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Patienters uppfattningar om sin kunskap om den information de fått om inhalationsteknik - en jämförande enkätstudie mellan certifierad och icke certifierad astma/KOL mottagning.

Sammanfattning: I Sverige finns idag certifierade och icke-certifierade astma/KOL-mottagningar inom primärvården. Forskning visar att inhalationsteknik inte förbättrats de senaste 40 åren. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns skillnad i patienters uppfattningar om sin kunskap och den information de fått om inhalationsteknik vid en certifierad astma/KOL- mottagning och en icke ce

Smelly sustainability : the case of the 1st Polish food waste to biogas plant

Poland with its long coal and landfilling traditions struggles to reach the European Union goals for both the share of energy produced from renewable sources and management of biodegradable waste. Biogas is proven to be a part of a sustainable solution addressing the problem of organic waste utilisation while providing an opportunity for renewable energy generation as well as for nutrients recycli

Retreat. Dwell. Rehabilitate. Educate.

Iceland is known for its remote location and rough beauty. In their seclusion, the Icelanders have built an independent and peaceful country. They are undeniably a very unique nation, where police officers are not allowed to carry guns, except on special occasions. The society displays a relaxed attitude towards prisons, which are built without concrete walls around. However, faced with the immens

Understanding and Dealing with Dyslexia in the EFL Classroom

Dyslexia is a problem that can limit someone’s life if the person does not receive the appropriate support in order to develop strategies to deal with it, and it is not limited to one’s first language. The first limitations appear early in life during the school years as the child struggles with literacy issues. It is in the educational environment where the child will receive the first support a

Vaknat på fel sida? En studie av sambandet mellan sömn och emotionsreglering

Sömn är en livsnödvändig biologisk process och forskning har länge undersökt dess betydelse för både vår fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Det finns indikationer på att sömnproblem har en särskild koppling till affektiva syndrom såsom depression, men samtidigt har förhållandevis lite forskning undersökt sambandet mellan sömn och emotion. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka förhållandet mellan sömn o

Effektivisering av fastighetsdrift och underhåll med hjälp av Internet of Things.

Utveckling av effektiv drift och underhåll av fastigheter är ett kontinuerligt arbete som pågår under hela fastighetens livcykel. För att en byggnad ska vara energieffektiv så är faktorer som byggnadsskal, primärenergi och lokala förutsättningar av stor betydelse. Byggnadsautomation möjliggör ytterligare besparingar genom att effektivt begränsa energiflöden utan att påverka upplevd komfort hos bru

Sexual Sociality between Lebanese and Syrian men: A Study of the Representations of Syrian Men in the Non-heterosexual Lebanese Context.

This thesis explores the multiple representations of Syrian men in the non-heterosexual Lebanese context. Through qualitative research methods, eleven Lebanese men who have sex with men are interviewed about their sexual sociality with Syrian men. In terms of eroticization, this thesis exposes that Western and negotiated forms of orientalism overlap and produce multiple and even contradictory form

Optimization of measurement geometry for GASMAS lung function monitoring of infants

A technique for measuring oxygen concentration in the lungs of preterm infants is one of the latest advancements in neonatal care. It is called GAs in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) and enables non-invasive, bed-side monitoring of the lung function of our most fragile patients, preterm newborns. The technique is promising and its potential is now evaluated in preparation for cli

Case study at Scania: How packaging options affect supply chain operations and costs

Abstract Background/introduction: Scania supply chain is responsible for packaging to protect parts during transportation from their suppliers around the world. For many years Scania has used returnable packaging for inbound logistics of automotive parts. Scania packaging can be divided into two groups; namely Standard packaging and Special packaging. Problem description: When introducing a newer

Förskolebarns kunskaper om brand och utrymning

Young children have been identified as particularly exposed to fires. This study aims at investigating pre-school children's level of knowledge about fire and evacuation and if the level of knowledge increases after an education. The aim has also been to present guidelines of how educational materials for children of that age should be designed. The work has been conducted by interviews with p

A case study of the possibility, consequences and synergies for Södra Cell Mörrum to invest in a steam turbine

Med ett ökat överskott av 3-bars ånga, som i dagsläget släpps ut i luften, har detta examensarbetet syftat till att undersöka möjligheterna, konsekvenserna och synergierna som uppstår ifall pappersbruket Södra Cell i Mörrum, SCM, investerar i en kondensturbin. Hösten 2017 investerade SCM i en ny indunstning vilket resulterade i ett ökat överskott av 3-bars ånga. Överskottet motiverade detta arbetThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether Södra Cell Mörrum, SCM, could invest in a steam turbine to produce profitable electricity from excess steam, which is currently being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, this study investigated the potential side effects from this installation and suggests solutions. This study was conducted in two phases: collecting data which was then s

Instrumentalism of values and beliefs for ethno-nationalist militant movements: the case of PKK

Myths, religious beliefs, and symbols are crucial components of ethnicity. PKK as a nationalist separatist armed organization- intensively uses them to construct a Kurdish identity which is compatible with its ideology as well as its objectives to mobilize Kurds and to galvanize their support. This thesis seeks to describe how PKK –as a militant organization- has instrumentalised Islamic related t

Beyond Tradition and Modernity: the PJD and the Demystification of Moroccan Islamism

This research aims to clarify the entanglement and interplay of ideological revisions, Islamic conceptualizations and political standpoints of the Moroccan PJD, during the last decade, within the larger state-society relations. This will be carried out methodologically through a thematic periodized approach of two turning national occurrences namely the 2003 Casablanca terrorist attacks and the 20


This project focuses on understanding creativity and its surroundings, along with the effects it can have on the mind. The goal was to inspire individuals to grow both physically & mentally throughout their creative processes. Research has been done through books, videos, articles, Internet and discussions. As well as an interview at a company about their creative workplace. Other research was

The Right to Urban life

Contemporary urban movements in Sweden emerge and are primary active in so-called million program neighborhoods. Many of these neighborhoods are some of the most deprived and socially vulnerable areas in Sweden. Million program neighborhoods have been objects for external descriptions ever since they were built. Depicted, on the one hand as “the heart" of diversity in Swedish society, and on

Strict association between mitochondrial lineages and nuclear loci in the avian malaria parasite Haemoproteus majoris

Ny upptäckt kan tyda på att antalet malaria parasiter är betydligt fler än vad man tidigare trott Malaria orsakar en infektions sjukdom och klassas som en av väldens mest dödliga sjukdomar, uppskattningsvis avlider runt 1 miljon människor årligen av sjukdomen. Malaria parasiten som sprider sjukdomen har en mycket avancerad livscykel som involverar två olika faser, där den ena fasen genomförs i etThe avian malaria parasite Haemoproteus majoris is a generalist, infecting a broad range of host species and is prevalent worldwide. Parasite species infecting a wide host range and with a global distribution should hold several different genetic variants. In this study, novel molecular markers were developed to amplify partial segments of the nuclear genes circumsporozoite- and TRAP-related prote

Alarm flood reduction using multiple data sources

The introduction of distributed control systems in the process industry has increased the number of alarms per operator exponentially. Modern plants present a high level of interconnectivity due to steam recirculation, heat integration and the complex control systems installed in the plant. When there is a disturbance in the plant it spreads through its material, energy and information connections

Effects of pro-TGFα on EGF receptor signaling

TGFα is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family and is one of the ligands for the EGF- receptor. The precursor of TGFα, pro-TGFα, is a transmembrane protein. The aim of this project has been to establish a model for studies of pro-TGFα effects on EGF receptor signalling, in particular through Gab1, a docking protein involved in PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. The experiments in this thes