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Your search for "*" yielded 525060 hits

An Analysis of Contemporary Manga Culture in Japan and Sweden with a study of the works of Naoki Urasawa

This thesis is an analysis of contemporary Manga Culture in Japan and Sweden. The objective of the study was to identify the potential and problems for Manga culture and its future in the international market. Also I try to examine the potential of Manga to establish its academic status. This research will be based on the analysis of the transition and features of Manga related with Japanese cultu

Influence Of Gender, Age And Household Well-Being On Unintentional Childhood Injuries: A Cross-Sectional Study In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Being a global health concern, unintentional injuries are a burden of the developing world. Using a cross-sectional (survey) design with quantitative analysis of the data collected from 1928 households in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, this study explored the influence of sex/gender roles, age and household well-being on non-fatal unintentional injuries among children under 18 years old in a low-income

Organisational Constraints in Rural Development: Causes of Different Performance among Ugandan Cooperatives

African cooperatives are in the process to adapt to a liberalised economy where they are expected to function as independent business entities. So is also the case in Uganda where the competition on the free market puts pressure on cooperative performance. This thesis asks the question why some cooperatives fail in this context while others succeed and tries to find the answer in the organisationa

The Best of Both Worlds for Newborn Survival - The relationship between neonatal health behavior and beliefs according to mothers; A case study in the Southern Province of Zambia

In the context of a global surge in attention towards reducing neonatal mortality in developing countries, this study explores how mothers in the Southern Province of Zambia describe their behavior to prevent and care for neonatal illnesses, and how this behavior is related to their beliefs on neonatal illness causation. Using an anthropological approach that is based on Kleinman’s (1980) local He

Equity in Community-based Water Resource Management in Northern Ghana: Between Development Discourse and Local Perceptions

This study aimed at understanding perceptions of local water users concerning equitable management of small multipurpose reservoirs in Northern Ghana. Furthermore, its aim was to compare these perceptions with the concept of equitable management promoted by development projects, which stress creation of new institutions – Water User Associations (WUA) – for the equitable management to be achieved.

As easy as stealing sweets from a child? Investigating land grabbing from orphans in Pallisa, rural Eastern Uganda

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of land grabbing from orphans by investigating the institutions governing orphans’ land rights. The questions that guided the research dealt with the formal and informal institutions governing orphans’ land rights, the major factors affecting orphans’ land rights, and what constitutes a legitimate claim on land for orphans. The field work

Towards a Contextual Understanding of Local Level Mediation and Mediation Capacity Building: A Case Study of Beng Commune

The overwhelming majority of disputes in Cambodia are handled in the informal justice system through mediation. Commune Councils are a vital component of the informal justice system, and their role as mediators is one of their most time-consuming duties. Currently, there is no national mediation program standardizing this function, resulting in Communes throughout the country performing dispute re

Resource Recovery in Pucallpa, Peru: How Recycling Microenterprises Engage Citizens, Manage Waste and Promote Sustainable Human Development

As informal human settlements grow in some major urban centers throughout the developing world, the problem of poverty is being exacerbated by escalating waste generation. Poor sanitation and substandard living conditions in these settlements pose major health risks for millions of marginalized people. Many have resorted to working informally in unhealthy and unsafe conditions to scrounge through

Remittance Sending Behaviour of Internal Migrants in Vietnam: A Mixed Methods Approach

This paper explores the gender differences of remittance sending behaviour of internal migrants in Vietnam. This study emerges from the context of rapid economic growth, feminisation of migration and the real potential of remittances for poverty alleviation. This twofold study investigates the determinants of remittances, and then explores if there are differences in proportions of income remitted

Fatta la legge, trovato l’ inganno

I denna uppsats undersöks den höga korruptionen i Italien. Korruptionen, som främst existerar inom offentlig sektor, är relativt hög jämfört med övriga Europa och utgör fokus för uppsatsen. Genom en teorikonsumerande studie försöker vi få svar på roten till korruption i det Italienska samhället, och ge olika perspektiv på hur korruption kan förstås. I uppsatsen visas problem med att applicera teor

”…against the will of the American people” - En studie i reproducerandet av amerikansk identitet i den mediala debatten om sjukvårdsreformen

Den amerikanska sjukvårdsreformen antogs slutgiltigt den 21 mars 2010. Dess antagande kan ses som historiskt då flera tidigare försök att införa liknande reformer samtliga har misslyckats. Debatten mellan förespråkare och motståndare av reformen har varit intensiv och stundom hätsk. Det är denna debatt som utgör bakgrunden till vår uppsats. Med utgångspunkt i teorier om nationell identitet och ame

European Political Cooperation - The Development of a Common Stance in the Middle East

In order to attain an understanding of the emerging of a collective foreign policy in Europe, the thesis sheds light over the Arab-Israeli conflict and how the interlocked crises of the 1970s in the Middle East affected the evolving of a European common position in the region. The study is based on realist assumptions and uses the theory about states cooperating as a strategy of balancing global

Fabriksockupationer - en väg till demokrati?

Liksom flera andra latinamerikanska länder är Argentina en relativt bristfällig demokrati. Det finns ett antal aspekter att åtgärda innan demokratin kan anses konsoliderad. En viktig politisk aktör för denna process är civilsamhället. I Argentina utmärks detta framför allt av sociala rörelser som verkar för olika marginaliserade grupper. I denna uppsats har vi studerat rörelsen av arbetare som i s

Jämställdhet på universitetets villkor: Hur jämställdhet representeras och vilka effekter de får i jämställdhetspolicyarbetet på Lunds universitet

Vi har undersökt jämställdhetspolicyarbetet vid Lunds universitet med hjälp av Carol Lee Bacchis metod What’s the problem?. Denna postmoderna metod bygger på antagandet om att problem skapas i policyarbete genom de sätt som de representeras på. Syftet har varit att undersöka vad jämställdhet representeras som inom universitetsvärlden och vad detta får för effekter. Vi har använt oss av material i

Kultureliten, Invandrarna och Verklighetens folk -En studie i gruppbildning och identitetskonstruktion och dess politiska betydelse

The purpose of this thesis is to study the construction of group identities and their political significance in the texts of two Swedish party leaders: Göran Hägglund (KD) and Jimmie Åkesson (SD). The aim is also to relate these identities to the more general political discourse of the respective leaders. The empirical material has been studied within a discourse theoretical framework, drawing upo

EU och Ryssland - Lika barn leka bäst?

EU:s och Rysslands maktutövande över Moldavien framställs ofta som mycket olika, men den här uppsatsen visar på att det i båda fallen handlar om liknande postkoloniala strukturer – skillnaden ligger i vilken form av makt man använder inom dessa strukturer. Uppsatsen har som syfte att utifrån ett postkolonialt perspektiv och genom ett tillämpande av Joseph Nyes begrepp hård och mjuk makt, undersöka

Demokratisk fostran inom idrotten - Ett ideal och förekomst hos ideellt aktiva ungdomar

En beständig demokrati förutsätter enligt deliberativa och deltagardemokratiska ideal ett samhälle med demokratiskt engagerade medborgare. Dessa behöver då ges någon form av demokratisk fostran. Enligt vår tes kan de få detta genom ideellt idrottsengagemang. Vår undersökning syftar till att undersöka huruvida demokratisk fostran erhållits hos ideellt aktiva ungdomar inom fotboll och ridsport. Vi h

Vem vill bli medborgare?

Integrationspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark skiljer sig markant ifrån de annars så lika grannländerna i norr. Det riktas en stark kritik mot Danmarks alltför stränga invandrarpolitik, tillskillnad från Sverige som ställer relativt få naturalisationskrav på sina ”nya medborgare”. Kopplingen mellan synen på medborgarskap och länders val av integrationspolitik saknas i tidigare forskning. I denna upp

Hur kan vi förstå debatten om klimatförändringarna som säkerhetshot inom FN? - En idéanalys utifrån två perspektiv: mänsklig säkerhet och nationell säkerhet

My intention with this essay is to analyze documents from the Untied Nations to provide a deeper understanding of the debates that are taking place today concerning climate change and its security dimensions. There are two different security perspectives that can be applied on the climate change debates. The first one is called the national security perspective and has its roots in realism. This p

Unite and Conquer

In 2007 the preferential trading agreements between the EUs and its former colonies elapsed. The need for the new Economical Partnership Agreement had been known for long and the new agreements were claimed to have a larger development element and aimed to stimulate regional integration in the African communities. Making African states negotiate in Regional Economic Communities to reach region-wid