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Hur kan livsmedelsbutiker minimera matsvinnet?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (2016) food production has a big impact on the climate, and a big part of the food gets wasted as garbage. About 91% of the food that the stores waste is still eatable (Naturvårdsverket, 2014). The government has set a goal to reduce the food waste with 20% until 2020 in comparison to 2010. In present days there’s a lot of research on how to maintai

Inside/Outside the box

In an uncertain future, flexibility and ability to adapt are recognized as important factors in avoiding errors, but also discover new ways of handling urban problems. This thesis examines how standardized wooden modules can be used to modify, manipulate and reinvent public space. It also investigates how flexibility in design could help to involve communities and individuals in reshaping and recy

Ur socialsekreterares perspektiv - varför stannar man kvar

Inom socialtjänsten råder idag en hög personalomsättning bland socialarbetare, mer specifikt bland socialsekreterare. Tidigare forskning gjord bland socialsekreterare syftar främst till att undersöka orsaken till detta genom att hitta en förklaring till varför de väljer att lämna sin arbetsplats. Syftet med denna studie däremot var att undersöka vad som gör att socialsekreterarna, mer specifikt er

Studiecirkeln som medium : normerande föreställningar om studiecirkelns form inom Godtemplarorden vid 1900-talets inledning

The study circle is a cultural and educational phenomenon that has fundamentally affected Sweden and continues to do so even today. The present study investigates the Swedish study circle as a medium. This is done by looking at the notions about what the study circle would be during its early years (1902-1922), through the Swedish Good Templars and Oscar Olsson, also known as “the father of the st

Gösta Adrian-Nilsson i den Europeiska modernismens kraftfält. Åren 1913-1921

The essay entitled Gösta Adrian-Nilsson in the European Modernistic Power Field. 1913 – 1921, takes its starting point in the city of Berlin in 1912 when Gösta Adrian-Nilsson (GAN) meets the elite of the modern art world for the first time. The descriptive narrative strives to provide insight into how this movement influenced his art as well as his views on Religion and Philosophy. In so doing, a

Automatisk laddare för olika batterityper

The requirement for battery chargers that can charge different battery-types that have different chemical content has increased in recent years. A charger designed to charge lithium-based batteries cannot be used to charge nickel-based batteries. This is mainly due to the different chemistry of the batteries. The different chemical contents of the different batteries cause different characteristic

Export på ohållbara grunder? - En idékritisk analys av argumenten för Sveriges export av krigsmateriel.

The idea behind Sweden’s export of war material consists of two main arguments. The first is based in Sweden’s policy on neutrality and states that export is needed to enable independence for Sweden’s defence. The second is that the export leads to many jobs in rural areas in Sweden and that a ban would lead to large unemployment. This thesis examines these two arguments by applying an idea critic

Officersförsörjningen av det svenska försvaret: En fallstudie om den förväntade officersbristen

By understanding politics as something that public institutions do one can find a political problem in the public sectors inability to staff positions vital to the function of these institutions. The case that was studied revolves around the expected lack of officers in the Swedish defense. Earlier research regarding the staffing of occupations within the public sector points to a professions attr

Informations betydelse för ångest hos vuxna patienter i samband med magnetresonanstomografi

Bakgrund Patienter kan i samband med magnetresonanstomografi drabbas av ångest, vilket innebär ett ökat vårdlidande och kan resultera i avbrutna undersökningar och därtill en ökad kostnad för vården. Syfte Litteraturstudien utfördes för att undersöka om utökad information har betydelse för ångest hos patienter i samband med en magnetresonanstomografi. Metod En litteraturstudie genomfördes där åtta

The particular politics of the home : Domestication and parental practices of digital games in everyday life

The masters thesis The particular politics of the home - domestication and parental practices of digital games in everyday life aims at providing a closer look at how games played on phones, consoles or computers are regulated within the everyday of family life. Through semi-structured interviews with nine parents, the author creates understanding for how digital games are not only tied to the mor

Reading the Diaspora

This thesis set the goal to contribute to the fields of diaspora studies and cultural studies from a media and communication studies angle by addressing the blank spots ‘white minorities’ and book use. White diasporas are nearly invisible within academia and very often ‘under the radar’ in society as well. Books are underresearched within media studies in favour of other media. On the other hand,

Nyheten blev sig aldrig lik igen

A shift in power has been definite since the introduction of news sharing on social media. The ability to control distribution of news and information has been transferred from large media organisations to acting individuals presented as creators of public opinion. A new kind of gatekeepers have been introduced and a vast majority of different verities now have an opportunity for unrestricted dist

Victims, Exotic Warriors or Heroines? Framing the motivations of Kurdish female fighters in the war against Islamic State

This thesis focuses on investigating how the three British newspapers, The Guardian, The Telegraph and the BBC News, frame the motivations of the Kurdish female fighters joining armed forces in the war against Islamic State. It also explores, what are the reasons behind these portrayals and in what ways Kurdish female fighters challenge the existing discourse of Middle Eastern women. In order to

A glimpse into the Ethiopian media : in search of democratic promises

This thesis aims to investigate the potential of Ethiopian media in promoting citizen participation and contributing to the process of democratization. The research navigates through the media policy document and the day to day media operation guided by theoretical and methodological discussions. The thesis primarily uses qualitative analysis of media policy content supported by expert interview

“A woman endures; she can do everything” The empowerment of Jordanian and Syrian women in the IKEA and Jordan River Foundation social entrepreneurship initiative

Within Jordan, several aspects are hindering women from accessing the labor market, such as the lack of a law prohibiting gender-based discrimination on the work place. Importantly, with the recent influx of Syrian refugees to Jordan, increased pressure has been put on the labor market. In order to ameliorate the lives of women in Jordan, IKEA of Sweden has in cooperation with Jordan River Foundat

What can the state do? Creating social capital in civil society

The purpose of this thesis is to give suggestions on how states can generate social capital in civil society. This is done by comparing the established literature on the topic with the unconventional approach implemented by Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogotá. Three influential political scientists are here selected to portray central aspects of the established literature. Their writings are co

Arousal and Post Decision Processes: Effects of Experimentally Manipulated Arousal on Differentiation and Consolidation Processes

This study investigates experimentally manipulated arousal influence on post decision consolidation processes within the theoretical framework of the differentiation and consolidation theory of human decision making (Svensson, 1992). Fifty-six university students participated in the experiment. Instructional manipulation of participants’ level of arousal was used. A multi-attribute decision task c

Interna faktorer som påverkar regioners val till secession

Europas nyaste stater har fötts utav en rad regioner som brutit sig loss från staten de från början tillhört. Fenomenet secession syftar på att regioner vill åt suveränitet, något som påverkar både deras moderstat, men även har internationell inverkan. I den här studien undersöks Kataloniens och Kosovos unilaterala självständighetsförklaringar i syfte att kartlägga faktorerna som är av betydelse i

Magasinet På Hullkajen - En studie i atmosfärer och rum.

I det här examensarbetet har jag låtit ett gammalt hamnmagasin transformeras till ett bibliotek. Det är ett projekt som handlar både om remake och om inredningsarkitektur. Jag ser arbetet som en undersökning av hur man kan ta sig an en byggnad med hjälp av inredning och låta möbler, material och ljus stå för både det rumsskapande och det stämningsskapande.This master thesis is about the transformation of an old warehouse into a new sort of library. It is a project on building conservation and interior architecture. I have been investigating how furniture, material and light can be used for creating different types of spaces and atmospheres.

Ensam är stark men tillsammans är vi starkare? En teoriprövande studie om kvinnliga parlamentariker

Har kvinnliga ledamöter i Sveriges riksdag någon påverkan på att den politik som förs blir mer fördelaktig för kvinnor i samhället? För att svara på den frågan har vi valt att applicera två teorier, teorin om kritiska massa och representationsteorin, på ändringarna i abortlagstiftningen och resulterande motioner från riksdagens ledamöter. Av de förändringar som skett har tre år varit viktiga för o