Laccase from a Litter Degrading Fungus: Evaluation for Environmental Applications and Modification of Lignin to a Bioadhesive
Popular Abstract in Swedish The phenol oxidase “laccase” was first described towards the end of the 19th century from the wound sap of the lacquer tree Rhus vernicifera. However, its use in one of the oldest biotechnologies, i.e. the making of lacquerware in East-Asia, dates back to 5000-6000 BC. The enzyme has the widest distribution in nature among the multicopper oxidases. It catalyzes one elecLaccase, the phenol oxidizing enzyme, was first described towards the end of the 19th century from the wound sap of the lacquer tree Rhus vernicifera. The enzyme has the widest distribution in nature among the multicopper oxidases. It catalyzes single electron transfer oxidation in the presence of molecular oxygen producing water as by-product. Based on these highly desired mild oxidising conditio