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Estimation of the ECG-derived respiration (EDR) signal from the ECG
HTRQ14 : an Evaluation of Research at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Tendencies of Swedish word accent production by L2-learners with tonal and non-tonal L1
A comparison between second language learners of Swedish, some of whom have an L1 with lexical tones, while the others do not, and their ability to produce adequate tonal word accents in Swedish is presented. The L1s in question are Farsi, Somali, Vietnamese and Thai. There is no clear evidence that it is easier to learn the correct Swedish word accent patterns and their correct application for sp
Avtal och rättvisa
Vi är alla goda liberaler numera och tror på medborgerliga friheter och individens självbestämmande. Men hur ser liberalismen som distinkt politiskt alternativ egentligen ut? Att vara liberal är något mer specifikt än att gilla yttrandefrihet och tolerans. Liberalismen behandlas här som en politisk filosofi - en teori om det rättvisa samhället. Olika liberala riktningar diskuteras utifrån de grund
New skill requriements for the labourforce of the core - towards a new polarisation.
Low-cost Aviation
Waste in Overflow
Why is waste such an important topic for understanding the management of overflow? First, because waste is a classic symbol of overflow: to be flooded with too much stuff that demands handling, sorting, and decision-making is a feeling well known in consumer society. Facts and figures speak of the same overflow. Waste disposal is a growing problem. The downside of consumption is a growing mountain
COMBINED DEHYDRATION METHODS - From Fresh Fruit to High-quality Ingredients
Numerous products from the food industry contain fruit and/or berries, in the form of fillings or ingredients, e. g. in yoghurt, some bread products/cereal products, ice cream, etc. In order to produce these ingredients and improve their characteristics, many processing techniques are available. This thesis focuses on dehydration methods that take into account the fragile and complex cellular tiss
Historia, historiedidaktik och historiekultur - teori och perspektiv
Automated subject classification of textual web pages, for browsing
With the exponential growth of the World Wide Web, automated subject classification of Web pages has become a major research issue in information and computer sciences. Organizing Web pages into a hierarchical structure for subject browsing is gaining more recognition as an important tool in information-seeking processes. In this thesis, different automated classification approaches, focusing on
Språkets betydelse för litteraturvetenskap under 1900- och 2000-talen: Farhågor och förhoppningar i den postlingvistiska tidsåldern
BMP implants in bone formation. Studies in rabbits and rats
Popular Abstract in Swedish I ben finns tre olika sorters celler, osteoblaster, osteocyter och osteoklaster. Osteoblaster och osteocyter härstammar från stamceller som kallas stödjevävnadens stamceller och svarar för uppbyggnad och upprätthållande av benvävnaden medan osteoklasterna härstammar från de blodbildande stamcellerna och står för nedbrytning av ben. Ben är den enda vävnaden i kroppen somBone morphogenic proteins, BMPs, are a group endogenous proteins that are highly conserved through evolution. The amino acid sequences of about 15 different BMPs are now known and recombinant human BMPs are commercially available. Implantation of an individual BMP protein is sufficient to induce bone formation even at a subcutaneous site. Our initial studies discovered inhibition of bone formation
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Abstract in German:Die Debatte um die „devirilization“ des katholischen Lebens und die Theorie einer Feminisierung des Christentums im 19. Jahrhundert bildet der Startpunkt dieser Studie über Liturgie und Männlichkeit in der katholischen Mission in Skandinavien. Es geht hier um die Liturgie als ein räumlich situiertes Instrument symbolischer Kommunikation und Genderideologien aber auch um die ManiAbstract in German:Die Frage der Feminisierung des Christentums ist eine seit dem Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts heiß umstrittene Frage, die in neuerer Zeit auch von der historischen Forschung aufgegriffen wurde und nunmehr den Status einer Meistererzählung hat. In der bürgerlichen Kulturelite wurde, wie viele Studien gezeigt haben, das Christentum zunehmend mit Weiblichkeit und femininen Werten verb
This article discusses trans gender and queer theory.
An efficient E. coli expression system for human cystatin C: Production and characterization of the native and N-terminally Ala-Met-Glu-Ala-Glu-extended inhibitor
Numerical Study of excited Bunsen flames: Vortex control
Pulse Propagation through Different Materials User-Friendly Simulation Software
Making 21st Century Maps Legible - Methods for Measuring and Improving the Legibility and Usability of Real-Time Maps
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populariteten av karttjänster, t.ex. på Internet, ökar ständigt. Detta beror till stor del på en hela tiden förbättrad teknik och ett ökande antal idéer för kartapplikationer. Exempel på kartapplikationer är: positioneringstjänster, navigationstjänster, och tjänster för att söka efter, titta på och ladda ner geografiska data och kartor. Kartorna i dessa tjänster skapas The research presented in this thesis has focused on methods for improving the legibility and usability of maps in real-time map services. The aim has been threefold: to create methods to increase the cartographic quality of maps in map services, to develop methods to measure the legibility, as perceived by the user, and to evaluate the quality of maps. Map services are becoming increasingly commo