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Minimizing network utilization in event-triggered control of multi-agent system

The exact solution to a set of equations modeling the event-triggered control of a multi-agent system is derived and computed up to a specified error on the time between events. An attempt to minimize the number of events of the solution subject to bounds on overshoot and convergence time is made using a differential evolution method. Parameter points which result in a low number of events of the

Ensam är inte stark i ett smältande men lukrativt Inuit Nunangat

This comparative case study aims to analyze the strategies and levels of influence that local political actors in Nunavut, often with a clear representation of indigenous Inuit and First nation communities, assert towards larger monocentric actors at national and global levels of policy making. This by using the primary theory of Polycentric governance and additional postcolonial perspectives on t


The purpose of this paper is to study the changes in the conditions for Swedish foreign policy. After having pursued a policy of neutrality and non-alignment for 200 years, these changed conditions led Sweden’s decision to apply for a membership in the military alliance NATO, thereby fundamentally changing its foreign policy role. The investigated time periods are 2020 and 2022/2023, during which

Dansk Folkeparti och Sverigedemokraterna – systerpartier i olika uppväxtmiljö?

During the last two decades, we have seen a rise of right-wing populist parties in Europe. In Sweden and Denmark, the support for the two right-wing parties, The Sweden Democrats and The Danish People’s party, deviate from each other. The Sweden Democrats is still on the rise, while The Danish People’s party have lost almost all their support. Why? This is a theory-testing investigation of Bonnie

The bispecific CD40xEpCAM antibody increase activation in human antigen presenting cell subsets and induce CD8+ T cell proliferation to a greater extent compared to monospecific antibodies

Bispecifika antikroppar är en del av den nya generationen immunterapi med potential att öka aktiveringen av immunförsvaret jämfört med monospecifika antikroppar. En tredjedel av Sveriges befolkning beräknas någon gång under sitt liv drabbas av cancer. Det gör cancer till en av de vanligaste sjukdomarna och en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna. Immunterapi har under de senaste åren tagit plats bland

Bulk Acoustic Wave Activated Droplet Generation and Isolation

On-demand droplet generation from a continuously flowing stream of aqueous phase has profound applications in dropletbased microfluidics for rare event encapsulation studies. Here, we present acoustic relocation-based droplet generation from co-flowing immiscible fluids in an on-demand manner using bulk acoustic wave (BAW). After on-demand droplet generation, droplets are isolated using the same a

Incidence of lada and type 2 diabetes in relation to tobacco use and genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes and related traits : Findings from a swedish case-control study and the norwegian hunt study

OBJECTIVE Smoking and Swedish smokeless tobacco (snus) are associated with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Our aim was to investigate whether genetic susceptibility to T2D, insulin resistance (IR), and insulin secretion (IS) aggravate these associations. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We used data from two population-based Scandinavian studies with case subjects

Impact of 1q gains on treatment outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma in a real-world Swedish population receiving modern treatment

Background: Amplification of 1q (amp(1q); ≥4 1q copies) has repeatedly been reported to predict a worse outcome in multiple myeloma (MM), whereas the impact of gain of 1q (gain(1q); three 1q copies) is less clear. Methods: We investigated survival of MM in relation to amp(1q) and gain(1q) by retrospectively analysing 346 consecutively newly diagnosed MM (NDMM) patients. Of these, 62 (18%) had amp(

Greening monies: Remaking money for a sustainable future

A variety of complementary monies are being implemented as socio-technical instruments to move individuals into action and ignite ecological collaboration. Their starting point is the recognition that we have never been modern; that human society and nature, the economy and the environment, have never been separate spheres. Modernism may have conceptualised them as distinct fields, organising the

Sustained and potent analgesia with negligible side effects enabled by adaptive individualized granular stimulation in rat brainstem

Objectives. To clarify if an adaptive current stimulation protocol, in which current amplitude is modulated during continuous stimulation, provides better efficacy than constant current stimulation protocol with respect to analgesia caused by individualized stimulation in rat periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) /dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN). Approach. Ultrathin microelectrodes adapted for recording (n =

Teaching is Assessing: A study of teachers’ attitudes towards the national tests and academic ability

With an increasing focus on the national tests in Sweden, investigating how the tests affect teachers is highly relevant. The aim of this study is to provide further insight as to what role the national tests in English 5 and 6 play on teacher mindset, in order to allow for an informed evaluation of the role they play in assessment. This was achieved by a mixed methods approach, using both a quest

Transporter och vägen till en grönare framtid

Titel: Transporter och vägen till en grönare framtid - En kvalitativ studie ur ett tillverkningsföretags perspektiv Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Logistics Service Management, VT 2023 Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Syfte och frågeställning: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur ett tillverkande företag inom byggindustrin ställer krav på transporter


In this paper, we present a new framework for improving soil strength using an advanced method of engineering statistics. The materials included clay till collected in Yttre Ringvägen, southern Sweden. Binders included quicklime, slag and ordinary Portland cement used as pure binders and blended mixtures. We first applied the Response Surface Methodology techniques aimed at binder blend optimisati

Real-time tracking of convective rainfall properties using a two-dimensional advection-diffusion model

There is a need to improve rainfall forecasting capabilities for small ungaged urban catchments to reduce flooding hazards and pollution release. For this purpose, information is required on small-scale and short-term convective cell behavior. We use a two-dimensional stochastic advection-diffusion model to parameterize the space-time rainfall intensity from convective rainfall. The rainfall inten

Plasma density profile reconstruction of a gas cell for Ionization Induced Laser Wakefield Acceleration

Laser-driven plasma wakefields can provide hundreds of MeV electron beam in mm-range distances potentially shrinking the dimension of the actual particle accelerators. The plasma density plays a fundamental role in the control and stability of the acceleration process, which is a key development for the future electron injector proposed by EuPRAXIA. A gas cell was designed by LPGP and LIDYL teams,

Averaging of absorbed doses : How matter matters

Background: Dosimetry in radionuclide therapy often requires the calculation of average absorbed doses within and between spatial regions, for example, for voxel-based dosimetry methods, for paired organs, or across multiple tumors. Formation of such averages can be made in different ways, starting from different definitions. Purpose: The aim of this study is to formally specify different averagin