this is to use phage display antibody libraries and selection on

Tourists' place-making performances through music

Traditionally tourists are treated as passive media consumers but this chapter departs from a performance perspective emphasizing tourists’ active role. This chapter deals with how popular music affects tourists’ experiences in destinations by exploring the performance of place-making practices by tourists as they engage with music. The performance perspective is complemented with a ritual perspec

Towards a Circular Economy with Environmental Product Policy : Considering dynamics in closing and slowing material loops for lighting products

A Circular Economy (CE) can help to achieve the sustainable development goal of responsible consumption and production. Product policies, in turn, can support CE objectives by promoting reuse of products, recycling of materials, and providing ecodesign incentives for more durable products. This thesis examined the role of product policies in meeting CE objectives in the EU, with specific focus on