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Biological and structural characterization of murine TRALI antibody reveals increased Fc-mediated complement activation
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) remains a leading cause of transfusionrelated deaths. In most cases, anti-leukocyte antibodies in the transfusion product trigger TRALI, but not all anti-leukocyte antibodies cause TRALI. It has been shown that the anti-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antibody 34-1-2S (anti-H-2Kd) causes TRALI in BALB/c mice (MHC class I haplotype H-2Kd)
Kulturmord och terroristböcker
Probing Peptide Domains Implicated in Amyloid Fibril Formation During Amelogenin Nanoribbon Assembly
Which Types of Institutions Influence the Development of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems? A Legal Systems Perspective
This paper presents a critical literature review of academic articles that analyze the role of formal and informal institutions in entrepreneurial ecosystems. It discusses which types of formal and informal institutions matter for the development of ecosystems, highlighting the importance of considering the specific type of legal system of the country in which they develop, i.e. its legal origin (
Vortical structures and heat transfer augmentation of a cooling channel in a gas turbine blade with various arrangements of tip bleed holes
This study investigates the internal cooling processes affected by the tip bleed holes in gas turbine blades. Double bleed holes are fixed at the center of the blade tip near the pressure side and suction side, respectively. Five different arrangements of the holes along the center line of the tip are studied. The purely double holes are set as the Baseline. The purpose of the present study is to
Association Between Electroencephalogram-Derived Sleep Measures and the Change of Emotional Status Analyzed Using Voice Patterns : Observational Pilot Study
BACKGROUND: Measuring emotional status objectively is challenging, but voice pattern analysis has been reported to be useful in the study of emotion.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the association between specific sleep measures and the change of emotional status based on voice patterns measured before and after nighttime sleep.METHODS: A total of 20 volunteers were r
Time-resolved total reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy characterization on conformational change of silk fibroin induced by acetic acid
It has been proved that time-resolved total reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy is a useful tool for investigating acetic acid diffusion in silk fibroin film and conformational transition of silk fibroin. Acetic acid could induce the construction of highly dominating content of β-sheet conformation in the silk fibroin film, in addition, the kinetic curve of organic solvent diffusion was similar to that
Artificial intelligence in PET-CT. From Image Enhancement to Imaging Biomarkers.
Mastodontutredning missar målet – om Riksbankskommitténs slutbetänkande
Efter tre års arbete har Riksbankskommittén lagt fram sitt betänkande om Riksbankens framtida uppgifter och politik. Vi ser betydande brister i de tre tjockavolymerna. Kommittén borde ha analyserat Sveriges möjligheter att bedriva ensjälvständig penningpolitik i en globaliserad värld. Den borde ha utvärderatkonsekvenserna för svensk ekonomi av den okonventionella penningpolitik somRiksbanken fört
A simulated cyberattack on Twitter : Assessing partisan vulnerability to spear phishing and disinformation ahead of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections
State-sponsored “bad actors” increasingly weaponize social media platforms to launch cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns during elections. Social media companies, due to their rapid growth and scale, struggle to prevent the weaponization of their platforms. This study conducts an automated spear phishing and disinformation campaign on Twitter ahead of the 2018 United States midterm elections
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Nursing homes on public display : Reputation management in the new landscape of Swedish eldercare
Äldreboenden har traditionellt uppfattats som dystra platser. Livet på äldreboenden har skildrats i termer av isolering och passivitet, och själva platsen har beskrivits som ’dödens väntrum’. Krav på organisatorisk förbättring, ökad insyn och styrning har framförts i media och i den allmänna debatten. Under senare år har ökad marknadisering, granskning och medialisering förändrat villkoren i de svThe general perception of Swedish nursing homes has historically been gloomy. Nursing homes have been associated with a passive, isolated, and institutionalised ‘fourth age’ life. Media reports and the public debate have largely stressed the need for organisational improvements, and called for transparency and control. In recent years, marketisation, audits, and mediatisation have become new condi
Protein synthesis is suppressed in sporadic and familial Parkinson’s disease by LRRK2
Gain of function LRRK2-G2019S is the most frequent mutation found in familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease. It is expected therefore that understanding the cellular function of LRRK2 will provide insight on the pathological mechanism not only of inherited Parkinson's, but also of sporadic Parkinson's, the more common form. Here, we show that constitutive LRRK2 activity controls nascent protein
Quantum interference effects in attosecond photoionization dynamics
The interaction of extreme ultraviolet light with matter can lead to the emission of an electron in a process known as photoionization. The electron wavepacket (EWP) created in the continuum propagates on the ionic potential, resulting in a delay compared to an EWP propagating freely. The development of extreme ultraviolet attosecond light sources in recent years has opened the possibility to prob
Test Scheduling and Test Access Optimization for Core-Based 3D Stacked ICs with Through-Silicon Vias: poster
Om kärlek, sexualitet och äktenskap
Bond-distance-dependent decay probability of the N 1s→π* core-excited state in N2
We report the observation of the unusually weak decay of the N 1s→π* core-excited N2 molecule to the B 2Σu+ final state of N2+, which is only detectable in an experiment with high sensitivity. The resonant Auger spectra exhibit an unexpected dependence on the selected vibrational level of the intermediate state. Theoretical calculations show that the interference between direct and resonant photoe
Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche
Defining Cardiac Dysautonomia - Different Types, Overlap Syndromes; Case-based Presentations
The cardiovascular branch of autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, and maintaining homeostasis during physiological stress such as exercise and standing upright. ANS constantly controls the rate and force of heart contractions and the vascular tone with the aim to maintain the sufficient tissue perfusion with oxygenated blood and secure ven