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An investigation of Market-Based Development through the DANIDA Market Development Partnerships Programme

This thesis investigates the concept of market-based development through the DANIDA Market Development Partnerships programme (DMDP), a challenge fund by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Market-based development is an emerging development approach that introduces the market in development work in order to achieve business goals and development objectives simultaneously, which

Path planning algorithm for levitating planar motion system

In today’s world of ever increasing competitiveness, solutions that include automation and smart production have become a vital part to consider in overall business strategy, specifically for the industry sector. Whether an automated production process will be beneficial or not is dictated by how sub-processes such as interproduction transportation operates. The importance of these processes has b

Att prata industripolitik på europeiska

In March 2020 the European Commission put forward a new strategy for Europe's industrial future. The stated goal of the Strategy is to establish a globally competitive and world-leading industry that paves the way for climate neutrality, digital leadership and European strategic autonomy. The aim of this thesis is to broaden the understanding of EU’s industrial policy by analysing how the Comm

Employer Attraction & Employee Retention in the Pharmaceutical Industry of Egypt and Pakistan

This thesis is placed in the context of Employer Attractiveness and Employee Retention within the Pharmaceutical Industry of Egypt and Pakistan. Most of the studies conducted in the past are either specifically done on Employer Attractiveness, Employer Branding, or a combination of both, indicating a lack of research between employer attractiveness and employee retention; thus, this thesis will br

Gene Expression Guided Distance Metric Learning for Breast Cancer Whole Slide Image Analysis

Female breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease that accounts for most of the deaths caused by cancer in women worldwide. To stratify breast cancer patients into treatment groups is a challenging task, and in recent years, analysis of the genes active in the tumour has been used in the decision of cancer therapy. Although gene expression analysis is expensive and not available for most

Evaluating Sentinel-2 based phenology and productivity data for crop monitoring in Swedish agricultural fields

Högupplöst satellitdata erbjuder intressanta möjligheter för jordbrukssektorn och för precisionsodling. Sentinel-2 är ett jordobservationssystem som med sin höga rumsliga upplösning (10x10m) möjliggör analyser även inom jordbruksfält. En produkt framställd från Sentinel-2 är fenologi och produktivitetsdata från High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity (HR-VPP). HR-VPP är en produkt meSentinel-2 based data provides interesting opportunities for land monitoring and applications in agriculture. High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity (HR-VPP) is derived from Sentinel-2 data and offers up to 13 metrics. These metrics have a high spatial resolution (10x10m) and enables the possibility for in-field agricultural monitoring. The aim of this study is to evaluate four of t

Introducing Paper Pallets to the IKEA Food Supply Chain - What is the Potential and Will the Temperature be Retained during Transportation?

Title: Introducing Paper Pallets to the IKEA Food Supply Chain - What are the Potentials and Will the Temperature be Retained during Transport? Contribution: This thesis is produced with equal efforts from both authors, where each author has been involved in each and every step of the process. Problem description: Paper pallets with 50 mm feet have been used in IKEA Furniture for several years w

Building the Future - A case study on creating a climate neutral construction sector in Malmö, Sweden

LFM30 - en lokal färdplan för att accelerera arbetet med att uppnå klimatneutralitet i byggbranschen Byggbranschen står för cirka en femtedel av Sveriges växthusgasutsläpp. Det är därmed en sektor inom vilket mycket kan, och måste förändras om Sverige ska kunna nå upp till de mål man åtagit sig genom den nationella implementeringen av Agenda 2030 och mål uppsatta i Parisavtalet. Sektorn är starktThe climate on our planet is changing, and with it the conditions for its people. As the need for housing grows, the construction sector will have to balance increasing environmental requirements with a continuous need for construction. In order to do so, Sweden has a national roadmap with set goals for climate neutrality. But the question of how to work toward the set up goals remain as there is

It takes two to tango! - Employee Engagement perceptions

The main purpose of our study is to explore the ‘say-do’ gap between management and employees and investigate whether there is a consensus or dissensus between what is being said and done. In addition, we aim to gain an in-depth understanding of both managers' and employees' perceptions of the employee engagement’s supporting and hindering factors and the employee engagement initiatives.

Prognostisering av Restaurangförsäljning med Linjär Regression och Maskininlärning

Konsekvenserna av att missbedöma framtida försäljning kan för en restaurang vara förödande. Optimistiska prognoser kan leda till överbemanning och matsvinn. Å andra sidan kan pessimistiska prognoser leda till att personal måste ringas in i sista stund vilket skapar en dålig arbetsmiljö för de anställda. I en undersökning från Hotell- och Restaurangfacket angav 59 % att de har problem att planera sWithin the restaurant industry it is common practice to plan staffing and purchases of perishable goods based on intuition. Inaccurate predictions of demand and sales lead to poor working environments and food waste, both being significant challenges for the industry. While digitalization and innovation has enabled accurate data driven sales forecasting methods, many players in the restaurant indu

Market Opportunity Analysis Frameworks in the Context of the Technological Advancement of Firms

Market opportunity analysis (MOA) frameworks are tools used to assess a firm’s potential in a new market and are an important resource for firms considering expanding. Some of these tools are intended for initial high-level screening of markets, while others are more comprehensive analysis tools. These MOA frameworks are increasingly crucial in a modern business context, as the internet has brough

Protecting what nature? The (mis)recognition of Sámi traditional knowledge in the Finnish Nature Conservation Act reform

The importance of indigenous knowledges has been acknowledged in biodiversity conservation, but practical engagement with them in decision-making is still lacking. In this thesis, I study this contradiction in the context of Finland and the indigenous Sámi. By conducting a case study on how Sámi traditional knowledge (STK) is addressed in the ongoing Nature Conservation Act reform, I politicize Fi

Two steps forward, one step back – measuring social change in women’s rights through feminist values : An intersectional feminist critical content analysis on two NGO reports

Det finns ett ökat behov av att mäta både människor och förändringsprocesser. Icke- statliga organisationer (NGO:er), stater och forskningen behöver hitta metoder och verktyg för att säkerställa att traktat, program och strategier som är ämnade att minska fattigdom och öka jämställdhet fungerar. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur Oxfam och ActionAid mäter social förändring inom kvinnors rThe need to measure and track both people and processes involved in change is increasing. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), states, and research need to find tools to ensure that the treaties, programmes, and strategies meant to reduce poverty and increase equality are working. This thesis aims to study how Oxfam and ActionAid measure social change in women’s rights. Regarding women’s rights,

Change in stability and characteristics of different sunflower press cake mixtures during fermentation with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum

Food's impact on the climate is getting more awareness, leading to an interest in finding possible solutions. One such is to use waste products to create new products. Sunflower press cake (SFPC) is a waste product from sunflower oil production with great potential because of its high protein content. The nutritional content, as well as its physicochemical properties, are affected by the sourc

Is the Climate Changing for the Climate-Smart? A study on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), Resilience and Hunger

Could the use of CSA practices stabilize the hunger crisis? Despite the general understanding that CSA practices increase farmers' food security, its resilience to climatic shocks is much less understood. To address this gap, this study analyzes the effect of three CSA practices: inorganic fertilization, intercropping and improved seeding on maize productivity in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda

Är IT-sektorn intellektuell?

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Är IT-sektorn intellektuell? Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Philip Eriksson, Alexander Norén, Tobias Wellenstam Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Nyckelord: Intellektuellt kapital, finansiell prestation, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™), IT-sektorn, resursbaserad teori Syfte: UndersökaAbstract Title: Is the IT-sector intellectual? Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Philip Eriksson, Alexander Norén, Tobias Wellenstam Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Keywords: Intellectual capital, corporate performance, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™), IT sector, resource-based theory Purpose: Investigate

Sustainability and Investment Efficiency: A Study of The Effect of ESG Score on Investment Efficiency in the Biotechnological Industry

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether sustainability action can increase investment efficiency in relatively difficult industries. The study is conducted quantitatively. The ESG Score and the financial data are taken from Revinitiv (Popularly known as Thomson Reuters). The financial data are combined and calculated to make the control variables and investment efficiency. And the stud