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Experience of Policy Instruments for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in the Nordic Countries

The Nordic countries have often been seen as “fore-runners” of energy efficiency in buildings in terms of both 1) the implementation of policy instruments and 2) the evaluation of actual effects. Since the 1970s, the Nordic countries have introduced a range of policy instruments for energy conservation in buildings. Interestingly, there are contrasting policy “styles” and experiences across the No

Anthropogenic Open Land in Boreal Landscapes : Investigations into the Creation and Maintenance of Arable Fields on Swedish Farms

Popular AbstractJordbruksmarken representerar i det beskogade boreala landskapet en aktiv åtgärd som håller skogstillväxten borta. I avhandlingen undersöks lantbrukares praktiska beslutsfattande i samband med den öppna marken på gårdar som i Sverige ofta består av både jordbruks- och skogsmark. Som teoretiska ramverk används begreppen tidrum, landskap, orientering och åtagande för att förstå lantbThe human-induced open land (cropland, pasture) in the predominantly forested boreal landscapes relies on arable land use; it thus represents an active intervention to hold back forest regrowth. The thesis investigates the practical management decisions by landholders on discrete farms, which in Sweden often comprise both forest and arable lands. The theoretical framework utilizes the concepts tim

Dynamic Wetting of Solid Surfaces, Influence of Surface Structures and Surface Active Polymers

The effect of surface structures on the dynamics of wetting was investigated through measurements of the dynamic contact angle and spreading velocity of oil droplets spreading over surfaces with parallel and gridlike V-shaped channels. A rim of liquid was observed to spread out in the channels ahead of the dropfront after a short time of spreading (seconds). The characteristics of the rim were inv

State of the Art Report on Drone-Based Warfare

State of the art report on the latest cultural discourse and debate over contemporary forms of drone based warfare. primarily resulting from the disciplines of Law, Political Science, and Geography. 2014.

The venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs: roles and processes

The paper provides an attempt to direct the research in the area of venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs. Issues about boards in venture capital-backed technology based industrials are explored, and various research designs are used to meet different research questions. Empirical results indicate that venture capital firms purposefully use boards in the portfolio firm, and boards

Determining the Emissions and Energy usage of Transports - From a Transport Purchasing Perspective

The problem addressed in this paper is that of determining the environmental aspects of a transport relation. This problem is addressed from a transport purchasing perspective and in respect of high volume, low value cargo. The research has been both case study inspired as well as action research oriented. The model was developed in a company where the researcher actively participated in its devel

Comparison of moisture equilibrium of cement-based materials in presence of slag and silica fume in different wetting and drying cycles

Water vapor sorption isotherms are essential data in models to predict the service life of the cement based structures. The knowledge about sorption isotherms in the presence of supplementary cementitous materials (SCMs) is limited. This study investigates the influence of water to cement ratio (0.4, 0.5 and 0.6), and the presence of two SCMs (70% slag and 10% silica fume) on sorption isotherm in

Multi-Pitch Estimation using Harmonic MUSIC

In this paper, we present a method for estimation of the fundamental frequencies, or pitches, of several periodic sources. This difficult estimation problem occurs, for example, in speech and audio processing whenever multiple speakers or tones are present. The presented method is an extension of a recently proposed method for estimation of the fundamental frequency of a set of harmonically relate

Cryptanalysis of the Stream cipher BEAN

BEAN is a recent stream cipher proposal that uses Feedback with Carry Shift Registers (FCSRs) and an output function. There is a sound motivation behind the use of FCSRs in BEAN as they provide several cryptographically interesting properties. In this paper, we show that the output function is not optimal. We give an efficient distinguisher and a key recovery attack that is slightly better than brut

Silicon realization of an OFDM synchronization algorithm

n this paper a hardware architecture for an OFDM synchronizer is presented. The proposed synchronization unit can be used in any OFDM system that uses a cyclic prefix. The algorithm is based on the correlation introduced by the cyclic prefix, which is exploited in the time domain where both time and frequency offset are estimated simultaneously. The synchronization unit also performs frequency cor