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Your search for "*" yielded 531834 hits

Sustainability integration in Innovation strategies - An analysis of sustainability aspects in Swedish innovation strategies and in Swedish healthcare sector innovation activities

The healthcare sector, currently accounting for about seven percent of global GDP expenditure, faces growing demand pressures driven by factors such as ageing populations and growing prevalence of chronic diseases. Consequently, the sector is increasingly looking for innovations that can simultaneously improve the efficiency and quality of care. Healthcare innovations could in turn make large cont

Barnfattigdomen i Sveriges kommuner

Minskning av barnfattigdom har de senaste decennierna varit ett hett ämne på den politiska dagordningen i rika länder. Trots att Sveriges barnfattigdom är låg, relativt till andra länder, innebär den enorma samhälleliga förluster i form av minskat humankapital. I denna uppsats har barnfattigdomen i Sveriges kommuner undersökts och analyserats för åren 2007 till 2012. Infallsvinkeln är ny och ger e

The effect of small molecules on human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 late gene expression

Antivirals for HPV infection Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are present in more than 99% of all cervical cancers and HPV-16 is one of the predominant types of HPV infections and account almost for 50% of cervical cancer cases. Although two vaccines are available on the market and showed notable promising in HPV prevention, there are still no available antiviral drugs for HPV infections. In this stu

Information Feedback, Behaviour and ‘Smart Meters’: Using behavioural economics to improve our knowledge about the potential effectiveness of Smart Meters to use electricity efficiently

As part of the development of the European electricity grid, the EU has decided that ‘Smart Meters’ should be installed in 80% of the households of the EU by 2020. It is expected that this will lead to a reduction of energy use in the residential sector in the order of 10%. Driven by the so-called ‘Information-Deficit’ model, a critical assumption in this policy development is that provision of in

Värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter till verkligt värde - En explorativ studie om den externa värderarens roll

Syfte: Studiens ändamål är att utreda de externa värderarnas syfte för användarna av fastighetsbolagens finansiella rapporter. Vi ämnar även undersöka till vilken grad de externa värderarna är oberoende i sina värderingar och analysera den informationsasymmetri som råder i branschen. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie av explorativ karaktär och ämnar undersöka externa värderares syfPurpose: The study's purpose is to investigate the external appraisers purpose for the users of real estate companies' financial statements. We also intend to investigate to what extent the external appraisers are independent in their valuations and analyze the information asymmetry that exists in the industry. Methodology: The thesis is a qualitative interview study of a comparative natu

A fibre-reinforced poroviscoelastic finite element model for the Achilles tendon

Tendons connect muscles to bone and consist of a complex structure of almost parallel collagen fibres embedded in a hydrated matrix. The mechanical behaviour of tendons is viscoelastic and highly non-linear. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body and it is essential for walking and jumping. It is the most frequently ruptured tendon in humans and today there is no consensus on what i

Supplier Development - Moving from a Reactive to a Proactive Approach

Leverantörsutveckling började under och efter andra världskriget att utvecklas i Japan. Traditionellt sett fokuserade industrin på leverantörer med lågt inköpspris och att byta ut leverantörer som inte presterade tillräckligt bra. Idag är det emellertid känt att byte av leverantörer inte är kostnadseffektivt och därmed har vikten av leverantörsutveckling ökat. Detta är även tydligt då både industrSupplier development was established during and after World War II in Japan. The industry is moving from a traditional approach where low purchasing price were the main focus and supplier switching was common. Today the high price of supplier switching is well known and the importance of supplier development has increased both in research and in the industry. When companies focus more and more on

Pursuing Aviation Biofuels. A Diagnostic Analysis of the Swedish Biojet Innovation System

Globally, aviation biofuel (biojet) technology has reached a degree of progress that allows immediate substitution of conventional fossil fuel in commercial air travel. However,numerous factors constitute an impediment to its large-scale use and deployment: a diagnostic analysis identifying key obstacles to biojet development is needed. For this reason, an examination of actors, institutions and a

Transnational Municipal Networks: Local action on climate change through global networks

Transnational Municipal Networks (TMNs) are prominent networks in the international climate governance arena serving as drivers of and advocates for local action on climate change. The main objective of this exploratory research is to establish the relation between the internal governance structure of the TMNs and their ability to carry out certain types of activities. Internal governance encompas

Tagging of Boosted Top Quarks using Reclustered Jets

Standardmodellen, vår nuvarande fysikaliska modell för att beskriva fundamentalpartiklar och deras växelverkan, har mött en enorm framgång genom åren – samtliga partiklar och växelverkningar som standardmodellen beskriver har bekräftats experimentellt. Standardmodellen har dock problem med att förklara vissa egenskaper hos partiklarna,och den är inte förenlig med gravitationskraften; en av de fyraThe ability to identify boosted top quarks will be of great importance in searches for new physics at the LHC, as boosted tops play an important role in many scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. One top tagging algorithm that has been successfully used in the ATLAS collaboration is the HEPTopTagger, which exploits the clustering history of Cambridge/Aachen (C/A) jets to filter out every

Samtidig, plattformsoberoende och materiell : en undersökning av kandidatuppsatser vid Förlags- och bokmarknadskunskap vid Lunds universitet

Denna uppsats undersöker ämnesval samt i viss mån metodik och teoretisk utgångspunkt inom en avgränsning bland en mängd kandidatuppsatser inom disciplinen förlagskunskap i utbildningen Förlags- och bokmarknads­kunskap. I undersökningen finns ett resonemang kring dessas yrkes­inriktning och hur uppsats­skribenterna gestaltar detta genom de fokus som deras uppsatser tar. Undersökningen tar också fasThis paper examines the subject matters and to some extent, methodology and theoretical basis within a selection of bachelor papers in the discipline Publishing Studies in the course Förlags- och bokmarknads­kunskap [Editing, publishing and the bookmarket]. The study contains a discussion about the discipline's role as professional preparatory and how the bachelors portray this through the foc

High Dynamic Range Image Construction and Noise Reduction Using Differently Exposed Images

High­dynamic­range imaging (HDR) är en mängd tekniker som används för att producera bilder med mer detaljer i både mörka och ljusa områden jämfört med ett traditionellt foto. Ett sätt att göra HDR på är att sätta ihop bilder med olika mängd ljus i sig. Problem uppstår dock om kameran rör på sig mellan bilderna eller föremål i bilderna flyttar på sig.This thesis discuss how to use mutual information in differently exposed images to improve noise reduction. It also investigates how one can create an high dynamic range (HDR) image from multiple differently exposed images taken with a handheld camera while simultaneously cope with the problems this approach introduces. The proposed method and workflow in this thesis is based on the non-local mea

En kultur utan arv, ett arkiv utan innehåll: ABM ur ett digitalt spelbevarande perspektiv

This thesis studies ALM-institutions, archives, libraries and museums, together as well as separate entities, from the perspective of digital game preservation. How do game preservationists view ALM-institutions? Since digital games are part of our modern day cultural heritage, should they be part of general cultural heritage preservation strategies, and therefore the responsibility of ALM-institu

Frihet under ansvar -En studie av en universitetsinstitution som professionell organisation och professionell byråkrati

Studiens främsta resultat är ett bidrag till analysen av begreppet egenmakt (”empowerment” på engelska) i förhållande till akademiska institutioner. I vår studie har vi i första hand fokuserat på lärande och forskande personal och finner att egenmakt för dem kan skapa en stark självkänsla och arbetstillfredsställelse men samtidigt kan den också skapa en situation där det är svårt för den enskilde

The volatility spillovers between stock markets and exchange rates - Evidence from North- and South America

The aim of this thesis is to look at volatility spillovers between the exchange rate changes and the stock market returns. The theoretical relationship between the exchange rate and stock market is covered with focus on two basic models, the stock oriented model and the flow oriented model. The relationship between the two variables is positive in the stock oriented model while it is negative in t

Urban land-use planning using Geographical Information System and Analytical Hierarchy Process : case study Dhaka city

Urban land-use planning, which is a useful tool for the sustainable development of a city, is a complex decision making process. However, the modern GIS technologies facilitate such complex jobs in two ways – (i) GIS allows to work with large numbr of datasets, (ii) a number of methods, techniques or models could be embeded in GIS for land-use suitability analysis. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AH

Relativsatser i svenska som andraspråk: en studie av andraspråksinlärares behärskning av relativsatser mot bakgrund av tre centrala hypoteser

I den här studien undersöks behärskningen av relativsatser hos vuxna inlärare av svenska som andraspråk. Huvudsyftet är att se hur väl inlärarnas behärskning av olika typer av relativsatser stämmer överens med tre centrala hypoteser, Keenan & Comries Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy, Kunos Perceptual Difficulty Hypothesis och Hamiltons SO Hierarchy Hypothesis. 17 informanter med engelska re

Learner Control, Willingness to Pay and Reservation Wages

This paper investigates whether increasing the amount of control a learner has in his/ her learning increases his/her willingness to pay for that learning, or his/her reservation wage for a topic related task. Using a small scale online experiment, separating participants into two groups, each corresponding to a different treatment; one with control and one without, this paper found no significant

Leukocyte infiltration and trafficking during in-flammatory states in the newborn mouse brain

Objective: Inflammation is associated with higher incidence of perinatal brain injury. To better understand the mechanisms behind these injuries, we have studied the immune cell trafficking into the central nervous system (CNS) through the choroid plexus (CP) in the newborn. Meth-ods: Inflammation was induced in newborn mice using two different toll-like receptor ago-nists: PAM3CSK4 (PAM) and lipo