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The purpose of this study was to find female discrimination at Japanese workplaces in Bangkok metropolitan region because Japanese working system contain high female discrimination and gender inequality. Thus it was interesting to know the situation of female discrimination in Japanese firms in Thailand whether it exists or not. In this thesis, the feminist research approach was used as the main f

Are Immigrants choosing other Universities than Natives? - comparing the composition of students at Lund and Malmö University

Abstract The purpose with this study is to look into whether there is a difference in the reputa-tion/status of the university immigrants and native Swedes choose. The composition of stu-dents at two universities is compared, Malmö University and Lund University. The objective is to investigate whether there are more immigrants, first- and/or second generation, studying at Malmö University compare

En studie av ett företags val av återförsäljare

En fallstudie av fallföretaget Thule. Vid penetration på ny marknad med existerande produkter, är det viktigt att granska eventuella samarbetspartners i form av återförsäljare. Thule vill in på sporthandelsmarknaden då man uppskattar att man förlorar 2/3 av dess potentiella kunder genom att inte finnas där idag. Vi kommer i vår studie således att undersöka 4 av de sportkedjor vi finner mest lämpli


Författare: Marcus Karlsson, Anis Kheder and Zahir Muqurai Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå hur subkulturer värderar och tar sig an varumärken samt förstå hur dess konsumtion kan förhålla sig till adoptionsprocessen. Frågeställningar: Vilka är de bakomliggande faktorerna till att en subkultur adopterar varumärken? Hur kan adoptionsprocessen förhålla sig i en subkultur som casualkultur

Privat och offentlig regi i primärvården - En analys av produktiviteten vid privata och offentliga vårdcentraler i VG Primärvård

The question of whether private profit driven providers deliver health care with a higher productivity and efficiency in comparison to public alternatives has been a subject of debate in both political and scientific contexts The empirical research on comparisons between private and public providers has however mainly been based on experiences from U.S. hospitals. The purpose of this study is to c

Why Do Emerging Economies Increase Their Military Spending? Comparing the BRIC Countries from 1990 to 2010

The aim of the study is to investigate the motives behind emerging economies' military spending. More specifically, answering the question: Why do emerging economies increase their military spending? It does so by analyzing the BRIC countries (Brazil, India, Russia, and China).Drawing from earlier study, it firstly develops an analytical framework consists of three hypotheses, then applies the

Choice Blindness for Body Size Preferences

Studies show that preferences can be learned through repeated choices and feedback is identified as a mechanism through which people can learn from a repeated choice structure. In this study participants were subjected to repeated choices of bodies and repeated false feedback regarding body size. Images presented to participants were in fact videos in which the bodies increased or decreased in siz

The Double Feedback Model of Neural Control of Locomotion: Is Immature Behavior Needed to Develop Mature Behavior?

Computational modeling is a commonly used method to understand, predict and explain for instance the organization of neuronal connectivity. Here it is applied to the problem of the development of the neural control of locomotion. Locomotion, e.g. walking and swimming, can be characterized as an alternate activation of opposing muscles and is controlled by central pattern generators, CPGs, in the s

Trademark parody and Freedom of expression – Shall we dance?

The Thesis’ subject, a notion of trademark parodies, by its legal nature simultaneously belongs to two branches of law – an intellectual property law and a human rights law. Thus, it falls under umbrella of ongoing debate about relations between the aforementioned ones. A chosen area of the research – trademark law – narrows viewpoints to the specific perspectives. The question about parody in law

MRI-Based Quantification of Intra-Myocellular Fat Content

Jag har i detta arbete tagit fram en metod för att mäta mängden fett i muskelceller som vare sig kräver vävnadsprover eller nålstick. Metoden ger också en bild av fettfördelningen i vävnaden. Detta kan vara mycket användbart vid utveckling av läkemedel, men också vid diabetes- och fetmaforskning. Muskelceller innehåller ett bränsleförråd i form av en droppe fett. För diabetespatienter och som en b"Introduction Cardiac steatosis, or overstorage of fat in the cardiac muscle cells, is a possible side effect from drugs treating diabetes mellitus. Therefore, a non-invasive means of fat quantification is needed during drug development. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a method to quantify the fraction intra-myocellular fat in the cardiac muscle of rats using magnetic resonance im

Brachytherapy of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Lip MDR to PDR Treatment Conversion

En vanlig typ av behandling vid cancer är strålbehandling. Tekniken har utvecklats mycket de senaste åren och med ny teknik kommer bättre behandlingsresultat och bättre skydd mot strålningen. När det är dags att byta ut en äldre behandlingsteknik mot en nyare är det en del faktorer som måste undersökas. Detta arbete undersöker just de möjligheterna vid en ny typ av behandling för läppcancer. StrIntroduction: From 1988 – 2004, patients with squamous cell carcinoma in the lower lip were treated with medium dose rate (MDR) 192Ir wires using a manual afterloading tech-nique. An average of 3 wires were used, each with a mean length of 36 mm (range 27 – 65 mm) and a mean dose rate of 4.5 Gy/h (range 1.8 – 8.7 Gy/h). The average prescribed dose was 21.5 Gy (range 21.0 – 32.6 Gy) at the 85% isod

Dosimetric and geometric evaluation of MRI as the only imaging modality for the radiotherapy treatment process of localized prostate cancer

Idag finns det många olika sätt att avbilda människokroppens inre. Två av de vanligaste metoderna som används idag är magnetresonans (MR) och datortomografi (CT). MR använder sig av starka magnetfält och radiovågor för att skapa snittbilder av kroppen, medan CT använder sig av röntgenstrålar. Båda kamerorna har sina fördelar och nackdelar. MR ger bättre vävnadskontrast, det vill säga det är lättarIntroduction MRI provides better soft tissue contrast than CT and is an invaluable tool in the radiotherapy treatment process. The gold standard today is image fusion of MRI and CT data where targets and organs-at-risk are delineated on the MRI data and the dose calculation is performed on the CT data. It is appealing to exclude CT from the process in order to reduce cost and time and to eliminate

Dosimetry for the Lens of the Eye, Applications for Medical Staff Involved in Interventional Radiology Procedures

Under vissa typer av operationer, till exempel då kärlen kring hjärtat opereras, använder sig läkare av en speciell typ av röntgenmaskin för att orientera sig inuti kroppen, så kallad genomlysning. För att undgå att öppna upp bröstkorgen på patienten går läkarna in med små verktyg i kärlen via ljumskarna och upp till hjärtat. Eftersom läkarna står så nära patienten träffar en del av strålningen de"Background: Cataract (opacity of the lens of the eye) has always been thought of as a deterministic effect. That is, that there is a threshold dose below which damage does not occur. However, recent studies suggest a lower threshold and the question whether there is any threshold at all has been raised. One situation that leads to special concern, if this turns out to be the case, is during

Collimation technique for HPGe-detector gamma spectrometry in intense radiation fields

The aim of this master thesis was to develop a rotation-based collimation system for large coaxial high-purity germanium detectors for use in intense radiation fields. A collimator was constructedformed as a cylinder surrounding the detector, with a 90° slit opening to the detector. The rotational asymmetry caused by the slit was used to trace the direction of the incident gamma rays as well as re

Using the LaBr3Ce scintillation detector for mobile gamma-spectrometry

When doing mobile gamma-spectrometry the equipment has for severaldecades been limited to NaI(Tl) and Ge-based detectors. Recent developements has led to a possible replacement of NaI(Tl)-based systems in the form of a new scintillation material: LaBr3:Ce (cerium doped lanthanum bromide). LaBr3:Ce-detectors successfully compete with NaI(Tl)-based detectors when considering resolution, efficiency,

Utredning av möjligheterna till marin förnybar energi i Öresund

Syftet med denna studie är att utreda möjligheterna för Öresundskraft AB att utvinna marin förnyelsebar energi från norra Öresund. Studien genomförs i två delar där Öresunds fysikaliska egenskaper samt marina krafttekniker kartläggs i den första för att sedan analysera den möjliga miljöpåverkan från de alternativen som kan vara intressanta i Öresund. De marina energitekniker som studerades var OTEThe purpose of this study is to determine the possibilities for Öresundskraft AB to derive marine renewable energy from northern Öresund, the sound between Sweden and Denmark. The physical properties of the sound, such as temperature, current speed, wave height, salinity gradients, bathymetry, are researched as well as which technologies are present in the current marine renewable energy market. T

En situationsstudie av dissipation beräknad i HIRLAM

Detta arbete har syftat till att göra en situationsstudie av dissipation beräknad i HIRLAM, en numerisk prognosmodell, över Danmark och att ge författarna kunskap om fenomenet turbulens. Studien gjordes genom att bearbeta data erhållen från HIRLAM i MATLAB. Den nedersta delen av troposfären där jordytan har en påverkan på atmosfären kallas för gränsskiktet. När vinden blåser i gränsskiktet kommer This case study aimed at analyzing dissipation calculated in HIRLAM, a numerical forecast model, over Denmark and to give the authors more knowledge about the phenomenon of turbulence. The study was done by processing data obtained from HIRLAM in MATLAB. The lowest part of the troposphere where the surface of the earth has an impact on the air is called the planetary boundary layer. When the wind

Handlingsprogram för kommunalt säkerhetsarbete ‐ En studie över hur Umeå kommun kan utveckla sitt säkerhetsarbete

This master thesis investigates how municipalities can use action program for its safety work and how the municipality of Umeå can improve its work with such a program. Information has been gathered through literature studies and case studies involving the municipality of Umeå, four other municipalities and some of the responsible authorities for the area. Conclusions reached out is that an action

Last Minute Bidding on Tradera

In online auctions bidding frequency tends to increase towards the last minutes of the auction. This thesis investigates why bidders might choose to engage in last minute bidding, sniping, in Tradera auctions (Tradera is a Swedish subsidiary of eBay). Tradera uses a hard-close rule and a second-price rule. In hard-close auctions the dead-line occurs at a specific time, after which new bids are not