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Sökmotoroptimering - varför företag inte siktar mot toppen

Sökmotoroptimering (SEO) är ett sätt att arbeta på som förbättrar ens hemsidas ranking hos sökmotorer. Teorier om hur man ska jobba med det och varför man ska göra det har beskrivits i tidigare litteratur. Trots detta är det ett stort antal företag som väljer att inte arbeta med det. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka varför små och medelstora företag inte arbetar med SEO. Detta görs i en kom

Clock-shift experiments with blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla

The ability to navigate from breeding sites and wintering grounds has fascinated numerous avian studies examining the bird orientation performances. The migratory avian navigational toolbox consist of route- and map-based orientation, non-compass, vector and compass orientation. The compass orientation consist of celestial and geomagnetic cues, which are divided into the three main compasses known

Modellering av oljeeldade värmeverk för undersökning om hur dessa påverkas vid byte från fossilt till förnyelsebart bränsle.

Biooljor kontra fossila eldningsoljor i teoretisk modell av oljepanna Vad händer ur ett energiperspektiv om man teoretiskt använder biooljor istället för fossila eldningsoljor i en oljepanna designad för spetslast i fjärrvärmenätet? I dagens samhälle är intresset för att fasa ut den fossila oljan stort. Särskilt eftersom fossil eldningsolja i dagsläget ofta används för spets- och reservlastpannor This report presents how a theoretical model of an oil-fired boiler is built. This model is built in one dimension and includes heat transfer due to convection and gas radiation from gas to a surface, conduction through a metal and convection from a surface to a liquid. The model is used to analyse how different oil fuels, both fossil and bio-based oils, affects the plant. With the assumptions and

Putting Southern Sweden on the Map: A Case Study of Malmö as a Platform for Foreign-Owned Companies

Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden, located in the southern part of the country. It has become more common that established enterprises, both Swedish and foreign-owned, actively choose to relocate their businesses to Malmö. As foreign direct investment, FDI, plays an important role in a region’s globalization process, these establishments benefit the host region in several ways. Even though

Från skor till båtar – hur kan man skydda sin design? - En undersökning om skydd för designprodukter enligt upphovs-, mönster- och varumärkesrätten

Vi befinner oss i en tid där väl utformad design utgör en eftertraktad konkurrensfördel vid reklam- och saluförandet av produkter. Det blir därför allt viktigare för formgivare och företag att kunna skydda sina immaterialrättsliga prestationer för att kunna kapitalisera på dem. Inom ramen för de immaterialrättsliga regelverken finns det möjligheter till skydd för en designprodukts utseende inom upWe are currently at a day and age when well-designed products represents a sought after competitive advantage in the advertising and sales of goods. It is therefore becoming increasingly important for designers and companies to be able to protect their intellectual property rights and capitalize on them. Within the framework of intellectual property rights, it is possible to achieve protection of

Sannolikhetslära och juridik - en perfekt match?

Det har hävdats att den teoribildning rörande beslutsfattande under osäkerhet som utvecklats främst inom matematiken, men även inom den ekonomiska vetenskapen bland andra, med fördel skulle kunna inkorporeras även i den juridiska disciplinen. I första hand är det i detta sammanhang Bayes sats som avses, och denna sats tillämplighet på juridiska spörsmål. Detta började diskuteras på allvar mot slutThere have been claims put forth which aims at proving that the theories developed within mathematics, but also within economics to name one, regarding decision making and fact finding would suit very well to be adopted into the legal decision making as well. It is in this context primarily Bayes’ theorem which is referred and mentioned theorems compatibility with law. One of the first articles re

Gängledarens straffrättsliga ansvar - Om olika perspektiv på gärningsmannaskap och medverkan

Organiserad brottslighet är ett problem som på senare år tilltagit i Sverige, och detta har redan återspeglats i lagändringar. Vid hanteringen av denna typ av brottslighet ställs vissa straffrättsliga frågor på sin spets, och det finns anledning att fråga sig i vilken mån en ledare i ett välorganiserat kriminellt gäng kan hållas ansvarig för gärningar utförda av hans undersåtar. Särskilt intressanOrganised crime is a problem on the uprise in Sweden, a fact that has already been reflected in steps taken by the Swedish legislator to combat the problem. When dealing with this type of criminality certain fundamental questions regarding criminal law arise. To what degree is it reasonable to hold the leader of a well organized criminal gang as primarily responsible for crimes committed by his su

Kulturmiljöer, förtätning och bevarande - en fallstudie av staden Lund

This essay will illustrate the tensions in a city center containing large areas of cultural heritage environment and an ambition to exploit the land by reconstruction or densifying. This tension will be highlighted through a case study on the city of Lund. Lund city center contains large areas of cultural environment and the municipality of Lund wants to develop the city through densifying in area

Home ranges and temporal land tenure of Sunda clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi subsp.borneensis) in Indonesian Borneo

Little is known about the spatial ecology of the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi). Being rare and elusive rainforest dwellers, studying them is difficult. Basic knowledge on their home ranges and social organization is lacking, yet is crucial for maintaining viable populations in protected areas, in the scope of this Vulnerable species’ conservation. This study uses 10 years’ worth of came

Overview of Roma’s situation on the labour market

The unfavourable social and economic situation of Roma in the EU has been on debate for decades. There are several efforts at the national and international level to improve the social and economic situation of Roma as many of them still face deep poverty and discrimination. There are more than 10 million Roma across the EU and they are recognised as one of the largest ethnic groups in the region.

Generella effektiviseringar i svenska kommuner – sunt förnuft eller blind tro?

I den här uppsatsen undersöks generella effektiviseringar i svenska kommuner. Med generella effektiviseringar avses när förvaltningar eller verksamheter åläggs generella sparkrav utan att kraven på verksamhetens kvalitet eller vad den ska utföra sänks. Frågeställningarna har varit: • Med vilka argument har generella effektiviseringar genomförts av kommuner? • Hur är de kommunalt genomförda genere

Activate “today“ in ancient city of Dali

Activate “today” in ancient city of Dali The old city district of Dali is one of the famous tourist’s destination in Yunnan, China. More than 40 million tourists visit Dali every year to see this “ancient city.” The city continuously develops tourists facilities and its old cityscape. The development of Dali old city is highly focusing on tourism, and the city’s main streets are full of souvenir

Differentiated vulnerabilities and capacities for adaptation: A case study on household adaptation to water shortage in Gaborone

Provision of freshwater to urban residents remains a significant global challenge. A challenge whose impendent success in many regions is further threatened by climate change and urbanization projections, subsequently increasing the pressure on urban water supply. Employing an intersectional lens, this case study explores household implications of and responses to water shortage in Gaborone, the c

Pre-acidification of a Synthetic Dairy Wastewater in Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors

Two-stage anaerobic digestion is considered as a sustainable and efficient way to deal with dairy effluent, and is commonly applied. The pre-acidification happening during the first stage of this process could be used to buffer the complex conditions in the initial dairy effluent, as well as produce intermediary product such as volatile fatty acids (VFA), and it is essential to be controlled. Vari

"Det påverkar hundra procent" : En kvalitativ studie om Instagrams påverkan på gymnasieelevers kroppsbild

Sociala medier tar en allt större plats i vår vardag. Instagram är en av de sociala medier som vanligast i Sverige och bland gymnasieelever är antalet användare stort. Syftet med denna studien var därför att undersöka hur användningen av Instagram påverkade gymnasieelevers självbild. Metoden som valdes till denna studien var kvalitativa intervjuer med 10 gymnasieelever från två kommuner i Skåne. FSocial media´s position in our everyday life is expanding. Instagram is one of the most common used social networking sites in Sweden and amongst secondary school students the quantity of users is high. The aim of this study was therefore to examine how the use of Instagram affects the body image of secondary school students. The method chosen for this study was qualitative interviews with ten sec

“I guess everyone is a Keynesian in a foxhole” The story of the war against climate change and how regulated capitalism can make the WTO a force of good

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues researched in Sustainability Science. Even though risks and consequences have been shown, actions to reduce emissions have been unsuccessful. UNFCCC is the global center for climate change policy and the host of the greatest concerted will to fight climate change, the Paris Agreement. Even with the hopeful aim and goals of the agreement, global emi

Evaluation of Darcy Flow Velocities Obtained from Borehole Dilution Tests

Från avrinningsområdet Donauried-Hürbe i södra Tyskland pumpas varje dag grundvatten som renas och levereras som dricksvatten till cirka tre miljoner människor i bland annat städer som Stuttgart och Ulm. Området kring den 200 meter djupa karstakvifären, ifrån vilken dricksvattnet härstammar, är idag miljöpåverkad av mänsklig aktivitet såsom jordbruk och fordonstrafik. För att minimera föroreningsrThe project is part of a larger investigation of the water protection area Donauried-Hürbe. This area is a recharge zone used by one of Germany’s biggest water supply companies, the Zweckverband Landwasserversorgung (LW). The freshwater supply originates from a 200 m thick karst aquifer in the Swabian Alb (Schwäbische Alb) and flows southest towards the Donauried and into a porous aquifer. The lon

Cultivating Creativity: Implications of transformational changes on creative process engagement

The study aims to develop a deeper understanding of how transformational changes can affect employees’ creative process engagement. By conducting a single case study at a technology organization that has been undergoing several transformational changes over the last decade, we have tried to reach our aim. Adopting an interpretive approach, we have investigated our research problem by conducting se

’’Vi är nog många som lever i skam, skuld och tystnad’’ : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om partners till personer med alkoholberoende

This research explored how partners of alcohol addicts articulate experiences of guilt and shame. The method chosen for this qualitative study was a document analysis of an online internet forum specialised in supporting relatives of alcohol addicts. The collected data included 20 distinct forum threads and the data was analysed using Becker’s labelling theory and Goffman’s stigma theory. This stu

Digital participation and public libraries: an explorative study of digital participation from the perspective of library personnel in Sweden

Digitalisation has had a profound effect on our society. Much of our daily lives revolve around digital errands that, providing we have the appropriate skills, provide us with innumerous conveniences. Unfortunately for those who do not have such competencies, these normal everyday tasks have become unmanageable and as a result of the McDonaldization of society there are very few places to which th