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Artificial intelligence-based versus manual assessment of prostate cancer in the prostate gland : a method comparison study

Aim: To test the feasibility of a fully automated artificial intelligence-based method providing PET measures of prostate cancer (PCa). Methods: A convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained for automated measurements in 18F-choline (FCH) PET/CT scans obtained prior to radical prostatectomy (RP) in 45 patients with newly diagnosed PCa. Automated values were obtained for prostate volume, maximal

Scoliosis in cerebral palsy

Cerebral pares (CP) är den vanligaste orsaken till motorisk funktionsnedsättning hos barn och ungdomar och årligen föds ca 200 barn med CP i Sverige. Symtomen vid CP varierar, men karaktäriseras av bland annat nedsatt rörelseförmåga och nedsatt förmåga att stabilisera kroppen. Nästan åtta av tio vuxna med CP besväras av korta och spända muskler, snedställda leder och smärta som påverkar deras funkBackgroundIndividuals with cerebral palsy (CP) have an increased risk for scoliosis, especially those with low gross motor function, affecting both quality of life and overall function. The aims were to increase the knowledge on the development of, and predictors for scoliosis and the use of spinal orthoses in individuals with CP, and also to evaluate the Caregiver Priorities and Child Health Inde

Den skandinaviska myntunionen – vad säger den om EMU?

Mellan 1873 och 1924 ingick Sverige i en valutaunion tillsammans med Danmark och Norge – den skandinaviska myntunionen (SMU) byggd på den gemen- samma valutaenheten – kronan. Denna artikel belyser tillkomsten, effekterna och upplösningen av den skandinaviska myntunionen samt jämför den med EMU. Ett medlemskap i EMU kräver mer av ekonomisk och politisk anpassning än vad ett medlemskap i SMU gjorde

Federative Organizations: : The Effects of Double Binding Contracts

A distinguishing feature of the federative organization is the ownership relationship. The owners are simultaneously both the providers of risk capital and the main suppliers (or customers) in relation to the unit owned. In other words there is a double binding contractual relation between owners and owned. In this paper the effects of the double binding contract are discussed, as well as the part

Geographical proximity and the transmission of drug abuse among siblings : Evaluating a contagion model in a Swedish National Sample

AimsCan drug abuse (DA) be transmitted psychologically between adult siblings consistent with a social contagion model?MethodsWe followed Swedish sibling pairs born in 1932-1990 until one of them, sibling1 (S1), had a first DA registration. We then examined, using Cox regression, the hazard rate for a first registration for DA in sibling2 (S2) within 3 years of a first DA registration in S1 as a f

The will of Congress? Permissive regulation and the strategic use of labeling for the anti-influenza drug Relenza

Through an analysis of the FDA’s approval of the controversial anti-influenza drug Relenza (zanamivir), we interrogate distinct social scientific theories of pharmaceutical regulation. We investigate why, despite internal negative opinions and an Advisory Committee’s non-approval recommendation, the FDA approved Relenza in the late 1990s. Based on a close reading of FDA documents, we show how agen

Enhanced heat transfer in a labyrinth channels with ribs of different shape

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enhance the thermal performance in the labyrinth channel by different ribs shape. The labyrinth channel is a relatively new cooling structure to decrease the temperature near the trailing region of gas turbine. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the geometric similarity, a simplified geometric model is used. The k − ω turbulence model is used to close th

Peritoneal mesothelioma in Sweden : A population-based study

The study aim was to report survival and morbidity of all patients in Sweden with peritoneal mesothelioma treated with cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as well as investigate whether the survival has increased on a population level since this treatment was nationalized 2011. Study data were collected from the Swedish HIPEC registry and the Swedish N

Surface guided radiotherapy (SGRT) improves breast cancer patient setup accuracy

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate if surface guided radiotherapy (SGRT) can decrease setup deviations for tangential and locoregional breast cancer patients compared to conventional laser-based setup (LBS). Materials and Methods: Both tangential (63 patients) and locoregional (76 patients) breast cancer patients were enrolled in this study. For LBS, the patients were positioned

Ecosystem services in urban plans : What is there, and what is still needed for better decisions

In cities, land-use decisions made during planning processes determine the availability of ecosystem services fundamental to the wellbeing of urban population. Hence, the inclusion of ecosystem services in planning is essential to promote sustainable urban development. This article investigates to what extent ecosystem services are currently included in urban plans. The ultimate objective is to un

hESC-Derived Dopaminergic Transplants Integrate into Basal Ganglia Circuitry in a Preclinical Model of Parkinson's Disease

Cell replacement is currently being explored as a therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative disease. Using stem cells as a source, transplantable progenitors can now be generated under conditions compliant with clinical application in patients. In this study, we elucidate factors controlling target-appropriate innervation and circuitry integration of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived graft

Electrophoretic deposition surfaces to enhance HFE-7200 pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux

Modulated nanoparticle-coating surfaces were fabricated by an improved electrophoretic deposition technique in this study. Pool boiling experiments were studied for HFE-7200 on the modulated nanoparticle-coating surfaces, with a smooth surface and uniform coating surfaces as comparison. It was found that the present modulated coating surfaces can enhance the heat transfer coefficient and the criti

A mixed endocrine adrenal tumour causing steatorrhoea

A 60 year old man developed steatorrhoea, weight loss, mild diabetes mellitus, labile hypertension and limb cramps. Raised plasma concentrations of catecholamines, particularly noradrenaline and a computed tomography-scan showing an adrenal tumour strongly suggested a pheochromocytoma. Adrenoreceptor blockade reversed the symptoms, decreased faecal fat, and increased duodenal trypsin to normal con

Does country-level gender equality explain individual risk of intimate partner violence against women? A multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA) in the European Union

Gender equality is widely accepted as an important explanatory factor for the occurrence of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women. However, the relationship is not straightforward, as high country-level gender equality is not always associated with lower IPV prevalence. We apply ‘multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy’ (MAIHDA) to (i) quantify the exten

Biochar production and application in small-scale farming in Kenya : Yield increases and local perceptions

Degradation of agricultural soils and forest resources are two pervasive challenges in rural landscapes of sub-Saharan Africa. Biochar-producing biomass gasification technologies attract evermore interest because these can empower small-scale farmers to produce energy and food more sustainably byimproving energy use efficiencies, lowering emissions and strengthening climate resilience. In order to

De höll på sin rätt

I decennier var juridiken ett mansdominerat område. Men i slutet av 1800-talet började även kvinnor studera juridik. De måste dock överkomma många hinder innan de fick praktisera den. Artikeln belyser några av de kvinnliga pionjärerna inom juridiken och deras livsöden.