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Att köpa och sälja en mp3 – Finns det i dag en unionsrättslig upphovsrättslig digital konsumtionsprincip?

Denna uppsats försöker belysa huruvida en digital konsumtionsprincip inom EU finns, och om en sådan inte finns ifall den kan skapas och huruvida det ens är lämpligt. Konsumtionsprincipen gör det möjligt för en konsument att sälja vidare upphovsrättsskyddat material utan att en upphovsrättsinnehavare kan hindra detta med hänvisning till sin exklusiva spridningsrätt. Traditionellt har denna princip This essay aims to shine light on whether a digital exhaustion doctrine can be said to exist within the EU, and if not whether it could be created and whether this is even suitable. The exhaustion doctrine gives a consumer the right to sell copyrighted materials without the copyright holder being able to stop this with reference to the exclusive distribution right. Traditionally, exhaustion has on

Beroendeanalys inom privat sektor

Analys av beroenden inom komplexa produktionskedjor I dagens samhälle kan produktionskedjor i fabriker bestå av flera hundra olika tillverkningssteg. Vad händer när ett av dessa steg inte fungerar som det ska? Vilka effekter får det längre ner i produktionskedjan och hur kan det förebyggas? Dessa frågor har i detta examensarbete besvarats med hjälp av beroendeanalys. I detta examensarbete testas eIn this master thesis the use of dependency analyses within the private sector was evaluated through a case study of a privately held company. Today’s methods for dependency analysis are primarily meant to be used on a societal level and the aim of this thesis was to further the use of this kind of analysis. The use of a societal method within the private sector required the method to be modified

”Hela min världsbild har bildats kring en alternativ musikscen” – en studie av skapandet av identitet genom kultur på fritiden

This paper is about creating identity based on music making as a leisure activity. The questions asked are about how cultural practicing at leisure contributes to the creation of identity, how the roles and self-image is affected by the exercise, if everyone has the dream of making a living on their music still and if one can learn anything beyond the expected by his/hers leisure activity. The pap

The Yield Spread and Inflation as Economic Forecasting Variables in the UK

The thesis investigates the possibility of predicting future economic activity using the yield spread of a UK Treasury bond and bill, and a inflation variable. To investigate this matter, this paper uses the theoretical framework of the relationship between the term structure and economic growth. It is found that the chosen yield spread on its on holds some significance in forecasting future quart

Finding a way: Exploring the most common barriers that immigrant woman entrepreneurs face in Skåne-Sweden and how to overcome them.

This paper investigates the barriers that immigrant woman entrepreneurs (IWEs) face in starting their firms, and the strategies they use to overcome them. The study interviewed seven IWEs in Skåne, Sweden to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. The study uses a theoretical framework that focuses on gender, family, culture, social and human capital and the institutional barriers as the

Problematiken kring Easyswitch och spårväxelstandarden 60E

Spårväxeln är en viktig komponent i järnvägsanläggningen som möjliggör byte mellan spår. Att växeln fungerar väl är viktigt ur trafikeringssynpunkt då den största delen av trafiken någon gång måste byta spår under sin färd mellan två destinationer. Problemen kan bli påtagliga med en icke-fungerande växel vilket orsakar försenade/inställda tåg och resenärer som kostar samhället pengar. Att införa n

Empirical study on the RMB exchange rate & US dollar index and their impact on China's foreign trade

Based on the background of complexity of China's foreign trade structure, the author will make an analysis and outline the contours of China’s exchange rate problems. By using several relevant quantitative mathematical models to find out the relation between RMB exchange rate and USDX, then to analyze their impacts on Chinese foreign trade. This research can check the influence of the microstr

A review of the current state of consumer selection of carrier bags with regards to environmental global warming potential

MALIN WIDENBERG HUR MÅNGA GÅNGER ANVÄNDER DU DIN BÄRKASSE? Varje år använder vi i Sverige ungefär 120 bärkassar per person, men hur många gånger måste man använda de olika kassarna för att vara snäll mot miljön? Visste du tillexempel att du bör använda din bomullskasse minst 173 gånger för att den ska vara lika snäll som en fruktpåse? Men är verkligen fruktpåsarna så snälla, hur påverkar de och There are several different options of carrier bags available at supermarket retailers with and estimated consumption of 98.6 billion plastic carrier bags in the EU alone. The aim of this paper is to seek insight to the environmental impacts of the different carrier bags and put this in relation to GWP values. The paper also aims to investigate the consumer selection of carrier bags in Swedish Sup

Forecasting limit order book price changes using change point detection

The main purpose of this thesis is to propose a method for using a change point detection algorithm to forecast short term limit order book price changes. The idea is to test whether a significant change of the shape of the limit order book contains any information about impending changes to mid market. Using a data set consisting of all the changes of the limit order book throughout the trading d

Bakom kulisserna

Some costumes from the world of cinema have become part of a cultural reference system often used within both the fashion industry and Hollywood. They are iconic pieces of fashion that stay in style long after the closing credits. Bakom kulisserna takes a closer look at what is needed to become acknowledged as an iconic costume. Through a qualitative content analysis and a semiotic and sociologica

Investigating Product Behavior During Storage in Packaging Materials - A Study on Freshly Baked Croissants

Food wastage during distribution, retail sale, and consumption is a concern of great worry. It not only affects the economics of businesses but also puts natural resources under severe stress. For example, in the UK some 800,000 tons of bakery products are purchased each year and never eaten, mainly due to short life span of the product. Earlier investigations at Lantmännen Unibake, UK have identi

A Trick of the Tail: The Effect of Amyloid Formation on the pKa Values of α-synuclein

The formation of α-synuclein amyloid fibrils and accumulation in inclusion bodies termed Lewy bodies are considered the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease. It has been found that the formation of fibrils is highly pH dependent, which is thought to be linked to the highly negatively charged C-terminal tail of α-synuclein. The aim of this project was to study if the pKa values of the C-terminal tail in

International ideals and domestic reality: a qualitative study on Sweden’s pre-trial detention practices

Sweden is often described as being at the forefront of protecting human rights, but nevertheless Swedish pre-trial detention practices have received criticism from torture committees upholding human rights standards on regional and international levels. This suggests that a discrepancy exists between the legal ideals and the domestic practices. From a sociology of law perspective, the present stud

Visual Electronic Word-of-Mouth & Brand Experience: An Explorative Investigation of Consumer-Driven Brand Experiences in Digital Settings

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this research was to understand how visual electronic word-of-mouth (visual eWOM) creates brand experiences. Thereby, the researchers explored how and which of the underlying dimensions of the brand experience concept are addressed in this particular digital setting. In addition, the researchers intended to show that brand experiences can be created decentralized fro

Influence of annual ring orientation on compression strength perpendicular to grain in glulam

This thesis presents an analysis of glued laminated timber (glulam) when loaded in compression perpendicular to the grain. Both theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out. The main focus was related to the growth ring patterns of the laminations and their influence on the stresses, the strains and the failure mode. The theoretical part of the work consisted of creating a li

Gränsdragningen mellan hobby- och näringsverksamhet -förutsägbart för alla parter?

Gränsdragningen mellan näringsverksamhet och hobby inkomstskattemässigt är många gånger svår att göra. Det gäller även gränsdragningen mellan ekonomisk verksamhet och inte ekonomisk verksamhet mervärdesskattemässigt. Speciellt gäller detta verksamheter inom vissa branscher som är kostnadsintensiva, när verksamheterna inte längre är i ett uppstartskede och när de gränsar till ett stort personligt fThe distinction between business activity and hobby according to the income tax legislation is often difficult to determine. There is also the distinction between economic activity and a non-economic activity according to the valued added tax (VAT) legislation. The difficulties especially apply to activities in certain fields that are cost-intensive, when the activities are no longer in a start-up

Production of J/Ψ mesons in p–Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider

Partikelfysik eller högenergifysik är studiet av de minsta partiklarna i all materia: elementarpartiklarna och deras växelverkan med varandra. Högenergifysikforskning bedrivs framför allt genom att accelerera partiklar till höga energier och låta dem kollidera, antingen med ett fixerat mål eller med en annan skur av partiklar. Kärnfysik å andra sidan är studiet av de tunga atomkärnorna som består Data from p–Pb collisions reconstructed with the ALICE experiment at √s = 5.02 TeV is analyzed to study J/Ψ production (a possible Quark Gluon Plasma signal) in different pT ranges. Results obtained by studying the invariant mass distribution via the dielectron decay channel show a significant J/Ψ yield from approximately pT > 2 GeV/c with statistics up to about 10 GeV/c. The signal is observed via

Europeisering av kulturarvet : en fallstudie av det sydsvenska museet Kulturen

In addressing a theoretical discussion about cultural heritage and the process of Europe-anization, this thesis deals with how the two of them are linked and how European values come to affect the perception of a common European heritage. It further shows the dynamic interaction between local cultural actors, cross-border networking and the European Union’s cultural policy within the multifaceted

Köp av sexuell handling av barn - En kritisk granskning av gällande rätt

Denna uppsats är en kritisk studie av svenska domstolars rättstillämpning vid vuxnas sexköp av barn och hur Sverige förhåller sig till de folkrättsliga förpliktelser som man åtagit sig genom Barnkonventionens undertecknande 1990. Syftet är att se om barnet verkligen får det skydd som lagstiftaren utlovat, vilket görs genom att undersöka omfattningen av barnprostitution i Sverige och rättsväsendetsThis essay is a critical study of the application of law regarding adults purchasing sex from children and whether Sweden is fulfilling its international legal obligations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The aim is to determine if the child actually gets the protection promised by the legislator. This will be done through investigating child prostitution in Sweden and the judicial