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Visualization of Vortex Wake Interactions

The fluid dynamics of insect wings and the fins and tails of fish are governed by vortex wake interactions, which are strongly related to the wing, fins and tail kinematics. By modeling the kinematics of these wings, fins and tails as a two-dimensionally flapping foil, the influence of the kinematics on the vortex wake interactions is studied. This is done by varying the non-dimensional advance ra

Moving Boundary Models for Dynamic Simulations of Two-Phase Flows

Two-phase flows are commonly found incomponents in energy systems such as evaporators and boilers. Theperformance of these components depends among others on thecontroller. Transient models describing the evaporation process areimportant tools for determining control parameters, and fast loworder models are needed for this purpose. This article describes ageneral moving boundary (MB) model for mod

Embodying the population: Five decades of immigrant/integration policy in Sweden

This article investigates the historical development and transformation of Swedish integration policy, including its predecessor immigrant policy, as a “biopolitics of the population”. “Biopolitics of the population” refers in this article to all governmental interventions targeting the population, or parts of it, with a view to producing a collective body of a particular quality and identity. Swe

Marcimainstream? History in Two Contemporary Swedish TV-series

The article analyzes the Swedish director Mikael Marcimain's two most recent TV-series, "Lasermannen" and "Upp till Kamp", with an emphasis on the ways in which these two historical works use and relate to the archival material of Swedish Public Service Television.

Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) - Structural Studies and Methodology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Infektionssjukdomar är lika vanliga hos fiskar som hos alla andra djur. Dessa infektioner kan orsakas av virus, bakterier samt eukaryota organismer som svamp och protozoer. I naturliga fiskpopulationer utgör detta ett litet problem men får stora ekonomiska konsekvenser i fiskodlingar eftersom ett stort antal fiskar kan infekteras på kort tid och i värsta fall dö, ca 10 Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is a Birnavirus that infects salmonid fish. The infection is usually mortal for fish under six months of age, while older fish become carriers, usually without any signs of infection, and will spread the virus to other susceptible fish and to their offspring. IPNV is an icosahedral, naked virion and the genome consists of two segments of double-stranded

The white library of the red rose : Petr Wok z Rozmberka (1539-1611) and his library

A recapitulation of the history of the the great library of the Bohemian statesman Peter Wok Rosenberg, which after his death entered the Emporor’s treasures in Prague, but was captured by the Swedish Army at the end of the Thirty Years War and brought to Stockholm, where parts still reside in the Royal Library. Its white bindings are a prominent feature of the Rosenberg collection.

Trypsinogen and Its Activation in Acute Pancreatitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish BAKGRUND Bukspottkörteln, pankreas, är ett organ med två huvudfunktioner. Dels bildar körteln ett flertal hormoner som framförallt styr sockeromsättningen och dels bildar pankreas ett bikarbonatrikt sekret som neutraliserar den sura magsaften i tolvfingertarmen och som innehåller förstadier (proenzym) till ett flertal enzym verksamma vid nedbrytning av födans beståndsdePancreatic enzymes, neutrophils, free radicals and cytokines are involved in the pathophysiology of AP. Clarification of their interaction and time-course will improve our understanding of AP and provide a better basis for treatment. 20% will develop severe AP and benefit from improved treatment why an accurate test for prediction of severity is needed. Aims: To investigate the interactions betwee


Liberalismen är en mångfacetterad politisk riktning som har varit så framgångsrik att den nästan förlorat sin ideologiska skärpa. Vi är alla goda liberaler numera och tror på medborgerliga friheter och individens självbestämmande. Men hur ser liberalismen som ett distinkt politiskt alternativ egentligen ut? I den här boken vaskas de liberala kärnåtagandena fram, de värden som man måste skriva unde

Extended Producer Responsibility as a Driver for Design Change. Utopia or Reality?

Policies based upon Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) aim to reduce the environmental impacts of products by inducing design changes, by way of an extension of producer’s responsibility. Since the early 1990s, a number of countries have EPR-based policies related to end-of-life management of selected product groups. The incorporation of incentive mechanisms for design change in an EPR program

CFD Analysis of Multi-Phase Reacting Transport Phenomena in Discharge Process of Non-Aqueous Lithium-Air Battery

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed for rechargeable non-aqueous electrolyte lithium-air batteries with a partial opening for oxygen supply to the cathode. Multi-phase transport phenomena occurred in the battery are considered, including dissolved lithium ions and oxygen gas in the liquid electrolyte, solid-phase electron transfer in the porous functional materials and liquid-p

Reservations to Treaties and Norms of Jus Cogens - a Comment on Human Rights General Comment No. 24

On 2 November 1994, the Human Rights Committee adopted General Comment No. 24 (52), which was clearly provoked by the great number of reservations deposited by States to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and its two Optional Protocols. In this decision, the Committee states its opinion on a variety of matters. All relate to the permissibility and effect of reservatio