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Coastal Response to Sea Level Rise in Ystad Municipality

Den ökade erosionen till följd av havsnivåhöjningen, orsakad av klimatförändringarna, som läggs på den redan förekommande erosionen kommer få stora konsekvenser. Mark kommer att försvinna där det i dagsläget finns bostäder, vägar, järnvägar, hem för djur- och växtliv, osv. Dessutom leder erosionen till att mark som idag finns tillgänglig för nybyggen i kustnära områden inte längre kommer att existThe globally accelerating sea-level rise poses a problem in coastal areas through, e.g., the erosion of sandy beaches. Due to this, buildings, infrastructure, and other values can be lost, making the future shoreline position important to project in coastal management. One location with historical erosion problems is Ystad municipality in southern Sweden, where the erosive problems are probable to

En analys av CoClass & BSAB

Syftet med den här studien är att utreda hur CoClass fungerar som ett nytt klassifikationssystem och informationshanteringen i praktiken. Studien ska också undersöka varför det behövs ett nytt klassifikationssystem och även jämföras med det nuvarande BSAB-systemet. Det ska också belysa den hållbara satsningen som CoClass ska generera. Nämligen, hur CoClass är mer sammanhängande och konsekvent än d

Title: How can graduates from entrepreneurship programs apply different learnings in their subsequent careers? A study comparing startup vs corporate career occupations.

Entrepreneurship education is becoming ever more popular, especially at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), due to entrepreneurship being important to job generation and a source for economic growth and development. Yet, the topic of how learnings from the program are applied in regards to subsequent careers is unexplored as current research mostly highlights what entrepren

The Good, The Bad and the Socially Responsible: Managing a Brand Reputation Crisis After being Cancelled

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concepts of brand integrity, brand reputation, brand crisis management and communication strategies used by brands to combat the cancel culture setting. This exploratory study may also aid marketing practitioners in developing appropriate crisis management strategies in response to such a crisis. Research Question: what is the relationship b

Implementation of 3 stage Lobatto IIIC into the Assimulo package

In recent years, the popularity of discontinuous Galerkin methods has increased. As shown in [19], a result exists that states that the Discontinuous Galerkin space approximations (DG) are equivalent to the Lobatto IIIC Runge-Kutta method. This thesis therefore outlines the adaptation of Hairer’s implementation of the Radau IIA Runge-Kutta method to the Lobatto IIIC method, extended with an adapta

Physiological consequences of growing up during a heatwave

Fysiologiska effekter av att växa upp under en värmebölja Med klimatförändringarna kommer en ökning av antalet värmeböljor. Det påverkar djur på olika sätt. Hos fåglar kan förändringen i temperatur under utvecklingen påverka tillväxt, ämnesomsättning och temperaturtolerans hos ungarna. Vi vet inte så mycket om hur dessa effekter stannar kvar till vuxen ålder. Detta är viktigt för att förstå effekWith a changing climate comes warmer periods all around the year and an increase in the frequency of heatwaves. This affects animals in different ways. In birds, changes in environmental temperature during the developmental period before or after hatching, which is expected during heatwaves, can directly affect growth, metabolism and temperature tolerance of the offspring. We know little about how

The Sustainability Dance: Evaluating Perceptions on Sustainability within Europe’s Electronic Dance Music Sector

Cultural sectors increasingly constitute a larger part of any country’s economy and as such, should be included into sustainability research and analysis. A rapidly growing industry within the cultural sector, this paper examines Europe’s electronic dance music sector as a case study. 13 actors from the sector were interviewed to determine the extent of sustainability’s integration into the norms

No title

This thesis looks into the possible potentials and challenges of the ethnographic comic book, as a way to reflexively present anthropological knowledge and fieldwork experiences. This is explored through the analysis of two anthropological graphic novel projects, Lissa: A Story about Medical Promise, Friendship and Revolution (2017) and Gringo Love: Stories about Sex Tourism in Brazil (2020). Both

The Visit of an Unexpected Friend

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of unexpected collaborations between brands. Methodology: This paper follows a qualitative research approach. The research is centered around a multi-case study based on secondary data. In the analysis and discussion, the literature review is applied to the case studies to reveal patterns that lead to managerial- and theoretical impl

Lökgrodan i Frihult, Skåne - en statusuppdatering med fokus på chytridiomykos

Amphibians are globally among the most endangered taxonomic groups of vertebrates. This is partly due to the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the disease chytridiomycosis, that have led to eradication of more than 90 species of amphibians worldwide. The spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) is one of the Swedish red listed species (VU) that are at risk of being affecte

Communication during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany: A case study among the Hessian government and Hessian teachers

Within strategic communication crisis communication is a relevant part of public relations in which practitioners developed guidelines for effective crisis communication (Seeger et al., 1998). Furthermore crisis communication is also relevant in political frames and political leaders need to know how to communicate during a crisis situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic is a

Can strategic thinking be taught or is it a matter of cognitive ability and personality -An experimental study

Can strategic thinking be taught? Randomized experiments were organized to estimate the effect of information nudge on strategic decisions. The information nudge consisted of seeing a short text and a picture with an explanation related to game theory. Test subjects played two games: a p-beauty contest game and a variable-sum game. The main finding was surprising; the treatment was related to answ

Evaluating the impacts of considering urban microclimate conditions on the accuracy of the Building Energy Simulation (BES) models

Following rapid urbanization and population growth in cities, many recent studies indicate the impacts of microclimate conditions on the energy performance of buildings. However, the methodologies and simulation tools used to evaluate the energy performance of buildings in urban settlements have overlooked the impacts of microclimatic conditions simply by the use of weather station data. This stud

Framing the Swedish Huawei Ban : A comparative case study of Chinese English-language and Swedish newspapers’ framing of the Huawei ban in Sweden

This thesis examined and compared the framing of Swedish and Chinese English-language newspapers about the Huawei ban in Sweden. Drawing on Robert Entman (1993) definitions of framing and Bodystun et al. (2014) policy frames codebook. The empirical findings of this thesis finds that Swedish newspapers and Chinese English-language newspapers are framing the Huawei ban in Economic, Security and Defe

Väst vet bäst - eller? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka om postkoloniala strukturer påverkar barnrätten i Afrika

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om postkoloniala strukturer påverkar den internationella barnrätten generellt. För att uppsatsens ska fylla sitt syfte har en fallstudie gjorts på CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) och ACRWC (African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child) och uppsatsens frågeställning lyder; Påverkar de postkoloniala strukturerna den afrikanska barnrätteThe aim of this thesis is to investigate if postcolonial structures affect international children's law in general. In order for the thesis to fulfill its purpose, I studied two children's rights documents, the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and the ACRWC (African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child). The thesis aims to answer the following question: Do colonial str

Engaging in Work for Gender Equality - A Quantitative Study of Male Engagement in the Work for Gender Equality and Against Violence

In this thesis I argue that one of the missing components in movements working against inequalities and violence is a larger participation of men. I review the theoretical arguments on why it is important for men to join these movements by exploring recent research on the topic of motivations for engagement in gender equality work. I investigate these motivations and situate them in the Swedish co

Bitcoin vs Gold, The Hedge Game - Volatility and Portfolio Analysis of Bitcoin and Gold during Market Distress

Over the recent years the interest in cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin has increased significantly. The price of Bitcoin has gone up substantially since the end of 2020 and more individual and institutional investors are incorporating Bitcoin to their portfolio. This thesis explores the features of Bitcoin as another financial asset, specifically compared to Gold as Bitcoin has been referred to as the