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“Är det så här man ska vara?” Upplevelser av maskulinitet hos homosexuella män

Syftet med studien var att undersöka homosexuella mäns erfarenhetsbaserade upplevelser av maskulinitet och samhällets könsnormers betydelse för dessa. Datainsamling gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex homosexuella män. Intervjumaterialet analyserades tematiskt utifrån Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Resultatet sammanställdes i fyra huvudteman: 1) Skilja sig från andrThe purpose of this study was to explore the experience of masculinity by homosexual men and the meaning of societal gender norms in relation to these experiences. Six semi-structured interviews were made with homosexual men. The material was analyzed thematically using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four main themes were found: 1) To differ from other men, 2) Fighting with norms,

The Song Remains the Same: The United States' Fiduciary Duty to Puerto Rico as a Basis for Legal Responsibility

After more than a century of colonial subjugation by the United States, Puerto Rico’s stunted development model has finally collapsed. As a result, the island is currently facing one of the worst economic crises in its history. Despite the United States’ continued affirmation of its political dominance over Puerto Rico, it has largely placed the blame for the crisis on Puerto Ricans themselves, ac

Striving for Success: A Grounded Theory Study of High-Performing Women in the Swedish Workplace

The aim of this empirical study was to find out which characteristics, behaviors, and drives high-performing women have in common in order to illuminate why they have become successful in their work. The aim also included getting insights into some of the challenges that these women meet. Participants were fifteen high-performing women who work in business and academia in Sweden. Semi-structured,

Design of a 30 GHz PLL for use in Phased Arrays

This project includes the research and implementation of a high frequency phase-locked loop (30 GHz or more) for beamforming use in a phased antenna array. The phase-locked loop includes a quadrature voltagecontrolled oscillator with a 10% tuning range and 417 degrees of phase control with a 10 degree resolution, a current mode latch in the divide-bytwo configuration operates over the quadrature v

Markradar- och resistivitetsmätningar : undersökningar utav korrosionsförhöjande markegenskaper kring fjärrvärmeledningar i Ängelholm

Fjärrvärmeledningar vid två lokaler i Ängelholm har undersökts med två geofysiska metoder, markradar och resistivitetsundersökningar. Fjärrvärmeledningar är ständigt utsatta för påverkan av yttre faktor som t.ex. skjuvspänningar, och inre faktorer t.ex. termal expansion. Som följd av dessa faktorer förslits ledningar i varierad takt och läckage kan slutligen uppstå. Ledningsägare önskar att teknikDistrict heating pipes at two localities in Ängelholm have been investigated with two geophysical methods; ground penetrating radar (GPR) and resistivity measurements (ERT, Electrical Resistivity Tomography). District heating pipes are constantly exposed to the influence of external- and internal forces. As a result the pipes degrade over time, and leakage can eventually occur. Management owners h

”Sadly, he could be a sympathiser of the Sweden Democrats” - A study of Sjöbo’s women’s resistance towards refugee hostility in their community.

This thesis explores seven women’s resistance towards refugee hostile agendas in a Swedish municipality, Sjöbo, renowned for its anti-refugee sympathies. Departing from feminist sociology the thesis places emphasis on the interplay between gender and the field of the political by exploring how specific forms of privileged (white) femininity condition, regulate and shape women’s strategies towards

QA i organisationer som tillämpar DevOps: Ett skifte från kvalitetssäkring till kvalitetsassistans

En effektiv mjukvarulivscykel och korta iterationer är idag förutsättningar för mjukvaruutvecklande organisationer. DevOps är en uppsättning koncept som ämnar optimera mjukvarulivscykeln genom att strömlinjeforma både utvecklings- och leveransprocessen och således korta ner tiden till marknaden för mjukvaruförbättringar. I ett sådant klimat, där snabba och frekventa releaser prioriteras högt, kan

Etableringen av belastningsregistret på arbetsmarknaden: en kvalitativ studie om framväxten av ett integritetskränkande rekryteringsverktyg

In Sweden, the number of private extracts from the criminal records registry has increased more than five times since 2003. This is largely due to employers’ request for applicants to submit their criminal record if they want to be considered for a job. This is a phenomenon that is intrusive in the applicants’ integrity and it has become a society level problem. The aim of this paper is to describ

Assessment of the relationship between the Photochemical Reflectance Index and Light Use Efficiency : a study of its seasonal and diurnal variation in a sub-arctic birch forest, Abisko, Sweden

Fotosyntes, vilket beskriver upptaget av koldioxid från atmosfären av vegetationen, är nyckeln till den naturliga förmildringen av den antropogena klimatförändringen. Dess korrekta skattning är därför av avgörande betydelse för korrekta bedömningar av den globala kolbalansen och förståelsen av det globala kolets kretslopp. Detta upptag av kol kallas bruttoprimärproduktionen (Gross Primary ProductiPhotosynthesis, which describes the uptake of carbon from the atmosphere by vegetation, is key to the natural mitigation of anthropogenic climate change. Its accurate assessment is therefore of vital importance for correct estimates of the global carbon balance and the understanding of global carbon dynamics. This uptake of carbon is referred to as the gross primary productivity (GPP) and can be r

Invasive plant species and competition for pollinators

I en värld där vi människor reser och handlar mycket på en global marknad transporteras många organismer till nya delar av världen där de aldrig tidigare funnits. De flesta klarar sig inte i den nya miljön utan dör, men en del trivs och frodas. När sådana arter etableras och förökar sig på platser utanför sitt naturliga utbredningsområde kan det följas av negativa konsekvenser för arter som funnitInvasive alien species cause harm to native flora and fauna, and can ultimately via biotic interactions and alterations of the abiotic conditions change entire ecosystems. They have therefore during the last decades gotten more attention and are now recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide. When invasive plants establish in an area, one concern is that their presence can af

Operationspersonals följsamhet till WHO’s riktlinjer i preoperativ handdesinfektion

Bakgrund: Både operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger har ett ansvar att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner och det lidande VRI orsakar patienten. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka operationssjuksköterskors samt kirurgers följsamhet till WHO’s riktlinjer i preoperativ handdesinfektion. Metod: Kvantitativ observationsstudie. Deltagarna observerades under utförandet av preoperativ handdesinf

Rubbish rules : a critical discourse analysis of neoliberalizing processes in Swedish waste management

A linear system – one that extracts materials and then puts them in landfills and incinerates them, thus creating a demand for even more materials – is fundamentally unsustainable. Swedish waste management is thought by many to be progressive and at the forefront, when looking at the waste hierarchy. While there is a ban on landfilling non-hazardous and organic waste in Sweden, around 50% is incin

Accurate determination of the band offset between Zinc-Blende-Wurtzite GaAs

Under certain conditions, the crystal phases in III-V semiconductor nanowires can be controlled, opening up the possibility to create polytype heterostructures with atomically sharp interfaces. The focus of this thesis lies on GaAs nanowires exhibiting the wurtzite (wz) and zinc-blende (zb) crystal structure. Since controlled growth of the wz phase of GaAs has only been achieved recently, knowledg

Transsexuellas (o)möjlighet att få återupprättelse av staten: en diskursanalys av Justitiekanslerns beslut att inte erkänna ekonomisk ersättning till personer som tvångssteriliserats till följd av att de korrigerat juridisk könstillhörighet

Möjligheten att korrigera den juridiska könstillhörigheten är en process som realiserades under 1970-talet i Sverige genom en specifik könstillhörighetslag. Lagen innebar en viss frigörelse för människor att själva bestämma vilken könsidentitet de identifierade sig med och skulle stå registrerade under i folkbokföringen. Som motprestation ställdes dock ett antal krav på de personer som ville korriThe ability to change the official gender identification was introduced in Sweden, by a particular law regulation, in the beginning of 1970s century. The law meant a certain liberation for people to, independently decide their one gender identity, and which official gender identification they required to get registered into. At the same time, the law also demanded a several conditions in return of

Enzyme engineering of a haloacid dehalogenase-like phosphatase from Thermotoga neopolitana for optimization of substrate specificity

Haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like hydrolases represent a vast superfamily characterised by their ability to form covalent enzyme-substrate intermediates facilitating the cleavage of C-Cl, C-P, or CO-P bonds. Within this work one member of this superfamily, HAD from Thermotoga neopolitana (HADTn) exhibiting a phosphatase (P-O bond cleavage) like activity was investigated in the context of altering t

Homosexual-themed Advertisement in Mainstream Media: Heterosexual Consumer’s Attitude Toward the Brand and its Social Impact

Nowadays, consumers are daily exposed to an overflow of content in mainstream media. Many companies have developed a trend where they target different sexual orientations as separate segments in order to create a closer relationship to all consumers. However, when companies use homosexual themes in their advertising, it can be perceived as a sensitive area, especially when including minority group

Det eftertraktade samspelet, en studie av omnikanal inom den nordiska klädbranschen

På grund av den potential som har upptäcks med ett samarbete mellan den växande e-handeln och den personliga detaljhandeln har omnikanal fått en hög prioritering hos nordiska klädföretag. Komplexiteten med att skapa omnikanalslösningar som fungerar sömlöst innefattar ett omfattande arbete. Utifrån detta samt bristen på tidigare forskning är det intressant att studera kring ämnet, hur olika klädför

Sending a Signal: The Effect of Raising Non-attendance Fees in Swedish Health Care

In this paper, we study the effect of raising the fee for non-attendance on non-attendance rates in health care from a Swedish perspective. We do this by using a difference in difference design and exploiting a natural experiment in Sweden, where one county increased non-attendance fee to the double and the other county had a constant fee. Data on individual level allows us to investigate a genera