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Fragility of the Dirac Cone Splitting in Topological Crystalline Insulator Heterostructures

The "double Dirac cone" 2D topological interface states found on the (001) faces of topological crystalline insulators such as Pb1-xSnxSe feature degeneracies located away from time reversal invariant momenta and are a manifestation of both mirror symmetry protection and valley interactions. Similar shifted degeneracies in 1D interface states have been highlighted as a potential basis for a topolo

A cappella : 25 körledares röster

Hur ser dagens körledare och dirigenter på körverksamhet? Varför är det angeläget att hålla på med kör? Hur arbetar man konstnärligt och pedagogiskt för att utveckla kören och sig själv som körledare? Vad är viktigt att satsa på i utbildningen av nya körledare och körsångare? Hur kan körlivet utvecklas i Sverige och hur ser framtiden ut? I denna bok möter vi tjugofem framstående körledare från oli

Channel capacity analysis of different mobile antenna array topologies in the outdoor urban environment for 5g mm wave system

The 15 and 28 GHz frequency bands have been identified as interesting candidates for future 5G cellular communication systems. In this paper, based on ray-tracing simulations, we investigate the channel capacities at 15 and 28 GHz for a number of different array processing techniques, including beamforming, spatial multiplexing, and two types of hybrid beamforming. This is done for an 8x32 multipl

Endogenous insensitivity to the Orco agonist VUAA1 reveals novel olfactory receptor complex properties in the specialist fly Mayetiola destructor

Insect olfactory receptors are routinely expressed in heterologous systems for functionalcharacterisation. It was recently discovered that the essential olfactory receptor co-receptor (Orco)of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Mdes), does not respond to the agonist VUAA1, whichactivates Orco in all other insects analysed to date. Here, using a mutagenesis-based approach weidentified three res

The impact of product architecture on global operations network design

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how integral and modular product architectures influence the design properties of the global operations network. Design/methodology/approach: The authors perform a multiple-case study of three global manufacturing companies, using interviews, seminars and structured questionnaires to identify ideal design properties. Findings: The authors find that

TGFβ attenuates tumour response to PD-L1 blockade by contributing to exclusion of T cells

Therapeutic antibodies that block the programmed death-1 (PD-1)-programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) pathway can induce robust and durable responses in patients with various cancers, including metastatic urothelial cancer. However, these responses only occur in a subset of patients. Elucidating the determinants of response and resistance is key to improving outcomes and developing new treatment strat

Dermal fibroblasts from patients with Parkinson's disease have normal GCase activity and autophagy compared to patients with PD and GBA mutations

Background: Recently, the development of Parkinson's disease (PD) has been linked to a number of genetic risk factors, of which the most common is glucocerebrosidase (GBA) mutations. Methods: We investigated PD and Gaucher Disease (GD) patient derived skin fibroblasts using biochemistry assays. Results: PD patient derived skin fibroblasts have normal glucocerebrosidase (GCase) activity, whilst pat

The Expansion of Higher Education in the Swedish the Welfare State and the Reconfiguration of its Professional Workforce : the ASAN Conference: “Understanding the Swedish Welfare Model,” hosted by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies Seoul, Korea August 30-31, 2012

The Expansion of Higher Education in the Swedish the Welfare State and the Reconfiguration of its Professional Workforce Gunnar Olofsson The rapid expansion of the Swedish university sector has channelled many students into study programs that lead to employment in new kinds of jobs, occupations and professional groups. There are three main reasons why more and more occupations get their training

Men’s Perceptions of Women’s Participation in Development Initiatives in Rural Bangladesh

Without taking masculine issues into account, women’s participation in development initiatives does not always guarantee their empowerment, health, and welfare in a male-dominated society. This study aimed to explore men’s perceptions of women’s participation in development (WPD) in rural Bangladesh. In adopting a qualitative approach, the study examined 48 purposively selected married and unmarri

Self-efficacy beliefs and writing intervention in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired pupils

IntroductionSelf efficacy (SE) relates to pupils' beliefs about their own capacities within a given field. It has been shown that an overestimation of one's own SE beliefs affects learning outcomes negatively. In the present study we examine SE beliefs in writing skills in two groups of secondary school pupils, one with hearing impairment, the other without.PurposeText writing is a complex skill,

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment dihydro-β-terpinyl acetate, CAS Registry Number 26252-11-9

Summary: The use of this material under current conditions is supported by existing information. The material (dihydro-β-terpinyl acetate) was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, as well as environmental safety. Data from the read across analog menthyl acetate (1α,2β,5α) (CAS #

East Asian Winter Monsoon Variations and Their Links to Arctic Sea Ice During the Last Millennium, Inferred From Sea Surface Temperatures in the Okinawa Trough

The East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) significantly impacts living conditions in a large part of Asia, and therefore, it is important to understand its major driving mechanisms. Winter sea surface temperature (SSTW) and circulation in the southern Okinawa Trough are today both primarily controlled by the EAWM. Here we present a new SSTW reconstruction for the last millennium based on a diatom recor

Desirable transport futures

This overview article for the special issue on 'Desirable Transport Futures' sets out with a brief introduction of the current development of the global transport system, suggesting that it remains unclear whether transport systems are heading towards desirable change. This desirability is defined as a reduction in the system's negative externalities, including accidents, congestion, pollutants an

Numerical Benchmark based on characteristic modes of a spherical shell

Characteristic modes of a spherical shell are found analytically and compared with numerical solutions acquired from both in-house and commercial packages. These studies led to a proposal of several independent benchmarks, all with analytically known results. Dependence on mesh size, electrical size and other parameters can easily be incorporated. It is observed that all contemporary implementatio

The ambiguity of sapere

This paper discusses occurrences of Italian sapere ‘know’ in mental state attributions (sa). Following the proposal of Tsohatzidis (2012) for ‘knows’, the hypothesis put forward is that sa, when used in mental state attributions, is lexically ambiguous between a factive and a non-factive sense: when sa is used in its factive sense, a sentence such as X sa che p ‘X sa that p’ entails p, whereas, wh

Novel subgroups of adult-onset diabetes and their association with outcomes : A data-driven cluster analysis of six variables

Background: Diabetes is presently classified into two main forms, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but type 2 diabetes in particular is highly heterogeneous. A refined classification could provide a powerful tool to individualise treatment regimens and identify individuals with increased risk of complications at diagnosis. Methods: We did data-driven cluster analysis (k-means and hierarchical clusterin