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Parton Cascades and Hadronisation in High Energy Processes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lunds strängfragmenteringsmodell beskriver hur färgade partiklar (kvarkar och gluoner, tillsammans kallade partoner) som produceras vid högenergetisk partikelkollisioner omvandlas till färgneutrala hadroner. Denna avhandling utvecklar och utforskar ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt till modellen. Den nya infallsvinkeln förbättrar modellen för system som består av många The Lund string fagmentation model was reformulated as a process along the boundary curve of the string called the directrix, in order to treat multigluon strings according to the Lund model area law. It was found that the hadrons in the final state could be collected into several groups, in such a way that the energy-momenta of the hadrons in a group lie in a plane in the Minkowski space within s

Transvascular fluid exchange with application to the brain. An experimental study in cat skeletal muscle and brain.

Popular Abstract in Swedish MEKANISMER BAKOM VÄVNADSSVULLNAD MED INRIKTNING MOT DEN SKADADE HJÄRNAN. EN STUDIE PÅ SÖVD KATT. Störningar i vätskeflöden över ett organs minsta kärl, de s.k. kapillärerna, kan ge problem i form av vävnadssvullnad. Det är speciellt allvarligt när det sker i hjärnan eftersom hjärnan är innesluten i ett hårt skal och därför inte kan utvidga sig utan att trycket samtidigThis study evaluated transcapillary fluid exchange in the cat brain and in a cat skeletal muscle enclosed in a plethysmograph. A method for determination of capillary permeability (capillary filtration coefficient and reflection coefficient) and effects of transcapillary hydrostatic pressure changes were studied We found that capillary fluid permeability in a tissue can be determined by the capill

Coordinating Actors in the Fight against HIV/AIDS: From "Lead Agency" to Public-Private Partnerships

The chapter traces the development of the international response to the pandemic of HIV/AIDS from the designation of the World Health Organization (WHO) as “lead agency” in the late 1980s to the emergence of a variety of public-private partnerships from the 1990s onwards. This trajectory is related to general trends in global public health governance. Existing partnerships in the field of HIV/AIDS

Elites, networks and the Finnish connection in Birka

In research on Birka strong focus has since long been directed towards long-distance contacts with Western as well with and Northeastern Europe (todays Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). The great attention paid to west- and east European contacts has likely contributed to that contacts with Finland have fallen out of the discussions. However as seen from studies of the pottery in Birka the Baltic Finn

Ad-hoc composition of pervasive services in the PalCom architecture

We present an architecture supporting ad-hoc composition of pervasive services, an open-source framework that implements it, and the key design principles behind it. The architecture focuses on direct human interaction, supporting combination of devices and services that are not explicitly designed to work together. The focus is on local networks, but extension is possible to wide area networks, i

The significance of form elements: a study of representational content of design sketches

The purpose of this paper is to understand the significance of form elements through the interpretations of design sketches. These interpretations are provided by designers themselves interpreting expressive characteristics of car images, and by students interpreting the sketches of designers' morphing sequences. In the experimental investigation of the sketching process through morphing sequence

The Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase - Identification of a 14-3-3 binding motif

The P-type plasma membrane H+-ATPases form a group of proteins only found in plants and fungi. The pumping of protons across the plasma membrane, energized by ATP hydrolysis, creates an electrochemical gradient that is essential for solute transport and internal pH regulation. The H+-ATPase genes are present as multigene families in the genomes of higher plants and all cell types investigated expr

Sufficient Conditions for Dynamic Stabilization of 3-State Moore-Greitzer Compressor Model

We consider the classical 3-state Moore-Greitzer model, which is commonly used for approximating dynamics of deviations of flow and pressure variables in an axial compressor from their nominal steady-state values. The linearization of the nonlinear system is not controllable and, therefore, even local asymptotic stability cannot be achieved using methods of linear control theory. We propose a fami


Dry stacked light weight concrete block masonry is increasingly used due to its superior productivity compared to standard block masonry. Low bending capacity parallel to the bed joints is however a major drawback. This paper presents the results of an experimental study which has been carried out to improve the bending capacity of dry stacked lightweight concrete block masonry. The effects of fol

Euclidean structure from uncalibrated images

A number of recent papers have demonstrated that camera “self-calibration” can be accomplished purely from image measurements, without requiring special calibration objects or known camera motion. We describe a method, based on self-calibration, for obtaining (scaled) Euclidean structure from multiple uncalibrated perspective images using only point matches between views. The method is in two stag