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Vem om inte vi? En narrativanalys av miljöpartisterna som lämnade sitt parti och bildade Partiet Vändpunkt

Party-emergence is a somewhat puzzling phenomenon, since it implies substantial risks for those who decide to form the party while rewards are uncertain. A dilemma that is reinforced when the new party emerges from an already established party and therefore has to compete with former allies for public support and votes. Previous research suggests that ”party- entrepreneurs” and their sentiments to

Hållbarhetens demokratiska dimension - En kritisk diskursanalys av Ekostaden Augustenborg

This essay will handle the subject of how the municipality of Malmö along with its real estate company MKB construct a discourse on how the neighborhood of Augustenborg should be understood. The essay uses critical discourse analysis to understand how the discourse is constructed, and what social consequences this has. The structure of the discourse has been mapped out with the concepts of the voi

How Formal and Informal Institutional Factors Affect the Bargaining Strategies of the Co-legislators in the European Union: A Case Study on the Negotiation Process of the Directive on Unfair Trading Practices in Business-to-Business Relationships in the Food Supply Chain

Since the introduction of the co-decision procedure in the European Union (EU), the Council of the EU and the European Parliament have become more interdependent in order to reach an agreement on a legislative file. The interdependence has led to a significant increase in the number of trilogues, which is problematic as these informal meetings are secluded and have no references to the treaties. D

The Implementation Deficit of the Environmental Policy of the European Union: An Analysis of the Policy Instruments Deployed by the European Commission

Despite a relatively highly institutionalized and developed policy field, the EU environmental legislation suffers from a persistent implementation deficit. Although the challenges concern the supranational actors of the EU as well, the academic focus has been on the Member State level and in attempts explaining the challenges the national authorities face while implementing the EU environmental l

Swedish Paradiplomacy in Action: The Brussel’s Edition

This research seeks to contribute to the current gap between diplomatic theory and practice. By exploring how applicable the essential elements of diplomacy are to the Swedish regional representation offices and their policy advocacy in Brussels, the research serves a dual purpose. Firstly, to contribute to fill the vast gap between diplomatic theory and practice, and secondly, to in parallel pai

A for effort: an empirical analysis of the effect of competition on grade inflation in Swedish schools

I present a theoretical model for competitive interaction between schools and grade inflation. To test the model, I estimate the effect of competition on grade inflation in Swedish upper secondary schools using data from all schools in the years 2012-2015. To solve the endogeneity problem of competition, I use Instrumental Variable estimation with Fixed Effects. I use the sudden shutdown of 17 sch

Meat the Future - A Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Pigouvian Tax on Meat in Sweden

This thesis considers a hypothetical Pigouvian tax on meat in Sweden. The theoretical framework regards controlling for externalities and previous empirical research of excise duties on food, which end up in a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) with a policy recommendation. Food production contributes up to as much as 26% of all GHG emissions and increasing meat consumption are positively correlated with

Operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av personcentrerad vård i den perioperativa kontexten

Bakgrund: I samband med ett operativt ingrepp kan ett personcentrerat vårdande underlätta kommunikation och samarbete mellan patienten och operationssjuksköterskan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att synliggöra operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av personcentrerad vård i den perioperativa kontexten. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med tio operationssjuksköterskor på två sjukhus i

The re-launched CCCTB proposal - an analysis of its compliance with Protocol (No 2) on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality

This thesis analyses the compliance of the CCCTB directive proposals with certain aspects of Protocol (No 2) on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality. The thesis presents the various CCCTB proposals issued by the European Commission in 2011 and 2016. The analysis focuses on the CCCTB proposals’ compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality and h

Intrångsundersökning - En studie av intresseavvägningen i intrångsundersökningsinstitutet

En intrångsundersökning är ett medel att vidta för att säkra bevisning om ett intrång i en immateriell rättighet och dess omfång. Bevissäkringsåtgärden infördes efter att det från internationellt håll framhölls att Sverige behövde uppdatera sin lagstiftning för att den skulle överensstämma med internationella åtaganden. En intrångsundersökning genomförs av Kronofogdemyndigheten och liknas ofta vidAn infringement investigation is a measure to secure evidence regarding an infringement in an intellectual property and the extent of the infringement. The measure was introduced into the Swedish legislation after it had been stressed it was needed for it to comply with international commitments. An infringement investigation is carried out by the Swedish Enforcement Authority and is often compare

Gemensam familjerätt för EU-medborgare? - En kritisk analys rörande harmonisering av den materiella familjerätten inom EU

Europeiska unionen (EU) är en internationell organisation bestående av 28 medlemsstater. Ett av EU:s främsta mål är att främja fri rörlighet för EU-medborgare. När personer väljer att flytta över medlemsstaternas gränser kan olika situationer uppstå. Personer kan exempelvis gifta sig och skaffa barn med någon från en annan medlemsstat. Den materiella familjerätten inom EU är emellertid inte harmonThe European Union (EU) is an international organisation with 28 Member States. One of the main goals of the EU is to facilitate the freedom of movement for EU citizens. Furthermore, when people decide to move across the Member States different situations can occur, such as people getting married or people having children with someone from another Member State. The substantive family law within th

”det vi säger och det vi gör måste liksom vara samma sak” En studie om diversity management som koncept och praktik

Konceptet diversity management, en organisationsstrategi för att ta tillvara på mångfald som leder till en ökad effektivitet och lönsamhet, har främst forskats inom privata företag, därav intresset för att undersöka fenomenet i kommunal verksamhet. Forskning visar däremot att diversity management som koncept ofta framställs som oproblematisk med positiva budskap, en slags vision som sällan redogör

Patientens upplevelse av förberedelser inför och under DT-undersökning av kolon

Bakgrund: DT undersökningar av kolon har blivit allt mer vanligare vid diagnostisering av sjukdomar i colon. Vikten av en god förberedelse är grunden till en god undersökning samt för diagnostiseringen. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa patienters upplevelser av förberedelser i samband med DT undersökningar av kolon. Metod: En litteraturstudie har valts som metod där studien inkluderar både kvantitativa

The Defense of Superior Orders - Article 33 of the ICC statute: a departure from customary international law?

Inom internationell straffrätt har det länge debatterats huruvida försvaret att en soldat begått ett internationellt brott efter befallning av förman ska innebära ansvarsfrihet för den åtalade. Om en soldat blir beordrad av sin befälhavare att begå ett brott så står han inför ett dilemma. Han kan antingen vägra, och riskera repressalier från nationellt håll, eller begå brottet, och riskera att bliThe defence of superior orders is the answer to what is called the soldier’s dilemma. This is so called since on the one hand, a soldier is bound by national legislation, military practice, and often psychological pressure to unquestioningly follow the orders of his superior. On the other hand, when this order is illegal, he is bound by international law to refuse to follow the order. There are th

Maximal CO2-reduktion per investerad krona för personbilar: En bred systemanalys

Sverige ställer idag allt hårdare krav på utsläpp av växthusgaser, vilket kräver en stor omställning av vår fordonsflotta. För att nå framtida mål såsom en fossiloberoende fordonsflotta till 2030 krävs att fossila drivmedel med höga koldioxidutsläpp fasas ut mot bränslen med lägre utsläpp av växthusgaser. Idag står de fossila drivmedlen för den största delen av energiförsörjningen till transportseThis study examines the cost efficiency of reducing carbon emissions for personal vehicles by changing from petrol to either liquid bio fuels or electric operation. Based on own simulations of fuel consumption, life cycle-emissions and -production costs are derived based on existing knowledge through previous studies. The results are finally presented as ’SEK per reduced ton of CO2’; a unit that e

The call for more Transparency within the Comitology system - Normative Assessment of EU’s Comitology System in implementation acts, its accountability and transparency between 2009-2017

In studies surrounding the EU, assessments usually focus on the decision-making in the first tier-rule making system between the Commission, Parliament and the Council. What this study has analyzed is the second-tier rule making system, The Comitology. This institution is built up by hundreds of different committees tackling different subjects. Each committee is represented by one representative f

All about scarce resources? Untangling the Dynamics of Farmer-Herder Violence in Nigeria

The violent clashes between farmers and herders in Nigeria have sharply intensified over the last couple of years. Not only has the number of clashes and casualties increased but the violence has also dramatically evolved, from spontaneous reactions and minor disputes to carefully planned attacks where militias eradicate whole villages. The predominant explanation is that the violence is caused by

Individers Anslutning till Miljöinriktade Rörelser

Social movements are a way for individuals to engage in environmental policy issues. In today's political climate, a great variety of movements have risen in as a result of great technological advantages. Social movements have adapted to societies technical advantages and started recruiting new members via viral movements instead. Viral movements have great power given its ability to reach out

God man för ensamkommande barn - krävs partsställning i LVU-mål?

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vilken roll den gode mannen för ensamkommande barn har när barnet ifråga är föremål för tvångsomhändertagande. Uppsatsen börjar med en definition av vilka som räknas som ensamkommande barn och vilka bestämmelser som finns kring dessa. Därefter går jag igenom den gode mannens roll och uppdrag och jämför med andra gode män. Sedan går jag kort igenom parters rättigThis essay aims to investigate the role of the guardian appointed to unaccompanied minors in Sweden, especially what role they have in cases of compulsory care. The essay defines unaccompanied minors and explores what regulations there are for them and investigates the role of the guardian compared to other representatives in Swedish law. The rights of the parties in the Swedish Care of Young Pers