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Perspectives on climate policies

The purpose of this article is twofold: First to discuss three misconceptions in the debate on climate policies: i) that de-growth is necessary, ii) that the market economy is part of the problem rather than part of the solution to climate change, and iii) that the only policy tool needed is to price carbon emissions. Second, to argue that climate change cuts across traditional policy areas and th

Land-use history impacts functional diversity across multiple trophic groups

Land-use change is a major driver of biodiversity loss worldwide. Although biodiversity often shows a delayed response to land-use change, previous studies have typically focused on a narrow range of current landscape factors and have largely ignored the role of land-use history in shaping plant and animal communities and their functional characteristics. Here, we used a unique database of 220,000

X-ray spectroscopy and imaging of selenium in living systems

BACKGROUND: Selenium is an essential element with a rich and varied chemistry in living organisms. It plays a variety of important roles ranging from being essential in enzymes that are critical for redox homeostasis to acting as a deterrent for herbivory in hyperaccumulating plants. Despite its importance there are many open questions, especially related to its chemistry in situ within living org

Professionals’ Perspective on Needs of Persons Who Frequently Use Psychiatric Emergency Services

This study explores how professionals experience persons who frequently use psychiatric emergency services (PES) in terms of their needs in Sweden. The data comprise 19 semi-structured individual interviews and one focus group interview with healthcare professionals (i.e., assistant nurses, psychiatric nurses, intern physicians, and resident physicians), which are analyzed using qualitative conten

Hemlös men inte bostadslös

Bostadsbrist är ett faktum för många hushåll, i betydelsen att de upplever påtagliga brister i sitt boende. Bristerna kan bestå i trångboddhet, kvalitetsbrister, bostad långt från arbete eller socialt sammanhang, höga bostadsutgifter eller osäker besittning till boendet (Bengtsson, 2020). För vissa hushåll är bristen närmast total och de saknar den basala tryggheten av ett säkert utrymme för perso

Norm appropriation through policy production: Rwanda’s gender policies

This article contributes to current debates on the role and agency of actors on the receiving end in norm diffusion processes, and explores the role of the Government of Rwanda in appropriating gender equality norms through policy production. It considers policy production as a central meaning-making activity in norm diffusion and applies a definition of appropriation as a discursive mechanism thr

Neutrophil extracellular traps in vasculitis, friend or foe?

Purpose of review Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) can be found at the sites of vascular lesions and in the circulation of patients with active small vessel vasculitis. Neutrophils from vasculitis patients release more NETs in vitro, and NETs have properties that can harm the vasculature both directly and indirectly. There are several ways to interfere with NET formation, which open for new t

Fake it till you make it : Heritage in action as a performative strategy at the Kulturen museum in Lund

Bidrag till tematisk issue museer - interpretation and experience. redaktörer Iveta Pirgova och Nicolay Nenov. artikel är översatt till bulgariskaThis article uses ethnographic methods to analyze how cultural and economic factors impact the way heritage is understood, preserved and developed at Kulturen and Fredriksdal, two of the oldest museums of cultural history museums in Sweden. Some questions offered for discussion will include: How does leadership understand and conceptualize cultural heritage? Whose cultural heritage count the most

Autonomous conversion of information to work in quantum dots

We consider an autonomous implementation of Maxwell's demon in a quantum dot architecture acting on a system without changing its number of particles or its energy. As in the original thought experiment, only the second law of thermodynamics is seemingly violated when disregarding the demon. The autonomous architecture allows us to compare descriptions in terms of information to a more traditional

Anti-windup scheme for networked proportional-integral control

We propose an anti-windup scheme for a class of control problems. This class, includes networked systems, where each node contains a subsystem and each edge comprise a control action. The networked anti-windup control system is proposed to address the issues caused by integrator state saturation. We show that the suggested control scheme is input-output stable. Furthermore, we provide a numerical

Analysing labels, associations, and sentiments in Twitter on the Abu Sayyaf kidnapping of Viktor Okonek

ABSTRACTThis article investigates Twitter data related to the kidnapping case of two German nationals in the southern region of the Philippines by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). It explores perceptions of the ASG, along with associated organizations and sentiments indicated in the tweets together with statistically significant relationships. Findings revealed that: ?Rebel? and ?Militant? were the mos