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Efficient Integration of Distributed Generation in Electricity Distribution Networks - Voltage Control and Network Design

Popular Abstract in Swedish Målet med arbetet var att öka mängden vindkraft, solel och annan distribuerad generering (DG) som kan anslutas till befintliga distributionsnät på ett snabbt och kostnadseffektivt sätt. Att införa aktiv spänningsreglering i nätet, istället för installation av nya ledningar, har identifierats som en lämplig strategi. Då denna princip bygger på att DG-enheternas produktioDistributed generation (DG), i.e. generation connected to the low and medium voltage distribution network (DN), has been increasing a lot during recent years. Thus the traditional assumption of a unidirectional power flow and a voltage decrease along the distribution feeders is no longer valid in all operation conditions. Voltage control in these networks is often limited to the on-load tap change

Video activism and political mash-up genres

This paper situates contemporary forms of video activism in online environments within a historical trajectory of radical film recruited for Left thinking and action. Focusing on the remix ethos and aesthetics of political mash-up videos, the paper suggests how revisiting the analogue precursors of digital video may help contextualise and understand new forms of video activism, and politically com

Counting beans or moving mountains - the predicament of energy efficiency policy

Many studies identify energy efficiency as the most important and least costly option for reducing CO2-emissions while at the same time contributing to other policy objectives. The main challenge seems to be how to design, implement and evaluate policy to ensure that these opportunities are captured and policy perceived as legitimate. There is often a gap between rhetoric or broadly stated objecti

Analysis of the main innovations in directive 2015/1513 on renewable energy

This article assesses the main innovations in the newly adopted Directive 2015/1513 on renewable energy and biofuels in the EU transport sector. It analyses the strengths and weaknesses of this legal framework and reflects on possible future elaborations of the EU approach to renewable energy and sustainable biofuels in the transport sector. These developments must be in balance with the productio