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The Road to Meaningful Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals: The State of Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Large Swedish Companies

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give a vision of the world the international community want to reach by 2030. Businesses have been given a key role in delivering solutions for this end, but businesses’ engagement have not progressed as quickly as anticipated. This study seeks to (1) understand the state of integration of the SDGs among companies on the Large Cap of the Stockholm stock exc

Learning work-life balance: the experiences of self-initiated Korean expatriates in Sweden

This study focused on the experience of self-initiated Korean expatriated in Sweden. The purpose of this research was to examine and analyse the process of learning and adjustment to the new environment and specifically work-life balance. The theoretical framework was composed by cognitive adjustment theory and Berry’s acculturation model. The method that was used was qualitative research build on

The tangled roots of the sea : The complexities of mangrove conservation in Peninsular Malaysia

This thesis studies what triggers people’s environmental attitude using theories of the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) and emotional affinity towards nature. Having looked at the case of a nature park in Kuala Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia carrying out mangrove rehabilitation and conservation, I also aimed to investigate the institutional interrelations and how these combined with environmental

Strategic Narratives in the Diaoyu/Senkaku Dispute: An analysis of Chinese and Japanese newspaper coverage in 2012

From Nye’s famous soft power, a new international relations concept has recently emerged: strategic narratives, the narratives which different states use to promote their agendas in the international system. This thesis focuses on one particular aspect of Sino-Japanese relations: the understanding, characterization and possible implications of the strategic narratives projected by both countries v

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Activity: The Case of Georgia

Baumol in his seminal paper “Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive” offers the hypothesis that while total supply of entrepreneurs varies among societies, their productive contribution varies much more because of institutions in those countries. According to him, the rules of the game are responsible to divert entrepreneurial capabilities to productive, unproductive or destruc

Active Knäred - Tourism as a driving force for urban growth

Detta projekt utreder hur en by kan utvecklas genom att ha turism som drivkraft. Knäred är en ort med cirka 1200 invånare och har haft en stagnerande befolkningskurva de senaste 20 åren. Det är besultat att den tåget återigen ska gå mellan Markaryd och Halmstad för persontrafik med up- pehåll i Knäred. Men genom att anlägga en järnvägsstatoion innebär inte per automatik att ett samhälle växer. FörThis project is investigating how a village can be developed by using tourism as the main driving force. Knäred is a villa- ge with around 1200 inhabitants that has had a decreasing population the past 20 years. It has been decided that the old train stop will be opened for passenger transportation again. But reestablishing a train station does not automa- tically mean that a settlement will grow.

A sneak peek on the upcoming results of the comparison studies regarding the declining Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) in Scania, Sweden

In recent years the populations of the lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) has been declining in Sweden. Many other species, like for example the marsh tit (Poecile palustris), depend on woodland structures that the lesser spotted woodpecker creates such as nesting holes. I did a comparison study between data from The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Project made in 1980’s and my own recently c

Inventering och betesanalys av kronhjort (Cervus elaphus) i östra Revingehed

De skånska kronhjortarna, nytta eller nöje? Populationerna av kronhjortar (Cervus elaphus) växer i hela Europa vilket för med sig nya utmaningar. Naturenthusiaster och jägare välkomnar helhjärtat spridningen av kronviltet men för andra kan populationsökningarna medföra stora problem. Kronhjortarna följer en dygnsrytm där de söker skydd från mänsklig aktivitet på dagen och söker bete i öppna landsThe red deer (Cervus elaphus) is a highly adaptable animal that can live in a wide range of habitats while sustaining itself on many different types of food. However, management of red deer populations is at a cross-road, since large populations are desired from hunting and recreational perspectives, but too large populations can cause significant economic damage on production forests and farmed c

Effects of frequency-dependence in maintaining diversity in coexisting ecologically similar species

Niche theory predicts that cooccurring species must differ in their use of environments in order to coexist, thereby diversity can be maintained in a community. However, ecologically similar species do frequently occur in nature, hence species inhabit similar physical environs and share single underling resources. In coexisting species with a similar niche, ecological drift is thought to eventuall

A Differential Measurement Probe with High Common Mode Rejection

Measuring signals with high frequency common mode components are typically prone to measurement errors due to low common mode rejection at high frequencies. The purpose of this master thesis is to design a measurement probe that presents sufficient common mode rejection to measure current on high voltage motor drives directly at the switching stage, before filtering. Outlined in this work is the

Effects of Different Conventional Cooking Methods on the Concentration of PFAS (Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances) in Seafood

Seafood can be a potential source of contaminants and when consumed contribute to an increased exposure of these substances. Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are contaminants accumulating in our seafood and are therefore an emerging concern. It has been suggested that cooking seafood can influence the concentration of heavy metals and other organic contaminants, however, few studies ha

Financial and process optimization through statistical identification of batch specific variability

7 miljoner människor dör varje år på grund av cigarrettrökning. Idag finns det flera olika produkter på marknaden som kan hjälpa personer att sluta denna dåliga vana. Den första var Nicorette® tuggummin. När McNeil AB producerar Nicorette® tuggummin, följer McNeil de strikta kraven på kvalité som de regulatoriska myndigheterna kräver. Dessa krav tvingar McNeil att slänga tonvis av tuggummin varje McNeil AB produces pharmaceutical chewing gums that contains nicotine. Since this smoking cessation product is a pharmaceutical, the regulatory agencies demand that any gums outside pre-set specifications are discarded. Some batches have more discarded material than others, due to the variability in the manufacturing process. By analysing this variability, the personnel could make choices that low

Examining the Role of Diesel Generators for Microgrid Bankability in India and Southeast Asia

Since the introduction of Edison’s lightbulb over one-hundred years ago, humanity has struggled to keep up with electrification for all. With global attention now aimed at sustainable energy production, the struggle becomes more complex by not only obliging energy access, but access to clean energy. The concept of microgrids has been promising for filling in the demand, but not quickly enough to m

Vad borde en SVOD-tjänst kosta?

Genom att se på data från 195 tillfrågade studenter undersöker denna uppsats betalningsviljan för subscription video on demand (SVOD). Fokus har framför allt legat på att studera hur betalningsviljan ändras då SVOD-produkten differentieras (vertikalt) genom två kvalitetsaspekter; färskhet och kvantitet. Den första aspekten undersöker effekten av när innehållet på SVOD-tjänsten hade premiär på biog

Natural sugar as an MRI contrast agent for brain cancer detection using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging at 3T

Hjärntumörer utgör cirka 2,5% av alla cancerdiagnoser i Sverige (2013) och femårsöverlevnaden är cirka 50%. Hjärntumörer diagnostiseras med bildtagningstekniker såsom datortomografi (CT), positronemissionstomografi (PET) och magnetkamera (MR). En MR-bild byggs upp av signaler från protoner i vatten, som är en av människokroppens vanligaste beståndsdelar. För att möjliggöra diagnostisering och klasBackground and Purpose: Dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) imaging is a novel technique that can be used to assess information about microvasculature by using natural sugar (D-glucose) as a biodegradable contrast agent. The method relies on chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST). The hydroxyl protons in glucose are saturated using a selective radio-frequent pulse and will subsequently exchange w

Investigation of how the conservons may be affecting the polar growth in Streptomyces venezuelae

The dirt underneath your shoes might save your life In the soil the bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae can be found. It scavenges for nutrients just like filamentous fungi do, by building a large network of hyphae also known as mycelium. At the tips of the hyphae, S.venezuelae grow their cell wall in a polarized fashion. They grow their wall by using a protein complex called the polarisome, almos

Flexibilitetens spöke

Senaste 20 åren har tidsbegränsade anställningar ökat avsevärt. Omstruktureringar inom tillverkningsindustrin, flexiblare organisationer och ständig jakt på ökad konkurrenskraft är en del av faktorerna som bidragit till ökningen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka redogöra hur personer med en tidsbegränsad anställning som är anställda per timme upplever sin tillvaro. Studien har genomförts me

Att arbeta med tolk - en enkätstudie av svenska psykologers erfarenheter av arbete med tolk

När en vårdgivare och en vårdtagare saknar ett gemensamt språk att kommunicera på möjliggörs vården först genom översättning av en tolk. För att utforska svenska psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta med tolk: vilka problem det ger upphov till, om det går att bedriva behandling samt hur de kontextuella faktorerna ser ut på svenska arbetsplatser, gjordes en enkätundersökning. Enkäten besvarades avWhen a clinician and a patient don’t share a language for communication, an interpreter is needed to enable the communication. To explore the experiences of Swedish psychologists of working with a translator a survey were conducted. The aim of the study were to explore which problems arise from working with an interpreter, the possibility of providing psychological treatment and the workplace rout

Modebilder på Instagram - En netnografisk studie om modets medialisering och representation av kvinnlighet i bilder på Instagram

During recent years social media has become an important part of the fashion industry. This study is about the social platform Instagram and its effects on fashion. The purpose of this bachelor thesis, Fashion images on Instagram: A netnographic study on the mediatization of fashion and representations of femininity in images on Instagram, is to examine the mediatization of fashion and how feminin

An Extreme Value Approach To Pricing Credit Risk

An Extreme Value Approach To Pricing Credit Risk will outline the possibility to investigate a company’s price of risk over different time periods given a pre-defined risk level. With help of credit default swap (CDS) prices and extreme value theory the credit risk can be estimated for different return levels. This is incorporated by investigating monthly CDS data from Deutsche Bank AG EUR CDS 5Y