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Reconstructed Malacothermometer July Paleotemperatures from the Last Nine Glacials over the South-Eastern Carpathian Basin (Serbia)

In this study, the compiled malacological record of the two most important loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) in Serbia was used to reconstruct the Malacothermometer July Paleotemperature (MTJP) of the last nine glacials. The sieved loess samples yielded shells of 11 terrestrial gastropod species that were used to estimate the MTJP. Veliki Surduk (covering the last three glacial cycles) and Stari Sla

Fusing morphometric characteristics with extreme precipitation indices for identifying the most vulnerable sub-basin at risk of flooding

Fluvial floods are commonly studied as an occurrence at the level of a specific basin and are speculated to be closely related to the basin's morphometry. It is possible to identify and rank sub-basins based on how susceptible they are to fluvial flooding events using morphometric criteria. However, one of the key causes that triggers fluvial flooding is the increase in precipitation extremes and

In i musikens kolorerade univers

Ett konstnärligt och pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete på tvären av två lektorer vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. IN I MUSIKENS KOLORERADE UNIVERSVår ambition har varit att lyfta fram det experimentella och improvisatoriska i musiken utifrån en annan synvinkel än den traditionella - det vill säga att arbeta tvärkonstnärligt med färg, form, frekvenser och färglära. Utöver det, färgers och frekvensers påverk

Subsidized employment and the symbolic segmentation of internal markets: An interview study with Swedish workers on wage subsidies on navigating dual labor markets.

The aim of the study was to complement dual labor market research by qualitatively exploring how labor market segmentations may be understood beyond sociodemographics or inequalities of job quality. By interviewing 12 Swedish workers with wage subsidies I have found that access to high job quality may facilitate trajectories towards primary market sectors, but they are only relevant so far as the

Vitamin D and Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Pediatrics

Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal dysplasias characterized by bone fragility. The study of bone metabolism, in these disease, is problematic in terms of clinical and genetic variability. The aims of our study were to evaluate the importance of Vitamin D levels in OI bone metabolism, reviewing studies performed on this topic and providing advice reflecting

Evaluating modelled natural capital values for planning processes: A case study in Stockholm, Sweden

Skadelindringshierarkin är en vanligt föreslagen princip för att minska påverkan på naturkapital inom planprocesser. Skadelindringshierarkin innebär att påverkan på naturliga miljöer i första hand ska undvikas, annars minimeras – och när detta inte är möjligt återställas inom området eller kompenseras enligt en ekvivalens- och närhetsprincip. Beräkningarna kan utföras i en modell som exempelvis GrA commonly proposed principle for reducing impact on natural capital within the planning process is the mitigation hierarchy. The mitigation hierarchy means that impacts should primarily be avoided, otherwise minimized, and when this is not possible - restored or compensated according to an equivalency- and proximity principle. The outcome can be calculated in a model such as the Green Space Facto

C4b-binding protein inhibits particulate- and crystalline-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation

Dysregulated NLRP3 inflammasome activation drives a wide variety of diseases, while endogenous inhibition of this pathway is poorly characterised. The serum protein C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a well-established inhibitor of complement with emerging functions as an endogenously expressed inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome signalling pathway. Here, we identified that C4BP purified from human pla

Translation and validation of the hospital for special surgery pediatric functional activity brief scale for french paediatric populations

Purpose: Physical activity level is a prognostic variable for patients with injuries. Self-report questionnaires exist to obtain these measures; however, they are not accessible to all populations because of language barriers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to translate and validate the Hospital for Special Surgery Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale (HSS Pedi-FABS) for francophone

The tenets of quantile-based inference in Bayesian models

Bayesian inference can be extended to probability distributions defined in terms of their inverse distribution function, i.e. their quantile function. This applies to both prior and likelihood. Quantile-based likelihood is useful in models with sampling distributions which lack an explicit probability density function. Quantile-based prior allows for flexible distributions to express expert knowle

Stable eye versus mouth preference in a live speech-processing task

Looking at the mouth region is thought to be a useful strategy for speech-perception tasks. The tendency to look at the eyes versus the mouth of another person during speech processing has thus far mainly been studied using screen-based paradigms. In this study, we estimated the eye-mouth-index (EMI) of 38 adult participants in a live setting. Participants were seated across the table from an expe

Deep learning volumetric brain segmentation based on spectral CT

The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate if a deep learning network can be used for brain segmentation of grey and white matter using spectral computed tomography (CT) images. Spectral CT has the advantage of a lower noise level and an increased soft tissue contrast, compared to conventional CT, which should make it better suited for segmentation tasks. Being able to do volumetric assessmen

Sex differences in muscle activation patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury during landing and cutting tasks : A systematic review

Neuromuscular control is critical for maintaining dynamic joint stability and mitigating the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Given the increased risk of ACL injury in females, sex-based differential muscle activation strategies are often associated with this risk. For example, the quadriceps-dominant muscle activation strategy sometimes observed in females has been discussed as a

Centrosome Movements Are TUBG1-Dependent

The centrosome of mammalian cells is in constant movement and its motion plays a part in cell differentiation and cell division. The purpose of this study was to establish the involvement of the TUBG meshwork in centrosomal motility. In live cells, we used a monomeric red-fluorescenceprotein-tagged centrin 2 gene and a green-fluorescence-protein-tagged TUBG1 gene for labeling the centrosome and th

Prosodic realization of syntactic phrase and clause boundaries in Tokyo Japanese

This paper presents the results of a production experiment on the syntax–prosody mapping in Tokyo Japanese, whereby the phonetic realization of syntactic phrase and clause boundaries were systematically compared. The data consist of 672 utterances of read speech from fourteen subjects. The results corroborate earlier findings on the mapping of syntactic phrases to phonological phrases, but do not

High-Resolution Motion-corrected 7.0-T MRI to Derive Morphologic Measures from the Human Cerebellum in Vivo

Background: The human cerebellum has a large, highly folded cortical sheet. Its visualization is important for various disorders, including multiple sclerosis and spinocerebellar ataxias. The derivation of the cerebellar cortical surface in vivo is impeded by its high foliation. Purpose: To image the cerebellar cortex, including its foliations and lamination, in less than 20 minutes, reconstruct t

Neuromuscular adaptations in older males and females with knee osteoarthritis during weight-bearing force control

Background: Females exhibit significantly greater incidence, prevalence, and severity of osteoarthritis (OA) compared to males. Despite known biological, morphological, and functional differences between males and females, there has been little sex-related investigation into sex-specific biomechanical and neuromuscular responses to OA. Objective: To identify sex-related differences in OA-affected

Interleukin-10 : A Potential Pre-Cannulation Marker for Development of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Receiving Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients treated with veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) is associated with high mortality. The objective of this study was to investigate whether cytokine levels before the initiation of ECMO treatment could predict AKI. We also aimed to investigate the impact of AKI on 30-day and 1-year mortality.METHODS: Serum cytokine levels w

Altered movement strategy during functional movement after an ACL injury, despite ACL reconstruction

Knee joint functional deficits are common after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, but different assessment methods of joint function seem to provide contradicting information complicating recovery monitoring. We previously reported improved perceived knee function and functional performance (forward lunge ground contact time) in patients with an ACL injury from pre to 10 months post ACL rec